Select Publications


Beattie AH, 2019, Allied Internment Camps in Occupied Germany: Extrajudicial Detention in the Name of Denazification, 1945–1950, Cambridge University Press,

Beattie A, 2008, Playing Politics with History: The Bundestag Inquiries into East Germany, Berghahn Books, New York,

Book Chapters

Beattie A, 2021, 'Die Auseinandersetzung mit den sowjetischen Speziallagern in Deutschland: Eine wechselvolle Geschichte mit beharrlichen Tendenzen', in Landau J; Heitzer E (ed.), Zwischen Entnazifizierung und Besatzungspolitik Die sowjetischen Speziallager 1945-1950 im Kontext, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 267 - 274

Beattie A, 2021, 'Die sowjetischen Speziallager im Kontext der alliierten Internierung und Entnazifizierung', in Landau J; Heitzer E (ed.), Zwischen Entnazifizierung und Besatzungspolitik Die sowjetischen Speziallager 1945-1950 im Kontext, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 43 - 60

Beattie A, 2018, 'The Allied Internment of German Civilians in Occupied Germany: Cooperation and Conflict in the Western Zones, 1945–9', in Erlichmann C; Knowles C (ed.), Transforming Occupation in the Western Zones of Germany Politics, Everyday Life and Social Interactions, 1945-55, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 81 - 96

Beattie AH, 2018, 'Verdiente Strafe des harten Kerns oder ungerechte Besatzungsmaßnahme? Die SS und die alliierte Internierung im besetzten Deutschland', in Schulte JE; Wildt M (ed.), Die SS nach 1945: Entschuldungsnarrative, populäre Mythen, europäischen Erinnerungsdiskurse, V&R unipress, Göttingen, pp. 57 - 74

Beattie A, 2017, 'L’internamento dei civili tedeschi dopo la seconda guerra mondiale e la questione della violenza', in Acciai E; Panvini G; Poesia C; Rovatti T (ed.), Oltre il 1945: Violenza, conflitto sociale, ordine pubblico nel dopoguerra europeo, Viella, Rome, pp. 105 - 120

Beattie AH, 2016, 'Gedenkstätten als Katalysatoren geschichtspolitischer Konflikte: Umstrittene Erinnerung und Konkurrenz der Opfer', in Heitzer E; Morsch G; Traba R; Woniak K (ed.), Von Mahnstätten über zeithistorische Museen zu Orten des Massentourismus? Gedenkstätten an Orten von NS-Verbrechen in Polen und Deutschland, Metropol Verlag, Berlin, pp. 84 - 94

Beattie AH, 2015, 'Post-Communist Truth Commissions: Between Transitional Justice and the Politics of History', in Stan L; Nedelsky N (ed.), Post-Communist Transitional Justice: Lessons from Twenty-Five Years of Experience, Cambridge University Press, pp. 213 - 232,

Beattie A, 2013, 'Ein neuer Historikerstreit? Kommunismus und Nationalsozialismus in der deutschen Erinnerungs- und Geschichtspolitik seit 1990', in Benz W (ed.), Ein Kampf um Deutungshoheit: Politik, Opferinteressen und historische Forschung. Die Auseinandersetzung um die Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte Leistikowstraße Potsdam, edn. Original, Metropol Verlag, Berlin, pp. 16 - 36

Beattie A, 2012, 'A 1950s Revival: Cold War Culture in Reunified Germany', in Vowinckel A; Payk MM; Lindenberger T (ed.), Cold War Cultures: Perspectives on Eastern and Western European Societies, Berghahn Books, New York, pp. 299 - 320,

Beattie A, 2012, 'Die Weichen stellen für die Zukunft der DDR-Erinnerung? Rückblick auf die Enquete-Kommission des Bundestages zur Aufarbeitung von Geschichte und Folgen der SED-Diktatur in Deutschland', in Sabrow M; Bosch F (ed.), Zeiträume: Potsdamer Almanach des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung, edn. Original, Wallstein, Göttingen, pp. 20 - 33

Beattie A, 2011, 'The Politics of Remembering the GDR: Official and State-Mandated Memory since 1990', in Clarke D; Wölfel U (ed.), Remembering the German Democratic Republic: Divided Memory in a United Germany, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 23 - 36

Beattie A, 2010, 'The Fight in the Prison Car Park: Memorializing Germany's "Double Past" in Torgau since 1990', in Niven B; Paver C (ed.), Memorialization in Germany since 1945, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 328 - 338

Beattie A, 2007, 'Orte des Terrors oder der "stalinistischen Entnazifizierung"? Zeitgenössische britische Wahrnehmungen sowjetischer Speziallager in der SBZ', in Barker P; Ohse M-D; Tate D (ed.), Views from Abroad: die DDR aus britischer Perspektive, edn. Original, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 67 - 78

Beattie A, 2006, 'The Victims of Totalitarianism and the Centrality of Nazi Genocide: Continuity and Change in German Commemorative Politics', in Niven B (ed.), Germans as Victims: Contemporary Germany and the Third Reich, edn. Original, Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 147 - 163

Beattie A, 2005, 'The Past in the Politics of Divided and Unified Germany', in Friedman MP; Kenney P (ed.), Partisan Histories: The Past in Contemporary Global Politics, edn. Original, Palgrave MacMillan, New York, pp. 17 - 38

Journal articles

Beattie AH, 2023, 'Peter Howson. Britain and the German Churches 1945–1950: The Role of the Religious Affairs Branch in the British Zone. Studies in Modern British Religious History 43. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2021. Pp. 305. $125.00 (cloth).', Journal of British Studies, 62, pp. 1101 - 1103,

Beattie A, 2019, 'Broken Lives: How Ordinary Germans Experienced the Twentieth Century', Australian Journal of Politics & History, 65, pp. 505 - 507,

Beattie AH, 2017, ''Lobby for the Nazi Elite'? the protestant churches and civilian internment in the British zone of occupied Germany, 1945-1948', German History, 35, pp. 43 - 70,

Beattie A, 2011, '"Sowjetische KZs auf deutschem Boden": Die sowjetischen Speziallager und der bundesdeutsche Antikommunismus', Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung, 2011, pp. 119 - 137,

Beattie A, 2010, 'Between Histories and Memories: Torgau's Memorial Museum for Germany’s Short Twentieth Century', Museum and Society, 8, pp. 37 - 55,

Beattie A, 2009, 'An Evolutionary Process: Contributions of the Bundestag’s Inquiries into East Germany to an Understanding of the Role of Truth Commissions', International Journal of Transitional Justice, 3, pp. 229 - 249,

Beattie A, 2008, 'Beyond "Restoration"? Assessing and Accounting for West German Liberalization and Democratization, 1945-1965', European History Quarterly, 38, pp. 101 - 113

Beattie A, 2007, 'Learning from the Germans? History and Memory in German and European Projects of Integration', PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 4,


Beattie A, 2019, Broken Lives: How Ordinary Germans Experienced the Twentieth Century and Lions and Lambs: Conflict in Weimar and the Creation of Post-Nazi Germany., WILEY, ,

Beattie A, 2019, The Euro Crisis and European Identities: Political and Media Discourse in Germany, Ireland and Poland, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, ,

Beattie A, 2017, The 20th Century: Time Experience and Time Research in divided Germany, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, ,

Beattie A, 2017, The Good Occupation: American Soldiers and the Hazards of Peace, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, ,

Beattie AH, 2013, Walls, Borders, Boundaries: Spatial and Cultural Practices in Europe, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, ,

Heinemann I; Beattie AH, 2005, "Until the last drop of good blood" The kidnapping of "racially valuable" children and nazi racial policy in occupied Eastern Europe,

Zimmerer J; Beattie AH, 2005, Colonialism and the holocaust: Towards an archeology of genocide,

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