Select Publications
Book Chapters
2017, 'Detection of Food Allergen Residues by Immunoassays and Mass Spectrometry', in Food Allergy, CRC Press, pp. 229 - 282,
,2017, 'Detection of Food Allergen Residues by Immunoassays and Mass Spectrometry', in Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects of Food Allergy, CRC Press
,2016, 'Allergenic Proteins in Peanuts', in Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc
,2016, 'Antioxidant Components in Peanuts', in Lee AJ; Rachaputi RCN; Wrigh GC (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destechtech Publications Inc, pp. 113 - 150
,2016, 'Immunoanalytical Techniques for Peanut Allergen Detection', in Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, pp. 255 - 282
,2016, 'Peanut: A Friend or Foe?', in Lee AJ; Rachaputi RCN; Wright GC (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, Pennsylvania (U.S.), pp. 1 - 7
,2016, 'Antioxidant Capacity in Food Crops: A Case Study in Peanuts', in Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN (ed.), Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, pp. 83 - 112
,2007, 'Immunoassays', in Food Toxicants Analysis: Techniques, Strategies and Developments, pp. 91 - 145,
,2007, 'Application of a Cyclodiene-Specific ELISA to Residue Monitoring of Agriculatural Produce and the Environment in Vietnam', in Kennedy IR; Solomon KR; Gee SJ; Crossan AN; Wang S; Sanchez Bayo F (ed.), Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Rededial Action, American Chemical Society, USA, pp. 245 - 258
,2007, 'Chapter 5 Immunoassays', in Food Toxicants Analysis, Elsevier, pp. 91 - 145,
,2007, 'Contributor contact details', in Food Toxicants Analysis, Elsevier, pp. xxi - xxiii,
,2007, 'Immunoassays', in Pico Y (ed.), Food Toxicants Analysis, Techniques, Strategies and Developments, Elsevier BV, Netherlands, pp. 91 - 145
,2007, 'Progress in the Development of Biosensors for Environmental and Human Monitoring of Agrochemicals', in Kennedy IR; Solomon KR; Gee SJ; Crossan AN; Wang S; Sanchez Bayo F (ed.), Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Rededial Action, American Chemical Society, USA, pp. 138 - 154
,1996, 'Approaches to the Synthesis of Haptens for Immunoassay of Organophosphate and Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides', in , pp. 122 - 149
,1996, 'Approaches to the synthesis of haptens for immunoassay of organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides', in Beier RC; Stanker LH (ed.), IMMUNOASSAYS FOR RESIDUE ANALYSIS, edn. ACS Symposium Series, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, ANAHEIM, CA, pp. 124 - 149,
,Edited Books
Lee AJ; Wright GC; Rachaputi RCN, (eds.), 2016, Peanuts: Bioactives and Allergens, Destech Publications Inc, Pennsylvania US
Journal articles
2023, 'Analytical Methods for Allergen Control in Food Processing', Foods, 12,
,2022, 'Development of a sensitive sandwich ELISA with broad species specificity for improved fish allergen detection', Food Chemistry, 396,
,2022, 'An International First: Stakeholder Consensus Statement for Food Allergen Management in Packaged Foods and Food Service for Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 10, pp. 2056 - 2065,
,2022, 'Comparing the effects of hydrostatic high-pressure processing vs holder pasteurisation on the microbial, biochemical and digestion properties of donor human milk', Food Chemistry, 373,
,2021, 'Functionalized Gold Nanorod Probes: A Sophisticated Design of SERS Immunoassay for Biodetection in Complex Media', Analytical Chemistry, 93, pp. 12954 - 12965,
,2021, 'A Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Approach for Optimizing the Attenuation of Human IgE-Reactivity to β-Lactoglobulin (β-Lg) by Hydrostatic High Pressure Processing', Foods, 10, pp. 1741,
,2021, 'A survey of food allergen labeling and undeclared allergen residues in pre-packaged food products imported from Thailand', Food Control, 124, pp. 107881,
,2021, 'A comprehensive survey of allergen labeling on pre-packaged food products imported from Mainland China', Food Control, 123, pp. 107749,
,2021, 'Active edible packaging based on milk proteins: A route to carry and deliver nutraceuticals', Trends in Food Science and Technology, 111, pp. 688 - 705,
,2021, 'Effects of thermal treatment on the immunoreactivity and quantification of parvalbumin from Southern hemisphere fish species with two anti-parvalbumin antibodies', Food Control, 121, pp. 107675,
,2021, 'Quantitative proteomics analysis of high and low polyphenol expressing recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)', Food Chemistry, 334, pp. 127517,
,2020, 'A label-free shotgun proteomics analysis of macadamia nut', Food Research International, 129, pp. 108838,
,2019, 'Intrinsic and well-defined second generation hot spots in gold nanobipyramids: Versus gold nanorods', Chemical Communications, 55, pp. 7707 - 7710,
,2018, 'Reactor modelling of treatment chamber for the inactivation of Escherichia coli by radio frequency electric field – mechanistic versus empirical approaches', Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 93, pp. 3512 - 3525,
,2018, 'Development of a sensitive sandwich ELISA specific to 2S albumin (Ana o 3) as a stable protein marker for cashew nut residue detection in pre-packaged food products', Food Control, 96, pp. 432 - 440,
,2018, '17β-Estradiol residues and estrogenic activities in the Hawkesbury River, Australia', Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,
,2018, 'The impact of variable high pressure treatments and/or cooking of rice on bacterial populations after storage using culture-independent analysis', Food Control, 92, pp. 232 - 239,
,2018, 'A comparative study on the performance of three treatment chamber designs for radio frequency electric field processing', Computers and Chemical Engineering, 108, pp. 206 - 216,
,2018, 'Food allergen management in Australia', Journal of AOAC International, 101, pp. 60 - 69,
,2017, 'Quantitative analysis of species specificity of two anti-parvalbumin antibodies for detecting southern hemisphere fish species demonstrating strong phylogenetic association', Food Chemistry, 237, pp. 588 - 596,
,2017, 'A survey of 17α-ethinylestradiol and mestranol residues in Hawkesbury River, Australia, using a highly specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) demonstrates the levels of potential biological significance', Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 144, pp. 585 - 592,
,2017, 'A Review of Methods for Detecting Melamine in Food Samples', Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 47, pp. 51 - 66,
,2017, 'Delivering food safety', Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 4, pp. 1,
,2016, 'Development of an ELISA to detect clenbuterol in swine products using a new approach for hapten design', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, pp. 6045 - 6052,
,2016, 'Erratum to: Immunoanalysis for environmental monitoring and human health (Anal Bioanal Chem, 10.1007/s00216-016-9666-x)', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, pp. 6069,
,2016, 'Immunoanalysis for environmental monitoring and human health', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408, pp. 5959 - 5961,
,2016, 'Effects of Surface Epitope Coverage on the Sensitivity of Displacement Assays that Employ Modified Nanoparticles: Using Bisphenol A as a Model Analyte', Biosensors, 6, pp. 43,
,2016, 'Consensus of stakeholders on precautionary allergen labelling: A report from the Centre for Food and Allergy Research', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52, pp. 797 - 801,
,2016, 'Erratum to: Immunoanalysis for environmental monitoring and human health', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, pp. 1,
,2016, 'Consensus of stakeholders on precautionary allergen labelling: A report from the Centre for Food and Allergy Research', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,
,, 2016, 'XXIV World Allergy Congress 2015', World Allergy Organization Journal, 9, pp. 14 - 14,
2015, 'Development of a Competitive ELISA for the Detection of 4-tert-Octylphenol in Seafood', Food Analytical Methods, 8, pp. 1923 - 1935,
,2015, 'Biocompatible gold nanorods: One-step surface functionalization, highly colloidal stability, and low cytotoxicity', Langmuir, 31, pp. 4973 - 4980,
,2015, 'Surface Epitope Coverage Affects Binding Characteristics of Bisphenol-A Functionalized Nanoparticles in a Competitive Inhibition Assay', Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015,