
My Expertise

Kidney disease in children

Kidney transplantation in children

Tuberous sclerosis complex

Chronic illness in adolescents

Fields of Research (FoR)

Paediatrics, Nephrology and Urology, Innate Immunity

SEO tags


Sean is the Program Authority for UNSW Medicine, Education Lead for the UNSW Randwick Clinical Campus and Head of Paediatric Nephrology at Sydney Children's Hospital. His PhD was awarded in 2010 for the basic research thesis on The Role of Tissue Factor Cytoplasmic Domain & Protease Activated Receptors in Renal Ischaemia Perfusion Injury.

He is an active clinician, researcher and educator. He has been a member of the Scientific Programme &...view more


School of Women's & Children's Health
Level 3, Sydney Children's Hospital
Randwick NSW 2031

Map reference (Google map)


(02) 9382 4834
(02) 9382 1401
