Select Publications

Conference Papers

Zhang Z; Hu J; Pota H; Kermanshahi SK; Turnbull B; Damiani E; Yeun CY, 2024, 'Experimental Demonstration of Risks and Influences of Cyber Attacks on Wireless Communication in Microgrids', in 2024 21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), IEEE, pp. 1 - 5, presented at 2024 21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 28 August 2024 - 30 August 2024,

Akter M; Moustafa N; Turnbull B, 2024, 'PEL: Privacy Embedded Learning in Smart Healthcare Systems', in 2024 21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), IEEE, pp. 1 - 10, presented at 2024 21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 28 August 2024 - 30 August 2024,

Wilden AJ; Nasim M; Williams P; Legrand T; Turnbull BP; Williams PAH, 2023, 'On Benchmarking and Validation in Wargames', in European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS, pp. 533 - 543

Koroniotis N; Moustafa N; Turnbull B; Schiliro F; Gauravaram P; Janicke H, 2021, 'A Deep Learning-based Penetration Testing Framework for Vulnerability Identification in Internet of Things Environments', in Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2021, pp. 887 - 894,

Moustafa N; Salim S; Turnbull B, 2020, 'Privacy-Encoding Models for Preserving Utility of Machine Learning Algorithms in Social Media', Guangzhou, China, presented at The 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, Guangzhou, China, 31 December 2020

Hassan M; Moustafa N; Sitnikova E; Turnbull B; Vatsalan D, 2020, 'Privacy-Preserving Techniques for Protecting Large-Scale Data of Cyber-Physical Systems', Tokyo, Japan, presented at The 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2020), Tokyo, Japan, 19 December 2020

Yamany W; Moustafa N; Turnbull B, 2020, 'A Tri-level Programming Framework for Modelling Attacks and Defences in Cyber-Physical Systems', Canberra, Australia, presented at The 33rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AJCAI 2020), Canberra, Australia, 16 December 2020

Clark DJ; Turnbull B, 2020, 'Experiment Design for Complex Immersive Visualisation', in 2020 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference, MilCIS 2020 - Proceedings,

Alkadi O; Moustafa N; Turnbull B, 2020, 'A Collaborative Intrusion Detection System using Deep Blockchain Framework for Securing Cloud Networks', 2020 Amsterdam, Netherlands, presented at Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2020 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 03 September 2020 - 04 September 2020

Sobb TM; Turnbull B, 2020, 'Assessment of cyber security implications of new technology integrations into military supply chains', in Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, SPW 2020, pp. 128 - 135,

Clark D; Turnbull B, 2020, 'Interactive 3D visualization of network traffic in time for forensic analysis', in Kerren A; Hurter C; Braz J (eds.), VISIGRAPP 2020 - Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, INSTICC, MALTA, Valletta, pp. 177 - 184, presented at Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, MALTA, Valletta, 27 February 2020 - 29 February 2020,

Sobb T; Sample C; Shelton C; Turnbull B, 2020, 'Modelling the supply chain: Trust but verify in complex systems', in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2020, pp. 439 - 447,

Turnbull B; Ormrod D; Moustafa N; Micallef N, 2019, 'Agile technology development to improve scenario-based learning exercises', in European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS, Portugal, pp. 518 - 526, presented at ECCWS, Portugal, 04 July 2019 - 05 July 2019

Ormrod D; Scott K; Scheinman L; Kodalle T; Sample C; Turnbull B, 2019, 'The persuasion game: Developing a serious game based model for information warfare and influence studies', in European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 328 - 337, presented at Future European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Coimbra, Portugal, 04 July 2019

Moustafa N; Turnbull B; Choo K-KR, 2018, 'Towards Automation of Vulnerability and Exploitation Identification in IIoT Networks', Bellevue, Washington, USA, presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet, Bellevue, Washington, USA, 21 October 2018 - 23 October 2018,

Randhawa S; Turnbull B; Yuen J; Dean J, 2018, 'Mission-centric Automated Cyber Red Teaming', in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,

Taylor J; Turnbull B; Creech G, 2018, 'Volatile memory forensics acquisition efficacy: A comparative study towards analysing firmware-based rootkits', in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,

Ormrod D; Turnbull B, 2018, 'Cyber resilience as an information operations action to assure the mission', in European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS, pp. 343 - 350

Ormrod D; Turnbull B, 2017, 'A framework for the modelling and simulation of battlespace integrated cyber-kinetic effects', in European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS, pp. 288 - 297

Ormrod D; Turnbull BP, 2016, 'The Military Cyber-Maturity Model - Preparing Modern Cyber-Enabled Military Forces for Future Conflicts', in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security:, Boston, presented at 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security: ICCWS2016, Boston, 17 March 2016 - 18 March 2016

Ormrod D; Turnbull BP; O'Sullivan K, 2015, 'System of systems cyber effects simulation ontology', in Macal C; Rossetti M (ed.), Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2015, IEEE, Huntington Beach, CA, pp. 2475 - 2486, presented at 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Huntington Beach, CA, 06 December 2015 - 09 December 2015,

Rice B; Turnbull BP, 2015, 'File System Modelling for Digital Triage: An Inductive Profiling Approach', in Valli C (ed.), The Proceedings of the 13th Australian Digital Forensics Conference, SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia, pp. 132 - 140, presented at Australian Digital Forensics Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, 30 November 2015 - 02 December 2015,

O'Sullivan K; Turnbull BP, 2015, 'The Cyber Simulation Terrain: Towards an open source cyber effects simulation ontology', in Hutchinson B (ed.), roceedings of the 16th Aus tralian Information W arfare Confe rence, Perth, WA, Australia, presented at AUSTRALIAN INFORMATION WARFARE AND SECURITY CONFERENCE, Perth, WA, Australia, 30 November 2015 - 02 December 2015,

Yuen J; Turnbull BP; Hernandez J, 2015, 'Visual analytics for cyber red teaming', in Harrison L; Prigent N; Engel S; Best D (eds.), IEEE, Chicago, IL, pp. 1 - 8, presented at 2015 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), Chicago, IL, 25 October 2015 - 25 October 2015,

Grove D; Murray A; Gerhardy D; Turnbull B; Tobin T; Moir C, 2013, 'An overview of the Parallax BattleMind v1.5 for computer network defence', in Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, pp. 31 - 37

Osborne G; Turnbull B; Slay J, 2012, 'Development of info vis software for digital forensics', in Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, pp. 213 - 217,

Shiralkar T; Lavine M; Turnbull B, 2009, 'A preliminary approach to the forensic analysis of an ultraportable ASUS Eee PC', in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, pp. 116 - 121,

Turnbull B; Osborne G; Simon M, 2009, 'Legal and technical implications of collecting wireless data as an evidence source', in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, pp. 36 - 41,

Singh AP; Lavine M; Turnbull B; Shiralkar T, 2009, 'Acer aspire one netbooks: A forensic challenge', in Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, pp. 404 - 409,

Osborne G; Turnbull B, 2009, 'Enhancing computer forensics investigation through visualisation and data exploitation', in Proceedings - International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2009, pp. 1012 - 1017,

Turnbull B; Taylor R; Blundell B, 2009, 'The anatomy of electronic evidence - Quantitative analysis of police e-crime data', in Proceedings - International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2009, pp. 143 - 149,

Singh AP; Lavine M; Turnbull B; Shiralkar T, 2009, 'Acer Aspire One Netbooks: A Forensic Challenge', in 2009 IEEE 33RD INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE, WA, Seattle, pp. 1077 - +, presented at IEEE 33rd International Computer Software and Applications Conference, WA, Seattle, 20 July 2009 - 24 July 2009,

Slay J; Lin YC; Turnbull B; Beckett J; Lin P, 2009, 'Towards a formalization of digital forensics', in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 37 - 47,

Turnbull B, 2008, 'The adaptability of electronic evidence acquisition guides for new technologies', in e-Forensics 2008 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information, and Multimedia and Workshop,

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