Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhang JQJ; Cavazzoni E; Durkan AM; Hahn D; McCarthy H; Alexander S; Thomas G; Kennedy SE; Kermond R; Skowno J; Miles I; Kim S, 2025, 'Effect of perioperative management on early graft function in living donor paediatric kidney transplantation', Pediatric Nephrology, 40, pp. 231 - 242,

Akera P; Kennedy SE; Lingam R; Richmond R; Schutte AE, 2024, 'Oral health status and factors associated with oral health of primary school children in Gulu district, northern Uganda', BMC Oral Health, 24,

Uther P; Thomson J; Bartlett AW; Kennedy SE, 2024, 'Medical student interactions with children in their daily lives', Archives of disease in childhood. Education and practice edition, 109, pp. 297 - 300,

Guha C; Khalid R; Mallitt KA; van Zwieten A; Francis A; Kim S; Teixeira-Pinto A; Aquino M; Bernier-Jean A; Johnson DW; Hahn D; Reidlinger D; Ryan EG; Mackie F; McCarthy H; Varghese J; Kiriwandeniya C; Howard K; Larkins N; Macauley L; Walker A; Howell M; Caldwell P; Woodleigh R; Jesudason S; Carter S; Kennedy S; Alexander S; McTaggart S; Craig JC; Hawley CM; Wong G; Jaure A; Tong A; Mallard A; Johnson D; Pascoe E; Ryan E; Craig J; Vergara L; Irving M, 2024, 'Perspectives of Caregivers on Access to Health Care for Children with CKD', Kidney International Reports, 9, pp. 3177 - 3189,

Chung C; Bournazos A; Chan L; Sarkozy V; Lawson J; Kennedy S; Cooper S; Kirk E; Mowat D, 2024, 'Deep Sequencing and Phenotyping in an Australian Tuberous Sclerosis Complex “No Mutations Identified” Cohort', Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine, 12,

Wong G; Guha C; Mallitt KA; van Zwieten A; Khalid R; Francis A; Jaure A; Kim S; Teixeira-Pinto A; Aquino M; Bernier-Jean A; Johnson DW; Hahn D; Reidlinger D; Ryan EG; Mackie F; McCarthy H; Varghese J; Kiriwandeniya C; Howard K; Larkins N; Macauley L; Walker A; Howell M; Caldwell P; Woodleigh R; Jesudason S; Carter S; Kennedy S; Alexander S; McTaggart S; Craig JC; Hawley CM, 2024, 'The randomized controlled trial (NAVKIDS2) of a patient navigator program created for children with chronic kidney disease', Kidney International, 106, pp. 736 - 748,

Lindeback R; Abdo R; Schnabel L; Le Jambre R; Kennedy SE; Katz T; Ooi CY; Lambert K, 2024, 'Does the Nutritional Intake and Diet Quality of Children With Chronic Kidney Disease Differ From Healthy Controls? A Comprehensive Evaluation', Journal of Renal Nutrition, 34, pp. 283 - 293,

Yang M; Chuang SYC; Kennedy SE, 2024, 'Sleep disturbances in children and adolescents after kidney transplantation', Pediatric Nephrology, 39, pp. 1577 - 1585,

Perron JE; Uther P; Coffey MJ; Lovell-Simons A; Bartlett AW; McKay A; Garg M; Lucas S; Cichero J; Dobrescu I; Motta A; Taylor S; Kennedy SE; Ooi CY, 2024, 'Are serious games seriously good at preparing students for clinical practice?: A randomized controlled trial', Medical Teacher,

Robertson EG; Kelada L; Ilin R; Palmer EE; Bye A; Jaffe A; Kennedy SE; Ooi CY; Drew D; Wakefield CE, 2024, 'Psychological wellbeing among parents of a child living with a serious chronic illness: A cross-sectional survey study', Journal of Child Health Care,

Akera P; Kennedy SE; Schutte AE; Richmond R; Hodgins M; Lingam R, 2023, 'Perceptions of oral health promotion in primary schools among health and education officials, community leaders, policy makers, teachers, and parents in Gulu district, northern Uganda: A qualitative study', PLoS ONE, 18,

Neuen BL; Kennedy S, 2023, 'Biomarkers and personalised medicine in paediatric kidney disease', The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 7, pp. 369 - 371,

Guha C; Khalid R; van Zwieten A; Francis A; Hawley CM; Jauré A; Teixeira-Pinto A; Mallard AR; Bernier-Jean A; Johnson DW; Hahn D; Reidlinger D; Pascoe EM; Ryan EG; Mackie F; McCarthy HJ; Craig JC; Varghese J; Kiriwandeniya C; Howard K; Larkins NG; Macauley L; Walker A; Howell M; Irving M; Caldwell PHY; Woodleigh R; Jesudason S; Carter SA; Kennedy SE; Alexander SI; McTaggart S; Wong G, 2023, 'Baseline characteristics of participants in the NAVKIDS2 trial: a patient navigator program in children with chronic kidney disease', Pediatric Nephrology, 38, pp. 1577 - 1590,

Huang PH; Velan G; Smith G; Fentoullis M; Kennedy SE; Gibson KJ; Uebel K; Shulruf B, 2023, 'What impacts students’ satisfaction the most from Medicine Student Experience Questionnaire in Australia: a validity study', Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 20, pp. 2,

Bosi I; O'Mara D; Clark T; Patabendige NS; Kennedy SE; Gunasekera H, 2023, 'Associations between item characteristics and statistical performance for paediatric medical student multiple choice assessments.', MedEdPublish (2016), 13, pp. 270,

Akera P; Kennedy SE; Lingam R; Obwolo MJ; Schutte AE; Richmond R, 2022, 'Effectiveness of primary school-based interventions in improving oral health of children in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis', BMC Oral Health, 22,

van Zwieten A; Ryan EG; Caldwell P; Howard K; Tong A; Craig JC; Alexander SI; Howell M; Teixeira-Pinto A; Hawley CM; Jesudason S; Walker A; Mackie F; Kennedy SE; McTaggart S; McCarthy HJ; Carter SA; Kim S; Woodleigh R; Francis A; Mallard AR; Bernier-Jean A; Johnson DW; Hahn D; Reidlinger D; Pascoe E; Varghese J; Kiriwandeniya C; Vergara L; Larkins N; Macauley L; Irving M; Khalid R; Guha C; Wong G, 2022, 'NAVKIDS2 trial: a multi-centre, waitlisted randomised controlled trial of a patient navigator intervention in children with chronic kidney disease — statistical analysis plan and update to the protocol', Trials, 23,

Akera P; Kennedy SE; Obwolo MJ; Schutte AE; Lingam R; Richmond R, 2022, 'Primary school teachers’ contributions to oral health promotion in urban and rural areas of the Gulu District, Northern Uganda: a qualitative study', BMC Oral Health, 22,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Drew D; Ooi CY; Palmer EE; Bye A; De Marchi S; Jaffe A; Kennedy S, 2022, 'Siblings of young people with chronic illness: Caring responsibilities and psychosocial functioning', Journal of Child Health Care, 26, pp. 581 - 596,

McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Marshall GM; Pierce K; Jaffe A; Bye A; Kennedy SE; Drew D; Lingam R, 2022, 'It's made a really hard situation even more difficult: The impact of COVID-19 on families of children with chronic illness', PLoS ONE, 17,

Shulruf B; Velan GM; Kennedy SE, 2022, 'Medical student selection process enhanced by improving selection algorithms and changing the focus of interviews in Australia: a descriptive study', Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 19, pp. 31,

McKay AM; Kennedy SE, 2021, 'Obesity in Children with Kidney Disease', Current Pediatrics Reports, 9, pp. 104 - 109,

Le Page AK; Kennedy SE; Durkan A; Chaturvedi S; Walker A; Sypek MP, 2021, 'Incidence and predictors of vascular events following end-stage kidney disease in childhood', Nephrology, 26, pp. 715 - 724,

Krischock L; Pannila P; Kennedy SE, 2021, 'Levamisole and ANCA positivity in childhood nephrotic syndrome', Pediatric Nephrology, 36, pp. 1795 - 1802,

Trnka P; Kennedy SE, 2021, 'Renal tumors in tuberous sclerosis complex', Pediatric Nephrology, 36, pp. 1427 - 1438,

Chan DL; Kennedy SE; Sarkozy VE; Chung CWT; Flanagan D; Mowat D; Farrar MA; Lawson JA, 2021, 'Congenital subpendymal giant cell astrocytoma in children with tuberous sclerosis complex: growth patterns and neurological outcome', Pediatric Research, 89, pp. 1447 - 1451,

Tan PSP; Mallitt KA; McCarthy HJ; Kennedy SE, 2021, 'The impact of caring for children with posterior urethral valves', Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 110, pp. 1025 - 1031,

Nevin SM; McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Kennedy SE; McCarthy HJ, 2020, 'Genetic Testing in the Pediatric Nephrology Clinic: Understanding Families' Experiences', JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GENETICS, 11, pp. 117 - 125,

Mahony M; McMullan B; Brown J; Kennedy SE, 2020, 'Multidrug-resistant organisms in urinary tract infections in children', Pediatric Nephrology, 35, pp. 1563 - 1573,

Wei FF; Raaijmakers A; Melgarejo JD; Cauwenberghs N; Thijs L; Zhang ZY; Yu CG; Levtchenko E; Struijker-Boudier HAJ; Yang WY; Kuznetsova T; Kennedy S; Verhamme P; Allegaert K; Staessen JA, 2020, 'Retinal and renal microvasculature in relation to central hemodynamics in 11-year-old children born preterm or at term', Journal of the American Heart Association, 9, pp. e014305,

Sandery BJ; Erlich JH; Kennedy SE, 2020, 'Acute kidney injury following intravenous acyclovir in children', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 105, pp. 1215 - 1219,

Raaijmakers A; Craig E; Kim S; Kennedy SE; McCarthy HJ, 2020, 'Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone−Induced Remission of Pediatric Post-transplantation Recurrent Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis', Kidney International Reports, 5, pp. 239 - 243,

Lum A; Wakefield CE; Donnan B; Burns MA; Fardell JE; Jaffe A; Kasparian NA; Kennedy SE; Leach ST; Lemberg DA; Marshall GM, 2019, 'Facilitating engagement with school in students with chronic illness through positive education: A mixed-methods comparison study', School Psychology, 34, pp. 677 - 686,

McKay AM; Kim S; Kennedy SE, 2019, 'Long-term outcome of kidney transplantation in patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract', Pediatric Nephrology, 34, pp. 2409 - 2415,

Lum A; Wakefield CE; Donnan B; Burns MA; Fardell JE; Jaffe A; Kasparian NA; Kennedy SE; Leach ST; Lemberg DA; Marshall GM, 2019, 'School students with chronic illness have unmet academic, social, and emotional school needs', School Psychology, 34, pp. 627 - 636,

MacIntyre CR; Shaw PJ; Mackie FE; Boros C; Marshall H; Seale H; Kennedy SE; Moa A; Chughtai AA; Trent M; O'Loughlin EV; Stormon M, 2019, 'Long term follow up of persistence of immunity following quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in immunocompromised children', Vaccine, 37, pp. 5630 - 5636,

Uther P; Van Munster KA; Briggs N; O'Neill S; Kennedy S, 2019, 'Introducing early-phase medical students to clinical paediatrics using simulation and a flipped-classroom', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 55, pp. 1107 - 1112,

Van Zwieten A; Caldwell P; Howard K; Tong A; Craig JC; Alexander S; Howell M; Armando TP; Hawley C; Jesudason S; Walker A; Mackie F; Kennedy S; McTaggart S; McCarthy H; Carter S; Kim S; Crafter S; Woodleigh R; Guha C; Wong G, 2019, 'NAV-KIDS 2 trial: Protocol for a multi-centre, staggered randomised controlled trial of a patient navigator intervention in children with chronic kidney disease', BMC Nephrology, 20, pp. 134,

Marokakis S; Kasparian NA; Kennedy SE, 2019, 'Re: Caring for infants with posterior urethral valves: A qualitative study of parents' experiences', Journal of Urology, 201, pp. 429,

Oladimeji O; Kennedy S; Oladimeji O, 2019, 'Dual Use Research of Concern: Perspective of Clinicians from a Training Viewpoint', Global Biosecurity, 1,

Shulruf B; Adelstein BA; Damodaran A; Harris P; Kennedy S; O'Sullivan A; Taylor S, 2018, 'Borderline grades in high stakes clinical examinations: Resolving examiner uncertainty', BMC Medical Education, 18, pp. 272,

Richards KM; Spicer RA; Craig E; Kennedy SE, 2018, 'Prevalence and predictors of blood transfusion after pediatric kidney transplantation', Pediatric Nephrology, 33, pp. 2177 - 2184,

Ahmed B; Tran DT; Zoega H; Kennedy SE; Jorm LR; Havard A, 2018, 'Maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with the use of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers for chronic hypertension in early pregnancy', Pregnancy Hypertension, 14, pp. 156 - 161,

Ritchie AG; Clayton PA; McDonald SP; Kennedy SE, 2018, 'Age-specific risk of renal graft loss from late acute rejection or non-compliance in the adolescent and young adult period', Nephrology, 23, pp. 585 - 591,

Raman G; McMullan B; Taylor P; Mallitt KA; Kennedy SE, 2018, 'Multiresistant E. coli urine infections in children: A case-control study', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 103, pp. 336 - 340,

Basu RK; Kaddourah A; Goldstein SL; Akcan-Arikan A; Arnold M; Cruz C; Goldsworthy M; Jaimon N; Alexander S; Festa M; Hahn D; Brown L; Jeon A; Deep A; Askenazi D; Bagshaw S; Morgan C; Alobaidi R; Basu R; Cooper D; Mottes T; Terrell T; Arnold P; Metcalf C; Woodley S; Bogdanović R; Stajić N; Kovacevic B; Peco-Antic A; Paripovic A; Brophy P; Bunchman T; Williams D; Hoot M; Chadha V; Davis K; Dharnidharka V; Walther L; Faustino V; Taft J; Tala J; Gist K; Soranno D; Ha IS; Kang HG; Hackbarth R; Avendt-Reeber M; Butler C; DeGraaf D; Eding D; Hautala N; Ndika A; Hidayati EL; Huang S; Kennedy S; Didsbury M; Kushartono H; Prasetyo R; Mammen C; Paden M; Stone C; Picca S; Connola F; Schneider J; Sweberg T; Kessel A; Selewski D; Hieber S; Spasojević-Dimitrijeva B; Ivanisevic I; Putnik J; Ristic S; Sutherland S; Staples A; Wong C; Hadid S; Joseph C; Woroniecki R; Zappitelli M; Elsaerafy N; Zaritsky J, 2018, 'Assessment of a renal angina index for prediction of severe acute kidney injury in critically ill children: a multicentre, multinational, prospective observational study', The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 2, pp. 112,

Shulruf B; Damodaran A; Jones P; Kennedy S; Mangos G; O'Sullivan AJ; Rhee J; Taylor S; Velan G; Harris P, 2018, 'Enhancing the defensibility of examiners' marks in high stake OSCEs', BMC medical education, 18, pp. 10,

Chan DL; Calder T; Lawson JL; Mowat D; Kennedy SE, 2017, 'The natural history of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas in tuberous sclerosis complex: a review.', Reviews in the Neurosciences,

Marokakis S; Kasparian NA; Kennedy SE, 2017, 'Caring for infants with posterior urethral valves: A qualitative study of parents’ experiences', Journal of Child Health Care, 21, pp. 424 - 434,

Krischock L; Kennedy SE; Hayen A, 2017, 'Multicentre study of treatment outcomes in Australian adolescents and young adults commencing dialysis', Nephrology, 22, pp. 961 - 968,

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