
Dr Madison Cartwright


Fields of Research (FoR)

International economics, International relations, Public policy, Intellectual property law, Political economy and social change

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I am a Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy and the convernor for the Politics and International Relations undergraduate programme.

My research interests include the political economy of intellectual property, free trade agreements, and geoeconomics - notably the economic-security nexus. I have taught across of variety of topics, including globalisation, international political economy, security studies, terrorism and crime, and...view more

I am a Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy and the convernor for the Politics and International Relations undergraduate programme.

My research interests include the political economy of intellectual property, free trade agreements, and geoeconomics - notably the economic-security nexus. I have taught across of variety of topics, including globalisation, international political economy, security studies, terrorism and crime, and American Politics.

I joined UNSW in August 2021. Prior to that I worked as a Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney, where I was awarded my PhD in 2019. In 2019, I also held postdoctoral fellowship at the Graduate School of International Studies and was an adjunct professor in the Political Science Department at the Université Laval, Canada. Prior to academia I worked as a Policy Advisor and consumer advocate in the not-for-profit sector.  

My research has been published in leading international journals, including International Studies QuarterlyRegulation & Governance, Global Policy, The Pacific Review, Business and Politics, Internet Policy Review, Policy Studies, and the International Journal of Public Administration.

My Grants

Georges-Henri-Lévesque Fund, Université Laval ($20,000CAD). 2019.

My Qualifications

Bachelor of Economics and Social Sciences, Honours (First Class). The University of Sydney. Awarded 2012.

Doctor of Philosophy. The University of Sydney. Awarded 2019.

My Awards

Shortlisted for the Australian International Political Economy Network (AIPEN) Richard Higgott Journal Article Prize. 2021.

The E-International Relations' Article Award. 2018. 

Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship, Australian Government. 2015-2018.

RN Spann Scholarship, the University of Sydney ($1000). 2015.

Helen Nelson Prize for the Best Thesis in IVth Year Honours Government and International Relations. 2012.

My Research Activities

My current research focuses on the economic-security nexus, sanctions, and US-China rivalry (especially in the technology sector). 

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

I am able to supervise students researching international political economy, free trade agreements, geo-economics, hegemony and world order, the digital economy and technological disruption, intellectual property law, and corporate power.

PLEASE NOTE - for prospective masters by research and PhD candidates:  As a junior scholar, I can only be a primary supervisor if a more senior scholar is also on the supervisory team as a secondary or joint supervisor.That is, I cannot be listed as a sole supervisor on an application. This is a matter of UNSW's policy on higher degree research supervision.  

I do not review proposals or discuss possible supervision until I know that the candidature can progress, which means at a minimum they have approached another faculty member who can act as a primary, secondary or joint supervisor. I will not be able to recruit someone for you -  you will need to approach them yourself. 

If you would like to pursue higher degree research under my supervision, please email with:

  1. a CV,
  2. a research proposal, and
  3. the name of another member of the School of Social Sciences that you have approached for supervision

Currently supervising

  • Mahdokht Pazoki

  • Yunkang Liu

My Engagement

I have peer-reviewed manuscripts for the following journals:

  • International Security
  • Review of International Political Economy 
  • New Political Economy 
  • Information, Communication and Society
  • Business and Politics 
  • Internet Policy Review
  • Third World Quarterly

My Teaching


  • ARTS3850: Security in Asia: Politics Meets Economics
  • ARTS2816: Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality
  • ARTS3810: Politics and IR: Theories and Practice (T2)
  • POLS5122: International Political Economy
  • ARTS1811: Contemporary Issues in Government and Global Politics
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