Select Publications

Book Chapters

Wenham SR; Honsberg CB; Cotter J; Spooner T; A.Green M; Silver MD; Largent R; Bruce A; Aberle A; Cahill L, 2020, 'Australian Initiatives in Photovoltaic Engineering Education', in Sixteenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Routledge, pp. 2854 - 2857,

Kuch D; Stringer N; Marshall L; Young S; Roberts M; Macgill I; Bruce A; Passey R, 2019, 'An Energy Data Manifesto', in Good Data, Institute of Networked Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 77 - 93,

Madriz-Vargas R; Bruce A; Watt M, 2018, 'Community renewable energy in developing countries: An assessment challenge', in Szolucha A (ed.), Energy, Resource Extraction and Society: Impacts and Contested Futures, Taylor & Francis, pp. 105 - 123,

Journal articles

Prakash A; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2025, 'The scheduling role of future pricing information in electricity markets with rising deployments of energy storage: An Australian National Electricity Market case study', Energy Economics, 142,

Carrier SJ; Scharen DR; Hayes M; Smith PS; Bruce A; Craven L, 2024, 'Citizen science in elementary classrooms: a tale of two teachers', FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 9,

Gorman N; MacGill I; Bruce A, 2024, 'Re-dispatch simplification analysis: Confirmation holism and assessing the impact of simplifications on energy system model performance', Applied Energy, 365,

Gorman N; MacGill I; Bruce A, 2024, 'How to support the adoption of open-source energy system modelling software? Insights from interviews with users and developers', Energy Research and Social Science, 111,

Prakash A; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2023, 'NEMSEER: A Python package for downloading and handling historical National Electricity Market forecast data produced by the Australian Energy Market Operator', Journal of Open Source Software, 8, pp. 5883 - 5883,

Gilmore N; Koskinen I; Burr P; Obbard E; Sproul A; Konstantinou G; Bilbao J; Daiyan R; Kay M; Corkish R; Macgill I; Lovell E; Menictas C; Bruce A, 2023, 'Identifying weak signals to prepare for uncertainty in the energy sector', Heliyon, 9, pp. e21295,

Yildiz B; Stringer N; Klymenko T; Syahman Samhan M; Abramowitz G; Bruce A; MacGill I; Egan R; Sproul AB, 2023, 'Real-world data analysis of distributed PV and battery energy storage system curtailment in low voltage networks', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 186,

Prakash A; Ashby R; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2023, 'Quantifying reserve capabilities for designing flexible electricity markets: An Australian case study with increasing penetrations of renewables', Energy Policy, 177,

Heslop S; Yildiz B; Roberts M; Chen D; Lau T; Naderi S; Bruce A; MacGill I; Egan R, 2022, 'A Novel Temperature-Independent Model for Estimating the Cooling Energy in Residential Homes for Pre-Cooling and Solar Pre-Cooling', Energies, 15,

Rispler J; Roberts M; Bruce A, 2022, 'A change in the air? The role of offshore wind in Australia's transition to a 100 % renewable grid', Electricity Journal, 35,

Munro PG; Samarakoon S; Hansen UE; Kearnes M; Bruce A; Cross J; Walker S; Zalengera C, 2022, 'Towards a repair research agenda for off-grid solar e-waste in the Global South', Nature Energy, 8, pp. 1 - 6,

Marshall L; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2022, 'Market Mechanisms and Technology Transition in Australia’s National Electricity Market', Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 9, pp. 41 - 51,

Zhou HS; Passey R; Bruce A; Sproul AB, 2022, 'Impact of residential battery energy storage systems on the peak reverse power flows from distributed photovoltaic systems', Journal of Energy Storage, 52,

Prakash A; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2022, 'Insights on designing effective and efficient frequency control arrangements from the Australian National Electricity Market', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 161,

Gorman N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2022, 'Nempy: A Python package for modelling the Australian National Electricity Market dispatch procedure', Journal of Open Source Software, 7, pp. 3596 - 3596,

Zhou HS; Passey R; Bruce A; Sproul AB, 2021, 'A case study on the behaviour of residential battery energy storage systems during network demand peaks', Renewable Energy, 180, pp. 712 - 724,

To LS; Bruce A; Munro P; Santagata E; MacGill I; Rawali M; Raturi A, 2021, 'A research and innovation agenda for energy resilience in Pacific Island Countries and Territories', Nature Energy, 6, pp. 1098 - 1103,

Yildiz B; Bilbao JI; Roberts M; Heslop S; Dore J; Bruce A; MacGill I; Egan RJ; Sproul AB, 2021, 'Analysis of electricity consumption and thermal storage of domestic electric water heating systems to utilize excess PV generation', Energy, 235, pp. 121325,

Stringer N; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2021, 'Fair consumer outcomes in the balance: Data driven analysis of distributed PV curtailment', Renewable Energy, 173, pp. 972 - 986,

Tanoto Y; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2021, 'Reliability-cost trade-offs for electricity industry planning with high variable renewable energy penetrations in emerging economies: A case study of Indonesia's Java-Bali grid', Energy, 227,

Zhou HS; Passey R; Bruce A; Sproul AB, 2021, 'Aggregated impact of coordinated commercial-scale battery energy storage systems on network peak demand, and financial outcomes', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144,

Tanoto Y; MacGill I; Bruce A; Haghdadi N, 2021, 'Impact of high solar and wind penetrations and different reliability targets on dynamic operating reserves in electricity generation expansion planning', Electricity Journal, 34,

Keeratimahat K; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2021, 'Analysis of short-term operational forecast deviations and controllability of utility-scale photovoltaic plants', Renewable Energy, 167, pp. 343 - 358,

Keeratimahat K; Copper J; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2021, 'Generation of synthetic 4 s utility-scale PV output time series from hourly solar irradiance data', Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 13,

Marshall L; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2021, 'Assessing wholesale competition in the Australian National Electricity Market', Energy Policy, 149,

Fina B; Roberts MB; Auer H; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2021, 'Exogenous influences on deployment and profitability of photovoltaics for self-consumption in multi-apartment buildings in Australia and Austria', Applied Energy, 283, pp. 116309,

Yildiz B; Roberts M; Bilbao JI; Heslop S; Bruce A; Dore J; MacGill I; Egan RJ; Sproul AB, 2021, 'Assessment of control tools for utilizing excess distributed photovoltaic generation in domestic electric water heating systems', Applied Energy, 300, pp. 117411 - 117411,

Stringer N; Bruce A; MacGill I; Haghdadi N; Kilby P; Mills J; Veijalainen T; Armitage M; Wilmot N, 2020, 'Consumer-led transition', IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 18, pp. 20 - 36,

Tanoto Y; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2020, 'Clustering based assessment of cost, security and environmental tradeoffs with possible future electricity generation portfolios', Applied Energy, 270,

Stringer N; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; Riesz J; MacGill I, 2020, 'Observed behavior of distributed photovoltaic systems during major voltage disturbances and implications for power system security', Applied Energy, 260,

Hungerford Z; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'The value of flexible load in power systems with high renewable energy penetration', Energy, 188,

Roberts MB; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'A comparison of arrangements for increasing self-consumption and maximising the value of distributed photovoltaics on apartment buildings', Solar Energy, 193, pp. 372 - 386,

Roberts MB; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'Characterisation of Australian apartment electricity demand and its implications for low-carbon cities', Energy, 180, pp. 242 - 257,

Roberts MB; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'Impact of shared battery energy storage systems on photovoltaic self-consumption and electricity bills in apartment buildings', Applied Energy, 245, pp. 78 - 95,

Young S; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'Potential impacts of residential PV and battery storage on Australia's electricity networks under different tariffs', Energy Policy, 128, pp. 616 - 627,

Shakya B; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2019, 'Survey based characterisation of energy services for improved design and operation of standalone microgrids', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 101, pp. 493 - 503,

Roberts M; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2019, 'Opportunities and barriers for photovoltaics on multi-unit residential buildings: Reviewing the Australian experience', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 104, pp. 95 - 110,

Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MaCgill I; Passey R, 2018, 'Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems on Zone Substation Peak Demand', IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 9, pp. 621 - 629,

Madriz-Vargas R; Bruce A; Watt M, 2018, 'The future of Community Renewable Energy for electricity access in rural Central America', Energy Research and Social Science, 35, pp. 118 - 131,

Passey R; Watt M; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2018, 'Who pays, who benefits? The financial impacts of solar photovoltaic systems and air-conditioners on Australian households', Energy Research and Social Science, 39, pp. 198 - 215,

Haghdadi N; Copper J; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2017, 'A method to estimate the location and orientation of distributed photovoltaic systems from their generation output data', Renewable Energy, 108, pp. 390 - 400,

Passey R; Haghdadi N; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2017, 'Designing more cost reflective electricity network tariffs with demand charges', Energy Policy, 109, pp. 642 - 649,

Copper JK; Sproul AB; Bruce AG, 2016, 'A method to calculate array spacing and potential system size of photovoltaic arrays in the urban environment using vector analysis', Applied Energy, 161, pp. 11 - 23,

MacGill I; Bruce A, 2015, 'photovoltaics in Australia time for a rethink', IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE, 13,

Hazelton J; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2013, 'A review of the potential benefits and risks of photovoltaic hybrid mini-grid systems', Renewable Energy,

Corkish RP; Barnett A; Bremner S; Bruce A; Kay M; Lennon A; Perez-Wurfl I; Sproul A; Stapleton G; Shrestha S; Spooner ED; Taylor R; Uddin A; Wentworth D, 2012, 'Renewable Energy Education at UNSW', Journal of Materials Education, 34, pp. 117 - 132

Steinfeld J; Bruce A; Watt ME, 2011, 'Peak load characteristics of Sydney office buildings and policy recommendations for peak load reduction', Energy and Buildings, 43, pp. 2179 - 2187,

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