Select Publications

Book Chapters

Damodaran A; Shulruf B, 2024, 'Trust in healthcare professions' education: An interdisciplinary research agenda', in A Research Agenda for Trust: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, pp. 185 - 197,

Journal articles

Raman A; Damodaran A, 2024, 'Clinical Images: Ureteritis in VEXAS syndrome', ACR Open Rheumatology, 6, pp. 333,

Cullen T; Griffith M; Damodaran A; Lewis E; McMillan F; Sammel A; Honeysette R; Biles B; Beadman K; Nathan S, 2024, 'The First Nations experience of accessing rheumatology services in a metropolitan hospital: A qualitative study', Health Expectations,

Busari JO; Diffey L; Hauer KE; Lomis KD; Amiel JM; Barone MA; Schultz K; Chen HC; Damodaran A; Turner DA; Jones B; Oandasan I; Chan MK, 2024, 'Advancing anti-oppression and social justice in healthcare through competency-based medical education (CBME)', Medical Teacher, 46, pp. 1167 - 1174,

Islam S; Cullen T; Sumpton D; Damodaran A; Heath D; Bosco A; Doo NW; Kidson-Gerber G; Cheong A; Lawford R; Walsh R; Sammel A, 2022, 'VEXAS syndrome: lessons learnt from an early Australian case series', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 658 - 662,

Ten Cate O; Carraccio C; Damodaran A; Gofton W; Hamstra SJ; Hart DE; Richardson D; Ross S; Schultz K; Warm EJ; Whelan AJ; Schumacher DJ, 2021, 'Entrustment Decision Making: Extending Miller's Pyramid', Academic Medicine, 96, pp. 199 - 204,

Jiang I; Major G; Singh-Grewal D; Teng C; Kelly A; Niddrie F; Chaitow J; O'Neill S; Hassett G; Damodaran A; Bernays S; Manera K; Tong A; Tunnicliffe DJ, 2021, 'Patient and parent perspectives on transition from paediatric to adult healthcare in rheumatic diseases: an interview study.', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e039670,

Schumacher DJ; Cate OT; Damodaran A; Richardson D; Hamstra SJ; Ross S; Hodgson J; Touchie C; Molgaard L; Gofton W; Carraccio C, 2021, 'Clarifying essential terminology in entrustment', Medical Teacher, 43, pp. 737 - 744,

Schumacher DJ; Caretta-Weyer H; Busari J; Carraccio C; Damodaran A; Gruppen LD; Hall AK; Kinnear B; Warm E; Ten Cate O, 2021, 'Competency-based time-variable training internationally: Ensuring practical next steps in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic', Medical Teacher, 43, pp. 810 - 816,

Damodaran AK; Jones P; Shulruf B, 2021, 'Trust and risk pitfalls in medical education: A qualitative study of clinical teachers', Medical Teacher, 43, pp. 1309 - 1316,

Watson EGS; Steketee C; Mansfield KJ; Moore M; Dalziel B; Damodaran A; Walker B; Duvivierz R; Hu W, 2020, 'Curriculum mapping for health professions education: A typology', FOCUS ON HEALTH PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 21, pp. 91 - 113

Shulruf B; Adelstein BA; Damodaran A; Harris P; Kennedy S; O'Sullivan A; Taylor S, 2018, 'Borderline grades in high stakes clinical examinations: Resolving examiner uncertainty', BMC Medical Education, 18, pp. 272,

Shulruf B; Coombes L; Damodaran A; Freeman A; Jones P; Lieberman S; Poole P; Rhee J; Wilkinson T; Harris P, 2018, 'Cut-scores revisited: Feasibility of a new method for group standard setting', BMC Medical Education, 18, pp. 126,

El-Haddad C; Damodaran A; Patrick McNeil H; Hu W, 2018, 'The experience of patients admitted to hospital with acute low back pain: a qualitative study', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES, 21, pp. 796 - 803,

Shulruf B; Damodaran A; Jones P; Kennedy S; Mangos G; O'Sullivan AJ; Rhee J; Taylor S; Velan G; Harris P, 2018, 'Enhancing the defensibility of examiners' marks in high stake OSCEs', BMC medical education, 18, pp. 10,

El-Haddad C; Damodaran A; Patrick Mcneil H; Hu W, 2018, 'The experience of patients admitted to hospital with acute low back pain: A qualitative study', International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 21, pp. 796 - 803,

Damodaran A, 2018, 'Time to say goodbye to learner-centredness?', Medical Education, 52, pp. 7 - 9,

Armellin L; Sammel AM; Ng B; Sarathy K; Lambros J; Amir-Nezami T; Thomas SD; Highton J; Damodaran A, 2017, 'Coronary artery stenting in acute coronary syndrome associated with giant cell arteritis', Journal of Cardiology Cases, 16, pp. 77 - 81,

Damodaran A; Shulruf B; Jones P, 2017, 'Trust and risk: a model for medical education', Medical Education, 51, pp. 892 - 902,

El-Haddad C; Damodaran A; McNeil HP; Hu W, 2017, 'A Patient-Centered Approach to Developing Entrustable Professional Activities', Academic Medicine, 92, pp. 800 - 808,

Damodaran A; Shulruf B; Jones P, 2017, '‘Trust’ versus ‘competency’ in the workplace', Medical Education, 51, pp. 338,

El-Haddad C; Damodaran A; McNeil HP; Hu W, 2016, 'The ABCs of EPAs - an overview of 'Entrustable Professional Activities' in medical education.', Intern Med J,

Sammel AM; Drew TL; Low JP; Damodaran AK, 2015, 'Giant cell (temporal) arteritis : What GPS need to know', Medicine Today, 16, pp. 57 - 62

Damodaran AK, 2015, 'Chikungunya: A cause of persistent arthritis in Australia', Medicine Today: the peer reviewed journal of clinical practice, 16, pp. 56 - 58,

Damodaran AK; Barnsley L, 2005, 'A guide to joint and soft tissue corticosteroid injection. Part 1: general principles and the knee', Medicine Today, 6, pp. 62 - 64

Damodaran AK; Barnsley L, 2005, 'A guide to joint and tissue corticosteroid injection. Part 2: sites other than the knees', Medicine Today, 6, pp. 90-92 - 94-97

Smith R; Damodaran AK; Swaminathan S; Campbell R; Barnsley L, 2005, 'Hypermobility and sports injuries in junior netball players', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, pp. 628 - 631

Conference Papers

Jiang I; Major G; Singh-Grewal D; Teng C; Kelly A; Niddrie F; Chaitow J; O'Neill S; Hassett G; Damodaran A; Bernays S; Manera K; Tong A; Tunnicliffe DJ, 2021, 'Patient and parent perspectives on transition from paediatric to adult healthcare in rheumatic diseases: An interview study', in BMJ Open,

Damodaran A; Jones P; Shulruf B, 2018, 'Risk and vulnerability in clinical teaching: a qualitative study', Congress Center Basel, Switzerland, presented at AMEE 2018, Congress Center Basel, Switzerland, 25 August 2018 - 28 August 2018,

Sukhdeo A; Joshua F; Damodaran AK; shulruf , 2016, 'A study on medical students learning ultrasound in rheumatoid arthritis (ASMSLURA)', in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, BMJ Publishing Group, London, presented at EULAR 2016 London - Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, London, 08 June 2016 - 11 August 2016,

Damodaran AK; Rimington J; Sivabalan P, 2016, 'The Randwick Interprofessional Educators (RIPE) ward simulation: delayed evaluation of an interprofessional education activity.', Perth Convention Centre, Perth, WA, presented at ANZAHPE - OTTAWA 2016 Joint Conference, Perth Convention Centre, Perth, WA, 19 March 2016 - 23 March 2016


Damodaran , AK ; Rimington J; Long E, 2013, 'The Randwick Interprofessional Educators (RIPE) simulation for interprofessional team based care: evidence and sustainability.', in 18th National Prevocational Medical Education Forum proceedings (website), Adelaide, presented at Prevocational Medical Education Forum, Adelaide, 03 November 2013 - 06 November 2013,

Damodaran AK, 2007, 'A pilot study of in-training assessment in rheumatology advanced training.', in Internal Medicine Journal 2007; 37 (Suppl. 2): A27–A62, Sydney, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Rheumatology Association and the Rheumatology Health Professionals Association, Sydney, 26 May 2007 - 30 May 2007

Conference Presentations

Touchie C; Snell L; Damodaran A; Chan MK; Chen HC; Busari J, 2024, 'Fostering Social Justice in Healthcare Education through Competency-Based Education (CBE)', presented at AMEE, Basel, Switzerland, 24 August 2024 - 28 August 2024,

Hill C; Damodaran A; Burnet S; Singh-Grewal D; Buchbinder R; Rudd T; Lester S; Barrett C; Keen HI, 2022, 'Australian Rheumatology Association: Results of 2021 Workforce Survey', presented at Australian Rheumatology Association 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 20 May 2022 - 22 May 2022,

Mayer R; Lockey S; Gillespie N; Schilke O; Cooke K; Damodaran A; Shulruf B, 2022, 'A Research Agenda for Interdisciplinary Trust', presented at 11th FINT Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organizations, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 10 March 2022 - 12 March 2022,

Damodaran A, 2019, 'Work Readiness Amongst Medical Graduates: are we assessing and preparing them well?', presented at Monash Malaysia Medical Education Conference, 2019, Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25 January 2019 - 26 January 2019,

Damodaran AK; Thomas D; Stokes ML; Gustavs J, 2015, 'How Do We Ensure That Competency-based Curricula Build Systems In Which Trainees, Their Supervisors, Patients And The Broader Community Can Trust?', presented at Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) Annual Conference, Newcastle, 29 March 2015 - 31 March 2015,

Stokes M; Thomas D; Damodaran AK; Gustavs J, (ed.), 2013, 'Designing curriculum standards for Basic Physician Training that build on the prevocational years.', presented at Prevocational Medical Education Forum, Adelaide, 03 November 2013 - 06 November 2013

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