Select Publications

Book Chapters

Muralidharan S; Zhao Y; Taylor SL; Lee NA, 2017, 'Detection of Food Allergen Residues by Immunoassays and Mass Spectrometry', in Food Allergy, CRC Press, pp. 229 - 282,

Muralidharan ; Zhao Y; Taylor S; Lee A, 2017, 'Detection of Food Allergen Residues by Immunoassays and Mass Spectrometry', in Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects of Food Allergy, CRC Press

Lee AJ; Yusnawan E; Sun X, 2016, 'Allergenic Proteins in Peanuts', in Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc

Lee AJ; Phan-Thien ; Wrigt GC, 2016, 'Antioxidant Components in Peanuts', in Lee AJ; Rachaputi RCN; Wrigh GC (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destechtech Publications Inc, pp. 113 - 150

Lee AJ; Sun X, 2016, 'Immunoanalytical Techniques for Peanut Allergen Detection', in Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, pp. 255 - 282

Lee AJ; Rachaputi RCN; Wright GC, 2016, 'Peanut: A Friend or Foe?', in Lee AJ; Rachaputi RCN; Wright GC (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, Pennsylvania (U.S.), pp. 1 - 7

Lee AJ; Phan-Thien KY; Wright GC, 2016, 'Antioxidant Capacity in Food Crops: A Case Study in Peanuts', in Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, pp. 83 - 112

Lee NA; Kennedy IR, 2007, 'Immunoassays', in Food Toxicants Analysis: Techniques, Strategies and Developments, pp. 91 - 145,

Trang NT; Hau VT; Thin BV; To LV; Trang NT; Tuyen BC; Ha PN; Viet PH; Anh PT; Son CP; Allan R; Mewett K; Tran H; Khurana J; Wang S; Kennedy IR; Lee NJ, 2007, 'Application of a Cyclodiene-Specific ELISA to Residue Monitoring of Agriculatural Produce and the Environment in Vietnam', in Kennedy IR; Solomon KR; Gee SJ; Crossan AN; Wang S; Sanchez Bayo F (ed.), Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Rededial Action, American Chemical Society, USA, pp. 245 - 258

Lee NA; Kennedy IR, 2007, 'Chapter 5 Immunoassays', in Food Toxicants Analysis, Elsevier, pp. 91 - 145,

Adeloju S; Akman S; Anklam E; Barceló D; Blasco C; Bogialli S; Bridges J; Bridges O; Čajka T; Di Corcia A; Cubadda F; Demirata-Ozturk B; Eerola S; Farré M; Fletouris DJ; Fekete A; Hajšlová J; Hefle SL; Holst-Jensen A; Jestoi M; Kennedy IR; Alice Lee N; Luf W; Mol JGJ; Nazzari M; Paulsen P; Picó Y; Rokka M; Smith-Kopplin P; Smulders FJM; Taylor SL; Tokman N; Van Hengel AJ; Varadi M; Wood R, 2007, 'Contributor contact details', in Food Toxicants Analysis, Elsevier, pp. xxi - xxiii,

Lee NJ; Kennedy IR, 2007, 'Immunoassays', in Pico Y (ed.), Food Toxicants Analysis, Techniques, Strategies and Developments, Elsevier BV, Netherlands, pp. 91 - 145

Ahn KC; Gee SJ; Kim H; Nichkova M; Lee NJ; Hammock BD, 2007, 'Progress in the Development of Biosensors for Environmental and Human Monitoring of Agrochemicals', in Kennedy IR; Solomon KR; Gee SJ; Crossan AN; Wang S; Sanchez Bayo F (ed.), Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Rededial Action, American Chemical Society, USA, pp. 138 - 154

Skerritt JH; Lee N, 1996, 'Approaches to the Synthesis of Haptens for Immunoassay of Organophosphate and Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides', in , pp. 122 - 149

Skerritt JH; Lee NJ, 1996, 'Approaches to the synthesis of haptens for immunoassay of organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides', in Beier RC; Stanker LH (ed.), IMMUNOASSAYS FOR RESIDUE ANALYSIS, edn. ACS Symposium Series, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, ANAHEIM, CA, pp. 124 - 149,

Edited Books

Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN, (eds.), 2016, Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, Pennsylvania US

Journal articles

Lee NA; Lopata AL; Colgrave ML, 2023, 'Analytical Methods for Allergen Control in Food Processing', Foods, 12,

Liang J; Taylor SL; Baumert J; Alice Lee N, 2022, 'Development of a sensitive sandwich ELISA with broad species specificity for improved fish allergen detection', Food Chemistry, 396,

Roche I; Vale SL; Hornung CJ; Zurzolo GA; Netting MJ; Dharmage SC; Gray C; Lee NA; Lacis-Lee J; Jorgensen PF; Smith J; Freeman W; Perrett KP; Voukelatos S; McWilliam VL; Grinter K; Koplin JJ; Said M; Campbell DE, 2022, 'An International First: Stakeholder Consensus Statement for Food Allergen Management in Packaged Foods and Food Service for Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 10, pp. 2056 - 2065,

Zhang J; Lee NA; Duley JA; Cowley DM; Shaw PN; Bansal N, 2022, 'Comparing the effects of hydrostatic high-pressure processing vs holder pasteurisation on the microbial, biochemical and digestion properties of donor human milk', Food Chemistry, 373,

Pardehkhorram R; Alshawawreh FA; Gonçales VR; Lee NA; Tilley RD; Gooding JJ; Goncales V, 2021, 'Functionalized Gold Nanorod Probes: A Sophisticated Design of SERS Immunoassay for Biodetection in Complex Media', Analytical Chemistry, 93, pp. 12954 - 12965,

Sun X; Chua JV; Le QA; Trujillo FJ; Oh M-H; Campbell DE; Mehr S; Lee A, 2021, 'A Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Approach for Optimizing the Attenuation of Human IgE-Reactivity to β-Lactoglobulin (β-Lg) by Hydrostatic High Pressure Processing', Foods, 10, pp. 1741,

Uraipong C; Kaewdang P; Shwe Yee N; Shoji M; Lee NA, 2021, 'A survey of food allergen labeling and undeclared allergen residues in pre-packaged food products imported from Thailand', Food Control, 124, pp. 107881,

Shwe Yee N; Shao Q; Uraipong C; Shoji M; Lee NA, 2021, 'A comprehensive survey of allergen labeling on pre-packaged food products imported from Mainland China', Food Control, 123, pp. 107749,

Daniloski D; Petkoska AT; Lee NA; Bekhit AED; Carne A; Vaskoska R; Vasiljevic T, 2021, 'Active edible packaging based on milk proteins: A route to carry and deliver nutraceuticals', Trends in Food Science and Technology, 111, pp. 688 - 705,

Liang J; Taylor SL; Baumert J; Lopata AL; Lee NA, 2021, 'Effects of thermal treatment on the immunoreactivity and quantification of parvalbumin from Southern hemisphere fish species with two anti-parvalbumin antibodies', Food Control, 121, pp. 107675,

Muralidharan S; Poon YY; Wright GC; Haynes PA; Lee NA, 2021, 'Quantitative proteomics analysis of high and low polyphenol expressing recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)', Food Chemistry, 334, pp. 127517,

Rost J; Muralidharan S; Lee NA, 2020, 'A label-free shotgun proteomics analysis of macadamia nut', Food Research International, 129, pp. 108838,

Pardehkhorram R; Bonaccorsi S; Zhu H; Gonçales VR; Wu Y; Liu J; Lee NA; Tilley RD; Gooding JJ; Goncales V, 2019, 'Intrinsic and well-defined second generation hot spots in gold nanobipyramids: Versus gold nanorods', Chemical Communications, 55, pp. 7707 - 7710,

Masood H; Cullen PJ; Lee NA; Trujillo FJ, 2018, 'Reactor modelling of treatment chamber for the inactivation of Escherichia coli by radio frequency electric field – mechanistic versus empirical approaches', Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 93, pp. 3512 - 3525,

Lee A; Marquis C, 2018, 'Development of a sensitive sandwich ELISA specific to 2S albumin (Ana o 3) as a stable protein marker for cashew nut residue detection in pre-packaged food products', Food Control, 96, pp. 432 - 440,

Uraipong C; Allan RD; Li C; Kennedy IR; Wong V; Lee A, 2018, '17β-Estradiol residues and estrogenic activities in the Hawkesbury River, Australia', Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,

Lee A; Yu L; Muralidharan S; Stokes JR; Fitzrald MA; Tuner MS, 2018, 'The impact of variable high pressure treatments and/or cooking of rice on bacterial populations after storage using culture-independent analysis', Food Control, 92, pp. 232 - 239,

Masood H; Diao Y; Cullen PJ; Lee NA; Trujillo FJ, 2018, 'A comparative study on the performance of three treatment chamber designs for radio frequency electric field processing', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 108, pp. 206 - 216,

Koeberl M; Clarke D; Allen KJ; Fleming F; Katzer L; Alice Lee N; Lopata AL; Said M; Scheelings P; Shepherd N; Sherlock R; Roberts J, 2018, 'Food allergen management in Australia', Journal of AOAC International, 101, pp. 60 - 69,

Liang J; Tan CC; Taylor SL; Baumert JL; Lopata AL; Lee NA, 2017, 'Quantitative analysis of species specificity of two anti-parvalbumin antibodies for detecting southern hemisphere fish species demonstrating strong phylogenetic association', Food Chemistry, 237, pp. 588 - 596,

Uraipong C; Allan RD; Li C; Kennedy IR; Wong V; Lee NA, 2017, 'A survey of 17α-ethinylestradiol and mestranol residues in Hawkesbury River, Australia, using a highly specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) demonstrates the levels of potential biological significance', Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 144, pp. 585 - 592,

Lu Y; Xia Y; Liu G; Pan M; Li M; Lee NA; Wang S, 2017, 'A Review of Methods for Detecting Melamine in Food Samples', Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 47, pp. 51 - 66,

BASFORD K; BENNETT R; DALY J; AUGUSTIN MA; BARLOW S; GREGSON T; LEE A; CHEN D; WENHAM M, 2017, 'Delivering food safety', Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 4, pp. 1,

Bui QA; Vu THH; Ngo VKT; Kennedy IR; Lee NA; Allan R, 2016, 'Development of an ELISA to detect clenbuterol in swine products using a new approach for hapten design', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, pp. 6045 - 6052,

Gee SJ; Kennedy IR; Lee NA; Ohkawa H; Prapamontol T; Xu T, 2016, 'Erratum to: Immunoanalysis for environmental monitoring and human health (Anal Bioanal Chem, 10.1007/s00216-016-9666-x)', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, pp. 6069,

Gee SJ; Kennedy IR; Lee NA; Ohkawa H; Prapamontol T; Xu T, 2016, 'Immunoanalysis for environmental monitoring and human health', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, pp. 5959 - 5961,

Lee AJ; Lu Y; Peterson J; Luais E; Gooding J, 2016, 'Effects of Surface Epitope Coverage on the Sensitivity of Displacement Assays that Employ Modified Nanoparticles: Using Bisphenol A as a Model Analyte', Biosensors, 6, pp. 43,

Zurzolo GA; Koplin JJ; Ponsonby AL; McWilliam V; Dharmage S; Heine RG; Tang MLK; Prescott S; Campbell DE; Loh R; Rueter K; Netting M; Frith K; Norton W; Said M; Gold M; Lee NA; Mathai M; de Courten M; Allen KJ, 2016, 'Consensus of stakeholders on precautionary allergen labelling: A report from the Centre for Food and Allergy Research', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52, pp. 797 - 801,

Gee SJ; Kennedy IR; Lee NA; Ohkawa H; Prapamontol T; Xu T, 2016, 'Erratum to: Immunoanalysis for environmental monitoring and human health', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, pp. 1,

Zurzolo GA; Koplin JJ; Ponsonby AL; Mcwilliam V; Dharmage S; Heine RG; Tang ML; Prescott S; Campbell DE; Loh R; Rueter K; Netting M; Frith K; Norton W; Said M; Gold M; Lee NA; Mathai M; de Courten M; Allen KJ, 2016, 'Consensus of stakeholders on precautionary allergen labelling: A report from the Centre for Food and Allergy Research', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,

, 2016, 'XXIV World Allergy Congress 2015', World Allergy Organization Journal, 9, pp. 14 - 14,

Lu Y; Peterson JR; Gooding JJ; Lee NA, 2015, 'Development of a Competitive ELISA for the Detection of 4-tert-Octylphenol in Seafood', Food Analytical Methods, 8, pp. 1923 - 1935,

Liu K; Zheng Y; Lu X; Thai T; Lee NA; Bach U; Gooding JJ, 2015, 'Biocompatible gold nanorods: One-step surface functionalization, highly colloidal stability, and low cytotoxicity', Langmuir, 31, pp. 4973 - 4980,

Lu Y; Peterson JR; Luais E; Gooding JJ; Lee NA, 2015, 'Surface Epitope Coverage Affects Binding Characteristics of Bisphenol-A Functionalized Nanoparticles in a Competitive Inhibition Assay', Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015,

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