Select Publications

Journal articles

Choudhury D; Sen Gupta A; Sharma A; Taschetto AS; Mehrotra R; Sivakumar B, 2017, 'Impacts of the tropical trans-basin variability on Australian rainfall', Climate Dynamics, 49, pp. 1617 - 1629,

Li Y; Jourdain NC; Taschetto AS; Gupta AS; Argüeso D; Masson S; Cai W, 2017, 'Resolution dependence of the simulated precipitation and diurnal cycle over the Maritime Continent', Climate Dynamics, 48, pp. 4009 - 4028,

Gimeno L; Dominguez F; Nieto R; Trigo R; Drumond A; Reason CJC; Taschetto AS; Ramos AM; Kumar R; Marengo J, 2016, 'Major Mechanisms of Atmospheric Moisture Transport and Their Role in Extreme Precipitation Events', Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 41, pp. 117 - 141,

Pontes GM; Sen Gupta A; Taschetto AS, 2016, 'Projected changes to South Atlantic boundary currents and confluence region in the CMIP5 models: The role of wind and deep ocean changes', Environmental Research Letters, 11, pp. 094013,

Taschetto AS; Rodrigues RR; Meehl GA; McGregor S; England MH, 2016, 'How sensitive are the Pacific–tropical North Atlantic teleconnections to the position and intensity of El Niño-related warming?', Climate Dynamics, 46, pp. 1841 - 1860,

Taschetto AS; Gupta AS; Ummenhofer CC; England MH, 2016, 'Can Australian multiyear droughts and wet spells be generated in the absence of oceanic variability?', Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 6201 - 6221,

Ummenhofer CC; Sen Gupta A; England MH; Taschetto AS; Briggs PR; Raupach MR, 2015, 'How did ocean warming affect Australian rainfall extremes during the 2010/2011 la Niña event?', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 9942 - 9951,

Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Hutchinson DK; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2015, 'Obliquity control on Southern Hemisphere climate during the last glacial', Scientific Reports, 5, pp. 11673,

Taschetto AS; Gupta AS; Jourdain NC; Santoso A; Ummenhofer CC; England MH, 2014, 'Cold tongue and warm pool ENSO Events in CMIP5: Mean state and future projections', Journal of Climate, 27, pp. 2861 - 2885,

Simpkins GR; McGregor S; Taschetto AS; Ciasto LM; England MH, 2014, 'Tropical connections to climatic change in the extratropical Southern Hemisphere: The role of atlantic SST trends', Journal of Climate, 27, pp. 4923 - 4936,

Taschetto AS; Gupta AS; Hendon HH; Ummenhofer CC; England MH, 2013, 'Corrigendum', Journal of Climate, 26, pp. 9727 - 9728,

Jourdain NC; Sen Gupta AR; Taschetto AS; Ummenhofer CC; Moise ; Ashok , 2013, 'The Indo-Australian monsoon and its relationship to ENSO and IOD in reanalysis data and the CMIP3/CMIP5 simulations', Climate Dynamics, 41,

Taschetto AS; Ambrizzi T, 2012, 'Can Indian Ocean SST anomalies influence South American rainfall?', Climate Dynamics, 38, pp. 1615 - 1628,

Li Y; Jourdain NC; Taschetto AS; Ummenhofer CC; Ashok K; Gupta AS, 2012, 'Evaluation of monsoon seasonality and the tropospheric biennial oscillation transitions in the CMIP models', Geophysical Research Letters, 39, pp. Article number: L20713,

Ummenhofer CC; Sen Gupta AR; Li Y; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2011, 'Multi-decadal modulation of the El Nino-Indian monsoon relationship by Indian Ocean variability', Environmental Research Letters, 6, pp. 034006 - 034006,

Hill KJ; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2011, 'Sensitivity of South American summer rainfall to tropical Pacific Ocean SST anomalies', Geophysical Research Letters, 38, pp. L01701,

Taschetto AS; Sen Gupta AR; Hendon HH; Ummenhofer CC; England MH, 2011, 'The Contribution of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on Australian summer rainfall during El Nino events', Journal of Climate, 24, pp. 3734 - 3747,

Kidston J; Taschetto AS; Thompson DWJ; England MH, 2011, 'The influence of Southern Hemisphere sea-ice extent on the latitude of the mid-latitude jet stream', Geophysical Research Letters, 38, pp. L15804,

Taschetto AS; Haarsma R; Sen Gupta AR; Ummenhofer CC; Hill KJ; England MH, 2010, 'Australian monsoon variability driven by a Gill-Matsuno type response to central-west Pacific warming', Journal of Climate, 23, pp. 4717 - 4736,

Luffman JJ; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2010, 'Global and regional climate response to late 20th century warming over the Indian Ocean', Journal of Climate, 23, pp. 1660 - 1674,

Taschetto AS; England MH, 2009, 'An analysis of late twentieth century trends in Australian rainfall', International Journal of Climatology, 29, pp. 791 - 807

Taschetto AS; Ummenhofer CC; Sen Gupta AR; England MH, 2009, 'Effect of anomalous warming in the central Pacific on the Australian monsoon', Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. L12704 - L12704,

Taschetto AS; England MH, 2009, 'El Nino Modoki Impacts on Australian Rainfall', Journal of Climate, 22, pp. 3167 - 3174

Ummenhofer CC; Sen Gupta AR; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2009, 'Modulation of Australian precipitation by meridional gradients in east Indian Ocean sea surface temperature', Journal of Climate, 22, pp. 5597 - 5610,

Sen Gupta AR; Santoso A; Taschetto AS; Ummenhofer CC; Trevena J; England MH, 2009, 'Projected changes to the southern hemisphere ocean and sea ice in the IPCC AR4 climate models', Journal of Climate, 22, pp. 3047 - 3078

Hill KJ; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2009, 'South American rainfall impacts associated with inter-El Nino variations', Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. 1 - 5,

Ummenhofer CC; England MH; Mclntosh P; Meyers G; Pook M; Risbey J; Sen Gupta AR; Taschetto AS, 2009, 'What causes southeast Australia`s worst droughts?', Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. 1 - 5,

Taschetto AS; England MH, 2008, 'Estimating ensemble size requirements of AGCM simulations', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 100, pp. 23 - 36

Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2008, 'Reproducibility of South Amercian Precipitation due to Subtropical South Atlantic SSTs', Journal of Climate, 21, pp. 2835 - 2851

Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2008, 'The impact of subtropical South Atlantic SST on South Amercian precipitation', Annales Geophysicae - Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences, 26, pp. 3457 - 3476

Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2008, 'The impact of the subtropical South Atlantic SST on South American precipitation', Annales Geophysicae - Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences, 26, pp. 3457 - 3476

Taschetto AS; Wainer I; Raphael M, 2007, 'Interannual variability associated with Semi-Annual Oscillation in southern high latitudes', Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, pp. D02106,

Bomventi TN; Wainer LEKC; Taschetto AS, 2006, 'Relationship between outgoing longwave radiation, precipitation and sea surface temperature in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean', Revista Brasileira de Geofisica, 24, pp. 513 - 524,

Bomventi TB; Wainer I; Taschetto AS, 2006, 'Relacao entre a Radiacao de Onda Longa, Precipitacao e Temperatura da Superficie do Mar no Oceano Atlantico Tropical', Revista Brasileira de Geof`isica / Brazilian Journal of Geophysics, 24, pp. 513 - 524

Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2005, 'A influencia dos gases estufa no oceano Atlantico Sul: variabilidade interanual', Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 20, pp. 113 - 122

Wainer I; Taschetto AS; Otto-Bliesner B; Brady E, 2004, 'A numerical study of the impact of greenhouse gases on the South Atlantic Ocean climatology', Climatic Change, 66, pp. 163 - 189

Wainer I; Taschetto A; Soares J; De Oliveira AP; Bliesner BO; Brady E, 2003, 'Intercomparison of heat fluxes in the South Atlantic. Part I: The seasonal cycle', JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 16, pp. 706 - 714,<0706:IOHFIT>2.0.CO;2

Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2003, 'A influencia dos gases estufa no oceano Atlantico Sul: estudo climatologico', Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 51, pp. 39 - 54

Wainer I; Taschetto AS; Soares J; Oliveira AP; Otto-Bliesner B; Brady E, 2003, 'Intercomparison of heat fluxes in the South Atlantic. Part I: the seasonal cycle', Journal of Climate, 16, pp. 706 - 714

Goes M; Campos CN; Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2003, 'Relacao entre o Modo Equatorial e a a tendencia de aquecimento da Bacia Atlantica Tropical', Atlantica, 25, pp. 21 - 25

Taschetto AS; Wainer I, 2002, 'Estudo climatologico das variaveis de superficie marinha da regiao sudoeste do Atlantico Sul', Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, 17, pp. 229 - 242

Taschetto AS, '"O impacto do Oceano Atlântico Sul no clima regional"', ,

Taschetto AS, '"O impacto dos gases estufa nas variáveis de superfície ar-mar através de um modelo acoplado de circulação geral"', ,

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