Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'SPEI-FL: Serverless Privacy Edge Intelligence-Enabled Federated Learning in Smart Healthcare Systems', Cognitive Computation, 16, pp. 2626 - 2641,
,2024, 'Swarm Optimization-Based Federated Learning for the Cyber Resilience of Internet of Things Systems Against Adversarial Attacks', IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 70, pp. 1359 - 1369,
,2024, 'A Blockchain-Enabled Explainable Federated Learning for Securing Internet-of-Things-Based Social Media 3.0 Networks', IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11, pp. 4681 - 4697,
,2024, 'CNA-TCC: Campaign Network Attribute Based Thematic Campaign Classification', IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11, pp. 4636 - 4648,
,2024, 'RVE-PFL: Robust Variational Encoder-Based Personalized Federated Learning Against Model Inversion Attacks', IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19, pp. 3772 - 3787,
,2023, 'Blockchain-Based Federated Learning for Securing Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey', ACM Computing Surveys, 55,
,2023, 'A Holistic Review of Cyber–Physical–Social Systems: New Directions and Opportunities', Sensors, 23,
,2023, 'An explainable deep learning-enabled intrusion detection framework in IoT networks', Information Sciences, 639,
,2023, 'OQFL: An Optimized Quantum-Based Federated Learning Framework for Defending Against Adversarial Attacks in Intelligent Transportation Systems', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24, pp. 893 - 903,
,2023, 'Reinforcement Learning Agents Playing Ticket to Ride-A Complex Imperfect Information Board Game With Delayed Rewards', IEEE Access, 11, pp. 60737 - 60757,
,2022, 'Perturbation-enabled Deep Federated Learning for Preserving Internet of Things-based Social Networks', ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 18,
,2022, 'Data analytics of social media 3.0: Privacy protection perspectives for integrating social media and Internet of Things (SM-IoT) systems', Ad Hoc Networks, 128,
,2022, 'Social media influence, trust, and conflict: An interview based study of leadership perceptions', Technology in Society, 68,
,2022, 'A Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication System with Binary Classification in a Zero Knowledge Proof Protocol', IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 3, pp. 1 - 10,
,2021, 'A Deep Blockchain Framework-Enabled Collaborative Intrusion Detection for Protecting IoT and Cloud Networks', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8, pp. 9463 - 9472,
,2021, 'A Data Driven Review of Board Game Design and Interactions of Their Mechanics', IEEE Access, 9, pp. 114051 - 114069,
,2021, 'A Survey on Privacy-Preserving Blockchain Systems (PPBS) and a Novel PPBS-Based Framework for Smart Agriculture', IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 2, pp. 72 - 84,
,2021, 'Biometrics and Privacy-Preservation: How Do They Evolve', IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 2, pp. 179 - 191,
,2021, 'Privacy-Preserving Schemes for Safeguarding Heterogeneous Data Sources in Cyber-Physical Systems', IEEE Access, 9, pp. 55077 - 55097,
,2021, 'Semantically Modeling Cyber Influence Campaigns (CICs): Ontology Model and Case Studies', IEEE Access, 9, pp. 9365 - 9382,
,2020, 'Supply Chain 4.0: A Survey of Cyber Security Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions', Electronics
,2020, 'Supply Chain 4.0: A Survey of Cyber Security Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions', Electronics (Switzerland)
,2020, 'Robustness evaluations of sustainable machine learning models against data poisoning attacks in the internet of things', Sustainability (Switzerland), 12,
,2020, 'A Privacy-Preserving-Framework-Based Blockchain and Deep Learning for Protecting Smart Power Networks', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 5110 - 5118,
,2020, 'A Review of Intrusion Detection and Blockchain Applications in the Cloud: Approaches, Challenges and Solutions', IEEE Access, 8, pp. 104893 - 104917,
,2019, 'The modelling and simulation of integrated battlefield cyber-kinetic effects', International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 9, pp. 1 - 26,
,2019, 'An ontological graph identification method to improve Localization of IP prefix hijacking in network systems', IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
,2019, 'Towards the Development of Realistic Botnet Dataset in the Internet of Things for Network Forensic Analytics: Bot-IoT Dataset', Future Generation Computer Systems
,2019, 'Mixture localization-based outliers models for securing data migration in cloud centers', IEEE Access, 7, pp. 114607 - 114618,
,2018, 'Privacy-preserving big data analytics for cyber-physical systems', Wireless Networks,
,2018, 'An Ensemble Intrusion Detection Technique based on proposed Statistical Flow Features for Protecting Network Traffic of Internet of Things', IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
,2018, 'A New Threat Intelligence Scheme for Safeguarding Industry 4.0 Systems', IEEE Access,
,2017, 'Developing a Military Cyber Maturity Model for Multi-Domain Battle Mission Resilience and Success', International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 7, pp. 1 - 13,
,2017, 'Attrition rates and maneuver in agent-based simulation models', Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 14, pp. 257 - 272,
,2017, 'Generating realistic intrusion detection system dataset based on fuzzy qualitative modeling', Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 87, pp. 185 - 192,
,2016, 'The cyber conceptual framework for developing military doctrine', Defence Studies, 16, pp. 270 - 298,
,2015, 'Automated event and social network extraction from digital evidence sources with ontological mapping', Digital Investigation, 13, pp. 94 - 106,
,2010, 'The 'Explore, Investigate and Correlate' (EIC) conceptual framework for digital forensics information visualisation', ARES 2010 - 5th International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security, pp. 629 - 634,
,2009, 'Message from WSDF workshop co-chairs', Proceedings - International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2009,
,2008, 'Extracting evidence using google desktop search', IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, 285, pp. 43 - 50,
,2008, 'Improving the analysis of lawfully intercepted network packet data captured for forensic analysis', ARES 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Availability, Security, and Reliability, Proceedings, pp. 1361 - 1368,
,2008, 'Wi-Fi network signals as a source of digital evidence: Wireless network forensics', ARES 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Availability, Security, and Reliability, Proceedings, pp. 1355 - 1360,
,2008, 'Developing a Process Model for the Forensic Extraction of Information from Desktop Search Applications', JOURNAL OF DIGITAL FORENSICS SECURITY AND LAW, 3, pp. 35 - 55,
,2007, 'Wireless forensic analysis tools for use in the electronic evidence collection process', Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
,2006, 'The need for a technical approach to digital forensic evidence collection for wireless technologies', Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance, 2006, pp. 124 - 132
,2006, 'Computer Security Education and Research in Australia', IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, 4, pp. 60 - 63,
,2005, 'Development of a "zero-skills" forensic laptop registration and identification tool', 4th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security 2005, ECIW 2005, pp. 39 - 45
,2005, 'Googling forensics', Proceedings of 3rd Australian Computer, Network and Information Forensics Conference, pp. 62 - 67
,2005, 'The 802.11 technology gap - Case studies in crime', IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 2007,