
My Expertise

  • Green technology development & testing for urban greywater management (e.g. bioretention systems, living walls, green walls)
  • Greywater quality monitoring 
  • Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
  • Integrated urban water modelling

Fields of Research (FoR)

Environmental Engineering Design, Water Quality Engineering, Sustainable Development, Environmental Engineering Modelling, Simulation and Modelling, Applied Hydrology (Drainage, Flooding, Irrigation,


Senior Research Associate in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Water Research Centre (WRC)


Dr Veljko Prodanovic is a Senior Research Associate at UNSW’s Water Research Centre, Australia. Since first joining UNSW in 2018, he has been working on modelling and validating the effectiveness of urban stormwater mitigation options (infrastructure and policies) on pollution levels, through exploratory and integrated model approach....view more


Vallentine Annexe (H22)
Level 1, Room VA 139

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(+61 2) 9385 4368