
My Expertise

My expertise is in the fields of water engineering, hydraulic engineering and environmental fluid mechanics. I improve hydraulic designs, flow performances and environmental flows in urban stormwater, flow conveyance, wastewater and irrigation systems. More recently my research further diversified into fishways and impacts of climate change on the hydrodynamics of estuarine systems. My research is mostly experimental exploring new technologies and advancing data processing methods for improved understanding of complex flow processes at both laboratory and full scale. My specialised research interests include:

- Energy dissipation and design optimisation of hydraulic infrastructure.

- Aeration and air-water interactions in high-velocity free-surface flows including turbulence and boundary layers properties.

- Physical modelling and scale effects; Field-scale experiments of air-water flows.

- Grass-lined spillways and other nature-based aspects of hydraulic engineering

- UNSW tube fishway project to enable fish passage

- Design of instrumentation and advanced data processing tools.

- Exploring use of LIDAR and other remote sensing technologies in hydraulics.

Fields of Research (FoR)

Water Resources Engineering, Water Quality Engineering, Soil and Water Sciences not elsewhere classified, Fluid Physics, Turbulent Flows, Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified, Heat and Mass Transfer Operations

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Associate Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

I am an Associate Professor in hydraulic engineering and applied fluid mechanics in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I hold a Dipl.-Ing. from RWTH Aachen University, Germany and a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the University of Queensland. I joined UNSW in 2014 and established the hydraulic engineering research group at the UNSW Water Research...view more


Civil Engineering Building (H20)
Level 2, Room CE203
Kensington Campus
UNSW Water Research Laboratory
Manly Vale Campus


(+ 61 2) 8071 9861