Multi-scale Strategy to Manage Chloramine Decay and Nitrification in Water Distribution Systems

The proposed project aims to develop multi-scale (from molecular, nano, to process scale) solution to reduce chloramine decay by integrating fundamental experimental science with advanced engineering. The work will generate fundamental knowledge base,...

The proposed project aims to develop multi-scale (from molecular, nano, to process scale) solution to reduce chloramine decay by integrating fundamental experimental science with advanced engineering. The work will generate fundamental knowledge base, which in turn, can be translated into frontier technologies for applications in long distance water distribution systems. It would improve water supply through multidisciplinary and practically implementable approaches. Specific outcomes include: (1) Comprehensive knowledge on chemical and bio- factors affecting chloramine decay (2) Coating to prevent bacteria growth and biofilm formation (3) Predictive mathematical models of chloramine decay and nitrification onset.

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+61 2 93854361