My Expertise
- Power Electronics
- HVDC Transmission Systems
- Multilevel Converters
- Real-time Digital Simulations
- Hardware in the loop testing
- Grid Integration of Renewable Energy
- Energy Storage Systems
- Power Electronics - Power Systems Interface
Fields of Research (FoR)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power), Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells), Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage EngineeringSEO tags
I am an Associate Professor in Energy Systems with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney and lead the Real-Time Simulations (RTS@UNSW).
I am also an ARC Future Fellow (FT240100038, 2025 - 2029) for the project "Integration and Stability of Power Electronics Defined Low Inertia Grids."
Previously I was an ARC Early Carrer Research Fellow (Project DE170100370 - High-voltage DC grids for flexible and efficient...view more
I am an Associate Professor in Energy Systems with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney and lead the Real-Time Simulations (RTS@UNSW).
I am also an ARC Future Fellow (FT240100038, 2025 - 2029) for the project "Integration and Stability of Power Electronics Defined Low Inertia Grids."
Previously I was an ARC Early Carrer Research Fellow (Project DE170100370 - High-voltage DC grids for flexible and efficient electricity transmission) looking into the operation of Power Electronics in Multiterminal and HVDC transmission systems.
I received my B. Eng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2007 and the Ph.D. in Power Electronics from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia in August 2012. From 2008 till 2010 I was a Ph.D. student with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering at the University of Sydney and in April of 2010 joined UNSW Australia for the remaining of my PhD studies. I was a Research Associate (2013) and a Senior Research Associate (2014-2015) with the Australian Energy Research Institure (AERI). In 2015, I was one of the 13 Australian to be accepted in the Australia - China Young Scientist Exchange Program and in 2016 I was awarded a Next Steps Initiative Grant for collaborations with Chinese Partners.
I currently serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
My research interests include:
- Multilevel Power Electronics Converters.
- HVDC Systems.
- Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC).
- Grid Integration of Large Scale Renewable Energy Systems.
- Pulse Width Modulation of Power Electronics.
- Selective Harmonic Elimination (SHE-PWM).
- Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems.
- Hybrid Multilevel Converters
Current Courses:
- ELEC3105 - Electrical Energy
- ELEC 9719 - Real-time Digital Simulations
My Grants
- • Australian Research Council (ARC): Future Fellow - (FT240100038) (2025-2028) (Sole CI, $1,066,000)
• CSIRO: Global Power System Transformation Initiative - Stage 4 (2024-2025) (Lead CI, $365,000)
• Universities Australia: Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme (Lead CI, $25,000)
• ARC Training Centre in Energy Technologies for Future Grids : - PhD Scholarship ($120,000)
Previous Grant
- CSIRO: Global Power System Transformation Initiative - Stage 3 (2023-2024) (Lead CI, $365,000)
- CSIRO: Global Power System Transformation Initiative - Stage 2 (2022-2023) (Lead CI, $365,000)
- AGL - ARENA: Broken Hill Battery Energy Storage System
- CSIRO: Global Power System Transformation Initiative
- Australian Research Council (ARC): Discovery Research Grant - (Discovery 2021 - DP210102294) (2021 - 2024)
- THyne Reid Foundation: Digital Twins and Network Models (2020-2021)
- DIIS - Cooperative Research Centre Projects (CRC-P’s) Shared Grant : "Grid Integration Design of Solar Farm with Hybrid Energy Storage System" (May 2020)
- Deanship of Scientific Research, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals: Directed Funding Research Grant (Apr. 2020)
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA): Addressing barriers to efficient renewable integration (Jan. 2019) (PI, $ 982,000)Department of Industry and Science (DIS) - Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE):
- Next Steps Initiative (Feb. 2018)
- Australian Research Council (ARC): Discovery Early Career Research Award - (DECRA 2017 - DE170100370)
My Qualifications
- PhD in Electrical Engineering: The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, May 2012.
Thesis title: “Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation of Modular and Hybrid Multilevel Converter Topologies”
Supervisor: Professor Vassilios G. Agelidis. - Diploma of Electrical Engineering (5-year degree; equivalent to Masters): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2007 (Five-year degree)
Dissertation title: “Simulation of High-Voltage substations using ATP-EMTP and estimation of overvoltage levels due to lightning strikes” (in Greek)
Supervisor: Assoc. Professor Pantelis Mikropoulos. - Graduate Diploma in University Learning and Teaching (UNSW GCULT): The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, October 2015.
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
My research interests and areas of supervision include:
- Multilevel Power Electronics Converters.
- HVDC Systems.
- Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC).
- Real-time Digital Simulations
- Hardware in the Loop testing
- Grid Integration of Large Scale Renewable Energy Systems.
- Pulse Width Modulation of Power Electronics.
- Selective Harmonic Elimination (SHE-PWM).Pulse Width Modulation
- Multilevel Converters for Renewable Energy Systems.
- Hybrid Multilevel Converters
- Energy Storage Systems
- Inertia Emulation from Power Electronics Converters
- Flexible Control of Solar PV Systems
Currently supervising
Current Undergraduate & Postgraduate student supervision
- Sub-module Topologies in Modular Multilevel Converters.
- Modular Multilevel Converters.
- Estimation of Capacitor Voltages in Modular Multilevel Converters.
- Solid State Transformers (SSTs).
- Real Time Digital Simulation of Power Electronics Converters.
- Breakers for HVDC Systems.
- Connection of Wind-farms to the network.
- Energy Storage Systems.
- Primary Frequency Regulation with Energy Storage.
My Teaching
I am currently lecturing
- ELEC 9781 / ELEC 9719: Real-time Digital Simulations
Over the past years electric power systems have changed and evolved substantially. With paramount requirements to improve economic efficiency and reduce environmental impact, modern electricity networks are being pushed towards the boundaries of reliable, flexible, and resilient operation. This includes more interconnections in electricity networks and adding more power electronics-based equipment to networks. Real time digital simulations have become more commonplace as a critical technology for utilities and manufacturers in this demanding and dynamic environment to support the study of power system behavior/ operation, the closed-loop testing of new equipment, and the strategic development of new protection and control functions.
The Real-Time Digital Simulations (RTS) course delivers i) the concept of real time digital simulation, ii) the application of RTS concepts and techniques in development and continued operation of modern power systems and power electronics converters. Moreover, the students are provided with the opportunity to engage with the up to date research and dynamic research groups in the field.
The aims of the course are to:
- Introduce concepts, approaches and applications of real-time digital simulation in power engineering.
- Demonstrate modelling for real-time simulation of power systems and power electronics.
- Introduce real-time digital simulation of power systems
- Provide students with hands-on activities in real-time simulation of power electronics
- Offer an opportunity for interaction with research-level hardware-in-the-loop applications for power electronics and power systems.
- GSOE 9141: Smart Grids
Implementation of Smart Grid strategies by power utilities necessitates a new set of skills, experiences and knowledge. Understanding the Smart Grid requires knowledge of numerous key engineering topics in electrical and power engineering, telecommunications and information technologies. Such key engineering disciplines also must intersect other disciplines including sciences, markets, business strategies and processes, energy related policies and regulation. The Smart Grid requires a suite of new standards to be developed and implemented from the technical point of view. Moreover, the Smart Grid is a customer-centred transformation of aged electricity grids and promises to deliver many benefits to customers, hence consumer behaviour and social sciences also play an important role in smart grids.
Professionals and engineers working in the power industry and information and communications technologies will seek to upgrade and expand their practical skills to meet unprecedented market demand. This course provides a cross-disciplinary overview approach of the various topics of a Smart Grid ranging from the fundamentals of Smart Grids to renewable energy systems, energy storage, IT communications and standards. The course focuses mainly on intelligent electricity distribution networks and provides the basis
The aims of the course are to:
- Present the fundamental concepts associated with Smart Grids.
- Review renewable energy generation, grid integration energy storage technologies and future developments
- Introduce advanced management and control concepts of Smart Grids.
- Construe the data management requirements and ICT technologies for Smart Grids.
- Present standards related to the development of smart grids, identify key stakeholders and potential impact.
Map reference (Google map)
ORCID as entered in ROS

Research Activities
UNSW Sydney and the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications host the largest Real-time Digital Simulation Laboratory in Australia with extended simulation capabilities in the areas of:
High-voltage DC networks.
Multiterminal DC grids
Power System Protection Relay Testing
Renewable Energy Systems Controller testing
Smart Grids
Renewable Energy Systems.
Distributed Generation…
Our research team at RTS@UNSW covers an extended range of projects of HVDC transmission and multiterminal (MTDC) networks.
Find a timeline of VSC and LCC projects around the world here.
Our benchmark model for the alternate arm converter (for the RTDS simulator) can be found here.
Our submission to the 2017 Integrated System Plan consultation can be found here.