Select Publications

Journal articles

Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Serrano S; Otter D; Dunmore D; Mai PY; Schlattner F; Feng MK; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl HJ; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang CH; Escott CC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Rahman R; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2024, 'Bounds to electron spin qubit variability for scalable CMOS architectures', Nature Communications, 15,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Serrano S; Nickl A; Feng MK; Huang JY; Tanttu T; Dumoulin Stuyck N; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2024, 'Entangling gates on degenerate spin qubits dressed by a global field', Nature Communications, 15,

Stemp HG; Asaad S; Blankenstein MRV; Vaartjes A; Johnson MAI; Mądzik MT; Heskes AJA; Firgau HR; Su RY; Yang CH; Laucht A; Ostrove CI; Rudinger KM; Young K; Blume-Kohout R; Hudson FE; Dzurak AS; Itoh KM; Jakob AM; Johnson BC; Jamieson DN; Morello A, 2024, 'Tomography of entangling two-qubit logic operations in exchange-coupled donor electron spin qubits', Nature Communications, 15,

Tanttu T; Lim WH; Huang JY; Dumoulin Stuyck N; Gilbert W; Su RY; Feng MK; Cifuentes JD; Seedhouse AE; Seritan SK; Ostrove CI; Rudinger KM; Leon RCC; Huang W; Escott CC; Itoh KM; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Blume-Kohout R; Bartlett SD; Morello A; Laucht A; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2024, 'Assessment of the errors of high-fidelity two-qubit gates in silicon quantum dots', Nature Physics, 20, pp. 1804 - 1809,

Day T; Isarov M; Pappas WJ; Johnson BC; Abe H; Ohshima T; McCamey DR; Laucht A; Pla JJ, 2024, 'Room-Temperature Solid-State Maser Amplifier', Physical Review X, 14,

Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Steinacker P; Serrano S; Hansen I; Slack-Smith JP; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Stuyck ND; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl HJ; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang CH; Escott CC; Hudson FE; Lim WH; Rahman R; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2024, 'Impact of electrostatic crosstalk on spin qubits in dense CMOS quantum dot arrays', Physical Review B, 110,

Huang JY; Su RY; Lim WH; Feng MK; van Straaten B; Severin B; Gilbert W; Dumoulin Stuyck N; Tanttu T; Serrano S; Cifuentes JD; Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Ares N; Bartlett SD; Morello A; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2024, 'High-fidelity spin qubit operation and algorithmic initialization above 1 K', Nature, 627, pp. 772 - 777,

Dumoulin Stuyck N; Seedhouse AE; Serrano S; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Hudson F; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Lim WH; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2024, 'Silicon spin qubit noise characterization using real-time feedback protocols and wavelet analysis', Applied Physics Letters, 124,

Gali A; Schleife A; Heinrich AJ; Laucht A; Schuler B; Chakraborty C; Anderson CP; Déprez C; McCallum J; Bassett LC; Friesen M; Flatté ME; Maurer P; Coppersmith SN; Zhong T; Begum-Hudde V; Ping Y, 2024, 'Challenges in advancing our understanding of atomic-like quantum systems: Theory and experiment', MRS Bulletin, 49, pp. 256 - 276,

Adambukulam C; Johnson BC; Morello A; Laucht A, 2024, 'Hyperfine Spectroscopy and Fast, All-Optical Arbitrary State Initialization and Readout of a Single, Ten-Level Ge 73 Vacancy Nuclear Spin Qudit in Diamond', Physical Review Letters, 132,

Serrano S; Feng MK; Lim WH; Seedhouse AE; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Escott CC; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS; Laucht A, 2024, 'Improved Single-Shot Qubit Readout Using Twin rf-SET Charge Correlations', PRX Quantum, 5,

Berrington MC; Sellars MJ; Longdell JJ; Rønnow HM; Vallabhapurapu HH; Adambukulam C; Laucht A; Ahlefeldt RL, 2023, 'Negative Refractive Index in Dielectric Crystals Containing Stoichiometric Rare-Earth Ions', Advanced Optical Materials, 11,

Al-Juboori A; Zeng HZJ; Nguyen MAP; Ai X; Laucht A; Solntsev A; Toth M; Malaney R; Aharonovich I, 2023, 'Quantum Key Distribution Using a Quantum Emitter in Hexagonal Boron Nitride', Advanced Quantum Technologies, 6,

Vallabhapurapu HH; Hansen I; Adambukulam C; Stöhr R; Denisenko A; Yang CH; Laucht A, 2023, 'High-fidelity control of a nitrogen-vacancy-center spin qubit at room temperature using the sinusoidally modulated, always rotating, and tailored protocol', Physical Review A, 108,

Wang Z; Feng MK; Serrano S; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Tanttu T; Mai P; Liang D; Huang JY; Su Y; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Morello A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A; Laucht A, 2023, 'Jellybean Quantum Dots in Silicon for Qubit Coupling and On-Chip Quantum Chemistry', Advanced Materials, 35,

Feng MK; Yoneda J; Huang W; Su Y; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Cifuentes JD; Chan KW; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, 'Control of dephasing in spin qubits during coherent transport in silicon', Physical Review B, 107,

Gilbert W; Tanttu T; Lim WH; Feng MK; Huang JY; Cifuentes JD; Serrano S; Mai PY; Leon RCC; Escott CC; Itoh KM; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Morello A; Laucht A; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2023, 'On-demand electrical control of spin qubits', Nature Nanotechnology, 18, pp. 131 - 136,

Vahapoglu E; Slack-Smith JP; Leon RCC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Day T; Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Pla JJ, 2022, 'Coherent control of electron spin qubits in silicon using a global field', npj Quantum Information, 8,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Chan KW; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS, 2022, 'Implementation of an advanced dressing protocol for global qubit control in silicon', Applied Physics Reviews, 9,

Yang Y; Vallabhapurapu HH; Sewani VK; Isarov M; Firgau HR; Adambukulam C; Johnson BC; Pla JJ; Laucht A, 2022, 'Observing hyperfine interactions of NV-centers in diamond in an advanced quantum teaching lab', American Journal of Physics, 90, pp. 550 - 560,

Vallabhapurapu HH; Adambukulam C; Saraiva A; Laucht A, 2022, 'Indirect control of the 29SiV- nuclear spin in diamond', Physical Review B, 105,

Zeng HZJ; Ngyuen MAP; Ai X; Bennet A; Solntsev AS; Laucht A; Al-Juboori A; Toth M; Mildren RP; Malaney R; Aharonovich I, 2022, 'Erratum: Integrated room temperature single-photon source for quantum key distribution (Opt. Lett. (2022) 47 (1673) DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2201.11882)', Optics Letters, 47, pp. 2161 - 2161,

Zeng HZJ; Ngyuen MAP; Ai X; Bennet A; Solnstev AS; Laucht A; Al-Juboori A; Toth M; Mildren RP; Malaney R; Aharonovich I, 2022, 'Integrated room temperature single-photon source for quantum key distribution', Optics Letters, 47, pp. 1673 - 1676,

Parker DJ; Savytskyi M; Vine W; Laucht A; Duty T; Morello A; Grimsmo AL; Pla JJ, 2022, 'Degenerate Parametric Amplification via Three-Wave Mixing Using Kinetic Inductance', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Mądzik MT; Asaad S; Youssry A; Joecker B; Rudinger KM; Nielsen E; Young KC; Proctor TJ; Baczewski AD; Laucht A; Schmitt V; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Jakob AM; Johnson BC; Jamieson DN; Dzurak AS; Ferrie C; Blume-Kohout R; Morello A, 2022, 'Precision tomography of a three-qubit donor quantum processor in silicon', Nature, 601, pp. 348 - 353,

Dzurak AS; Epps J; Laucht A; Malaney R; Morello A; Nurdin HI; Pla JJ; Saraiva A; Yang CH, 2022, 'Development of an Undergraduate Quantum Engineering Degree', IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 3,

Saraiva A; Lim WH; Yang CH; Escott CC; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2022, 'Materials for Silicon Quantum Dots and their Impact on Electron Spin Qubits', Advanced Functional Materials, 32,

Seedhouse AE; Hansen I; Laucht A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2021, 'Quantum computation protocol for dressed spins in a global field', Physical Review B, 104,

Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Camirand Lemyre J; Tanttu T; Huang W; Huang JY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Bell-state tomography in a silicon many-electron artificial molecule', Nature Communications, 12,

Yoneda J; Huang W; Feng M; Yang CH; Chan KW; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Bartlett SD; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Coherent spin qubit transport in silicon', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 4114,

Ma̧dzik MT; Laucht A; Hudson FE; Jakob AM; Johnson BC; Jamieson DN; Itoh KM; Dzurak AS; Morello A, 2021, 'Conditional quantum operation of two exchange-coupled single-donor spin qubits in a MOS-compatible silicon device', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 181,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2021, 'Pulse engineering of a global field for robust and universal quantum computation', Physical Review A, 104,

Heinrich AJ; Oliver WD; Vandersypen LMK; Ardavan A; Sessoli R; Loss D; Jayich AB; Fernandez-Rossier J; Laucht A; Morello A, 2021, 'Quantum-coherent nanoscience', Nature Nanotechnology, 16, pp. 1318 - 1329,

Vallabhapurapu HH; Slack-Smith JP; Sewani VK; Adambukulam C; Morello A; Pla JJ; Laucht A, 2021, 'Fast Coherent Control of a Nitrogen-Vacancy-Center Spin Ensemble Using a Dielectric Resonator at Cryogenic Temperatures', Physical Review Applied, 16,

Parker DJ; Savytskyi M; Vine W; Laucht A; Duty T; Morello A; Grimsmo AL; Pla JJ, 2021, 'A near-ideal degenerate parametric amplifier', Phys. Rev. Applied, 17, pp. 034064,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Chan KW; Hudson F; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Implementation of the SMART protocol for global qubit control in silicon', Applied Physics Reviews, 9, pp. 031409,

Adambukulam C; Sewani VK; Stemp HG; Asaad S; Mądzik MT; Morello A; Laucht A, 2021, 'An ultra-stable 1.5 T permanent magnet assembly for qubit experiments at cryogenic temperatures', Review of Scientific Instruments, 92,

Vahapoglu E; Slack-Smith JP; Leon RCC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Day T; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Pla JJ, 2021, 'Single-electron spin resonance in a nanoelectronic device using a global field', Science Advances, 7,

Huang JY; Lim WH; Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS; Laucht A, 2021, 'A High-Sensitivity Charge Sensor for Silicon Qubits above 1 K', Nano Letters, 21, pp. 6328 - 6335,

Mądzik MT; Asaad S; Youssry A; Joecker B; Rudinger KM; Nielsen E; Young KC; Proctor TJ; Baczewski AD; Laucht A; Schmitt V; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Jakob AM; Johnson BC; Jamieson DN; Dzurak AS; Ferrie C; Blume-Kohout R; Morello A, 2021, 'Precision tomography of a three-qubit donor quantum processor in silicon', Nature, 601, pp. 348,

Wang Z; Li L; Leon RCC; Yang J; Shi J; Laan TVD; Usman M, 2021, 'Improving Semiconductor Device Modeling for Electronic Design Automation by Machine Learning Techniques', ,

Vallabhapurapu HH; Slack-Smith JP; Sewani VK; Adambukulam C; Morello A; Pla JJ; Laucht A, 2021, 'Fast coherent control of an NV- spin ensemble using a KTaO3 dielectric resonator at cryogenic temperatures', ,

Laucht A; Hohls F; Ubbelohde N; Gonzalez-Zalba MF; Reilly DJ; Stobbe S; Schröder T; Scarlino P; Koski JV; Dzurak A; Yang CH; Yoneda J; Kuemmeth F; Bluhm H; Pla J; Hill C; Salfi J; Oiwa A; Muhonen JT; Verhagen E; LaHaye MD; Kim HH; Tsen AW; Culcer D; Geresdi A; Mol JA; Mohan V; Jain PK; Baugh J, 2021, 'Roadmap on quantum nanotechnologies', Nanotechnology, 32,

Chan KW; Sahasrabudhe H; Huang W; Wang Y; Yang HC; Veldhorst M; Hwang JCC; Mohiyaddin FA; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Morello A; Laucht A; Rahman R; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Exchange Coupling in a Linear Chain of Three Quantum-Dot Spin Qubits in Silicon', Nano Letters, 21, pp. 1517 - 1522,

Seedhouse AE; Tanttu T; Leon RCC; Zhao R; Tan KY; Hensen B; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Yoneda J; Yang CH; Morello A; Laucht A; Coppersmith SN; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Pauli Blockade in Silicon Quantum Dots with Spin-Orbit Control', PRX Quantum, 2,

Sewani VK; Vallabhapurapu HH; Yang Y; Firgau HR; Adambukulam C; Johnson BC; Pla JJ; Laucht A, 2020, 'Coherent control of NV-centers in diamond in a quantum teaching lab', American Journal of Physics, 88, pp. 1156 - 1169,

Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Lemyre JC; Tanttu T; Huang W; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Laucht A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'Coherent spin control of s-, p-, d- and f-electrons in a silicon quantum dot', Nature Communications, 11,

Gilbert W; Saraiva A; Lim WH; Yang CH; Laucht A; Bertrand B; Rambal N; Hutin L; Escott CC; Vinet M; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'Single-electron operation of a silicon-CMOS 2 × 2 quantum dot array with integrated charge sensing', Nano Letters, 20, pp. 7882 - 7888,

Sewani VK; Stöhr RJ; Kolesov R; Vallabhapurapu HH; Simmet T; Morello A; Laucht A, 2020, 'Spin thermometry and spin relaxation of optically detected Cr3+ ions in ruby Al2 O3', Physical Review B, 102,

Madzi MT; Lad TD; Hudso FE; Ito KM; Jako AM; Johnso BC; McCallu JC; Jamieso DN; Dzura AS; Laucht A; Morello A, 2020, 'Controllable freezing of the nuclear spin bath in a single-atom spin qubit', Science Advances, 6,

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