
Associate Professor Freddy Sitas

My Expertise

Quantification of smoking in Australian and international settings 

Quantification of benefits of smoking cessation

Viruses and cancer (KSHV/HHV-8, HIV, HPV, Helicobacter pylori)

COVID and smoking

Epidemiological methods 


Fields of Research (FoR)

Epidemiology, Public health, Epidemiological methods, Public Health and Health Services

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A/Prof Freddy Sitas is a Director at the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW.  He has made a significant contribution in the design and implementation of policy relevant population and clinical infrastructure studies on chronic disease prevention. He has worked extensively with cancer, mortality statistics and other large health related datasets. He has led several collaborations and consortiums and has published extensively...view more

A/Prof Freddy Sitas is a Director at the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW.  He has made a significant contribution in the design and implementation of policy relevant population and clinical infrastructure studies on chronic disease prevention. He has worked extensively with cancer, mortality statistics and other large health related datasets. He has led several collaborations and consortiums and has published extensively quantifying the effects of environmental and lifestyle factors such as smoking, BMI, alcohol and infection on cancer and premature mortality, and received the Oettlè Memorial Medal for his work in 2014. He is Adjunct Professor at the School of Population Health, UNSW Sydney, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Sydney and Honorary Associate Professor at the Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney. His current interests include how the primary care sector can become more involved in prevention of chronic disease, quantifying the benefits of smoking cessation after hospitalisation, and quantifying the effects of smoking on infectious respiratory disease, and quantifying / identifying risks in relation to e-cigarette use. 

Membership of external / internal committees

Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Working Group: Stewart B, Sitas F. (eds) E-cigarettes and cancer. Review of current evidence. 

Editor in Chief: Cancer Epidemiology, Elsevier Press


Member, Sydney Local Health District HERDU Management Committee

Member, South Western Sydney Local Health District Population Health and CHETRE management committee

Member, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity Advisory Group 

Member: Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity Steering Group 

Member, UNSW Centre and Institute Managers' meeting 

Member, UNSW Medicine and Health Research Committee



My Grants

  • Gale M, Bolton P ... Taylor N... Sitas F.  Stop Smoking Start Living - TRGS award, $0.5m 2022-2024
  • Harris Roxas ... Sitas F Implementation and evaluation of "Shisha No Thanks" intervention Cancer Institute grant 2022 - 2024 $100,000 
  • Sarah Lewington, Margo Barr, Freddy Sitas) Smoking and infectious respiratory diseases: a preliminary analysis of large epidemiological studies (Pump Priming Grant Nuffield Department of Population Health) $10,000
  • Maigen Zhou, Pang Li, Hang Li, Adair T, Sitas F, Lopez AD, Study on SmartVA for diagnosis COVID-19 deaths and the contribution of smoking to COVID-19 deaths in Wuhan, China. Bloomberg Foundation, University of Melbourne. $125,720
  • Harris MF, Sitas F. Priority Research Support Program Grant, NSW Ministry of Health 2022-2026 1.2m, $300K per annum.
  • De Leeuw E, Barr M, Sitas F, Fatima K. Inequality Partnership research proposal. ACOSS $67,000, 2019-2020
  • Bradshaw D (PI), Mathew C, Lewis C, Babb C, Singh E, Newton R, Waterboer T, Sitas F (CoPI). Evolving risk factors for cancers in African populations (ERICA-SA).  Lifestyle, infection, genetic susceptibility and cancer in South Africa: development of research capacity and an evidence base for cancer control £800,000, 2017-2023
  • Liauw T, Jonnagaddala J ...Sitas F. Unifying and quality assuring disparate health silos with a common data model.  NHMRC Partnership Grant 1.2m, 2021-2024 

My Qualifications

BSc (U. WITS),

MSc (Med) (U. WITS),

MSc (Epidemiology (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine),

D.Phil (Epidemiology) (U. Oxford)

My Awards

George Oettlè Award (2015) for contribution to cancer research

2015 Carnegie Corporation of New York-Witwatersrand University Diaspora Fellow

My Research Activities

Smoking questions on death notification forms - Implementation in Australian Jurisdictions -

Analysis of 3.4 m adult and 1 m 18-34 year old mortality records with smoking information from South Africa  (MRC South Africa). 

E-cigarettes and cancer; Clinical Oncological Society of Australia evidence review  

EVOLVING RISK FACTORS FOR CANCERS IN AFRICAN POPULATIONS: Lifestyle, infection, genetic susceptibility and cancer in South Africa: development of research capacity and an evidence base for cancer control (MRC South Africa, German Cancer Research Centre, Kings College London, MRC AIDS Virus Research Institute, Uganda, National Health Laboratory Service, South Africa)

Stop smoking, start living - hospital ward-based smoking cessation intervention in South Eastern Sydney, South Western Sydney and Mid-North Coast Local Health Districts

Implementation and evaluation of "Shisha No Thanks" intervention 

COVID-19, Lower Respiratory Tract infections and Smoking.  

Vaping, smoking and hospitalisations among young populations 


My Research Supervision

Areas of supervision

Lifestyle modification in primary care

Quantifying benefits of smoking cessation after cancer / serious hospitalisation

COVID and smoking

infectious respiratory disease and smoking



Currently supervising

Melitah Motlhale- PhD - WITS University - Epidemiology of Kaposi Sarcoma in South Africa (completed Dec 2022)

Mwiza Gideon Singini - PhD - WITS University - seroepidemiology of high risk HPV and detection of cervical cancer (competed Dec 2022)

Ellana Yeoh BPH capstone project (competed Dec 2022)

Jiayue (Nicole) Wang MPH (current)

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Level 3 AGSM

