Select Publications


Kelly B, 2023, 2023 review of the “National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007”, UNSW, UNSW Sydney,

Kelly B; Beaton H; Mumford P, 2023, Measurements of the Atmospheric Concentration of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Carbon Monoxide: Eastern Creek, Horsley Park, Minchinbury, and Arndell Park, Unisearch, UNSW, Unisearch Contact - UN198596

Harris S; Kelly B; Hankin S; Peterson M; Cendón D, 2022, Mole fraction and isotopic measurements of nitrous oxide in tropospheric air in the Namoi, Nogoa and Murrumbidgee Catchments (2017-2020), UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Cendon D; Hankin S; Harris S; Peterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2022, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes of groundwater in the Lower Murrumbidgee Catchment., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1803

Harris S; Cendon D; Hakin S; Peterson M; Shuang X; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2022, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes of shallow groundwater in the Lower Murrumbidgee Catchment., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1819

Hankin S; Cendon D; Harris S; Peterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2022, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes of shallow groundwater in the Lower Namoi Alluvium., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1808

Hankin S; Cendon D; Harris S; Peterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2021, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes in the Namoi River., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1763

Cendon D; Hankin S; Harris S; Petterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2021, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes in the Nogoa River (QLD), ANSTO/C1745

Kelly B, 2020, Narrabri Gas Project (SSD 6456) Comments on “Submission to IPC following public hearing” File: “200810 Santos _Final Submission incl attachments.pdf”,,

Holley C; Kelly B; Andersen M; Baker A; Roshan H; Triantafilis J; Regan G, 2020, National Water Reform Inquiry Submission, Australian Government Productivity Commission, Canberra, 46,

Brandes de Roos I; Kelly B; Evans R; Evan R; Walker G, 2020, IAH Australia submission to the Productivity Commission, Australian Government Productivity Commission, Canberra, 15,

Kelly B, 2020, Narrabri Gas Project IPC submission (SSD 6456), NSW Government Independent Planning Commission,,

Kelly B; Cendon D, 2020, Quantifying the Uncertainty Associated with Predicting CSG Production Impacts, UNSW1401 RG124140,

Kelly B; Ginty E; Iverach C; Harris S, 2019, Namoi Atmospheric Methane Surveys, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, UNSW Sydney, CRDC ID UNSW1601 UNSW Sydney ID RG151699

Kelly B; Cendon D; Iverach C, 2019, Baselining Lower Namoi Groundwater and Evaluating Pilliga CSG Developments, Cotton Research Development Corporation, Narrabri, CRDC ID UNSW1601 UNSW Sydney ID RG151699

Iverach C; Cendon D; Hankin S; Harris S; Kelly B, 2019, Hydrogeochemical, Microbial and Isotopic Composition of Groundwater from the Lower Namoi Alluvial Aquifer between Narrabri and Wee Waa (NSW) – Implications for Groundwater Management, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, ANSTO, ANSTO/C-1512

Kelly BF; Cendon D; Iverach C, 2018, Groundwater Hydrographs in the Namoi and Gwydir Catchments: An Assessment of Groundwater Level Change, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, CRDC ID UNSW1601 UNSW Sydney ID RG151699

Iverach C; Cendon D; Hankin S; Lowry D; Fisher R; France J; Nisbet E; Baker A; Kelly B, 2014, Assessment of the Hydraulic Connections Between the Walloon Coal Measures and the Condamine Alluvium using Methane and Stable Isotopes, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Narrabri, CRDC Projects UNSW1401 & UNSW1402 UNSW Australia RG124140 & RG134327

Cendon D; Hankin S; Hollins S; Martel L; Kelly BF, 2014, Hydrochemistry and Isotopes in Groundwater from the Condamine River Alluvium Aquifer (SE-QLD)- Implications for Residence Times and Recharge, ANSTO, Lucas Heights, ANSTO/C-1395, http://ansto/

Kelly BF, 2014, Review for the NSW Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer document titled “Managing environmental and human health risks from CSG activities”, UNSW Global, UNSW Australia, OCSE Contract - J085729

Ward C; Kelly BFJ, 2013, Background Paper on New South Wales Geology: with a focus on basins containing coal seam gas resources., UNSW Global, The University of New South Wales,

Kelly BFJ; GIAMBASTIANI B; Andersen MS; Greve A; McCallum A, 2010, “Development of a 3D Geological Mapping and Database Interface to Support Interconnected Groundwater and Surface Water Management”, A report by the 1Connected Waters Initiative, UNSW and 2National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training for the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC and the National Water Commission.

Carr J; Kelly BFJ, 2010, Gwydir Catchment Groundwater Hydrographs, UNSW

Burkett D; Kelly BFJ, 2010, Lachlan Catchment Groundwater Hydrographs, UNSW

GIAMBASTIANI B; Kelly BFJ, 2010, Macquarie Catchment Groundwater Hydrographs

Kelly BFJ; The C, 2009, 3D Analysis of Irrigation Bore Water Chemistry Data from the Namoi Catchment, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC summer scholarship final report, UNSW, UNSW CWI, Version 2

Giambastiani B; Mccallum AM; Andersen MS; Kelly BFJ; Acworth RI, 2009, A Groundwater Flow Model of the Maules Creek Catchment

Kelly BFJ, 2009, Cox’s Creek Groundwater Hydrograph Analysis, Connected Waters Initiative for the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, The University of New South Wales

Kelly BFJ; Giambastiani B; Acworth RI, 2009, Development of a 3D Geological Mapping and Database Interface to Support Interconnected Groundwater and Surface Water Management, Connected Waters Initiative, The University of New South Wales

Kelly BFJ, 2009, Kriging with an External Drift: A Tutorial, Connected Waters Initiative, The University of New South Wales

Giambastiani B; Mccallum AM; Andersen MS; Kelly BFJ; Acworth RI, 2009, Maules Creek Project: steady-state groundwater model

Kelly BFJ, 2009, Using Indicator Kriging to Delineate the Distribution of a Contaminant Plume: A Tutorial, Connected Waters Initiative, The University of New South Wales

Greve A; Acworth RI; Kelly B, 2008, Design, Construction and Testing of 3D Borehole Resistivity Tomography Equipment to Measure Deep Drainage and Soil Moisture Changes, UNSW, Sydney

Kelly B; Merrick NP; Dent B; Milne-Home W; Yates D, 2007, A Scoping Study on Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Namoi Catchment Management Area, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2007/1

Milne-Home W; Merrick NP; Kelly B; Dent B; Yates D, 2007, Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Border Rivers – Gwydir Catchment Management Area, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2007/5

Kelly B; Merrick NP, 2007, Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Condamine Alliance Area, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2006/9d

Dent B; Merrick NP; Kelly B; Milne-Home W; Yates D, 2007, Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Lachlan Catchment Management Area, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2007/4

Dent B; Merrick NP; Milne-Home W; Kelly B; Yates D, 2007, Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Macquarie – Bogan Catchments, Central West Catchment Management Area, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2007/4

Kelly B; Merrick NP; Whiting D, 2007, Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Queensland Murray Darling Committee Area Border Rivers, Moonie and Lower Balonne catchments, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2007/6b

Kelly B; Merrick NP; Dent B; Milne-Home W; Yates D, 2006, A Scoping Study on Groundwater Knowledge and Gaps in the Namoi Catchment Management Area, Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, University of Technology, Sydney, NCGM 2006/6

Kelly B; Allen D; Ball J, 2006, A Scoping Study on River Flow Measurements for the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC: Part A Overview and Research Priorities, University of Technology, Sydney - National Center for Groundwater Management Report, NCGM 2006/5A

Allen D; Kelly B, 2006, A Scoping Study on River Flow Measurements for the Cotton Catchment Communities CRC: Part B River Flow Measurement Technical Methods, University of Technology, Sydney - National Center for Groundwater Management Report, NCGM 2006/5A

Kelly B; Milne-Home W, 2005, Comments on Draft Appendix X: An Approach to Modelling and Monitoring the Effectiveness of Salinity Offsets, Department of Environment and Conservation, Project report C05/44/002

Ye K; Kelly B, 2005, Using EM38 and EM31 Random Sampling Method to Obtain Electrical Conductivity Distribution Map for a Large Area, Report NCGM 2005/12

Kelly B; Milne-Home W, 2004, A Review of the Modelling for Determining Salinity Offsets Associated with the Ulan Mine, access:UTS report for Department of Environment and Conservation, Environment Protection and Regulation Division, Project Number C04/44/005

Merrick NP; Milne-Home W; Kelly B, 2004, An Opinion on the Johnson-Hydromap Methodology for Groundwater and Environmental Management in the Yass River Catchment, On behalf of access:UTS, contract for Yass Valley Council, Project number C04/44/002

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