Select Publications

Journal articles

Stowers C; Healey L; O'connor CC, 2014, 'Short message service broadcasting to improve the uptake of influenza vaccination in HIV-positive patients at a metropolitan sexual health clinic', Sexual Health, 11, pp. 590 - 591,

Wright ST; Hoy J; Mulhall B; OʼConnor CC; Petoumenos K; Read T; Smith D; Woolley I; Boyd MA; O'Connor C, 2014, 'Determinants of Viremia Copy-Years in People With HIV/AIDS After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy', JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 66, pp. 55 - 64,

Ali H; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Ryder N; McNulty A; Chen MY; Marshall L; O'Connor CC; Dickson B; Grulich AE; Hellard ME; Kaldor JM; Guy RJ, 2013, 'Are Australian sexual health clinics attracting priority populations?', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 456 - 459,

Ali H; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Chen MY; O'connor CC; Grulich AE; McNulty A; Ryder N; Hellard ME; Guy RJ, 2013, 'Increasing access by priority populations to australian sexual health clinics', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 40, pp. 819 - 821,

Bourne C; Allen D; Brown K; Davies SC; McNulty A; Smith DE; O'Connor CC; Couldwell D; Jackson E; Bolton M; Rodgers C; Konecny P; Smith DJ; Parker A, 2013, 'Erratum: What proportion of sexually transmissible infections and HIV are diagnosed in New South Wales public sexual health services compared with other services?', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 290,

Bourne C; Allen D; Brown K; Davies SC; McNulty A; Smith DE; O'Connor CC; Couldwell D; Jackson E; Bolton M; Rodgers C; Konecny P; Smith DJ; Parker A, 2013, 'What proportion of sexually transmissible infections and HIV are diagnosed in New South Wales public sexual health services compared with other services? (vol 10, pg 119, 2013)', SEXUAL HEALTH, 10, pp. 290 - +,

Wright ST; Petoumenos K; Boyd MA; Carr AD; Downing S; O''connor C; Grotowski M; Law MG, 2013, 'Ageing and long-term CD4 cell count trends in HIV-positive patients with 5 years or more combination antiretroviral therapy experience', HIV Medicine, 14, pp. 208 - 216,

Templeton DJ; Sharp N; O'Connor CC; Gryllis S; Dubedat SM, 2013, 'Prevalence and predictors of lymphogranuloma venereum among men who have sex with men at a Sydney metropolitan sexual health clinic', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 190 - 191,

Bourne C; Allen D; Brown K; Davies SC; McNulty A; Smith DE; O'Connor CC; Couldwell D; Jackson E; Bolton M; Rodgers C; Konecny P; Smith DJ; Parker A, 2013, 'What proportion of sexually transmissible infections and HIV are diagnosed in New South Wales? public sexual health services compared with other services?', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 119 - 119,

Tilley DM; Hristov S; Templeton DJ; Sharp N; O’Connor C, 2012, 'Cervical cancer screening and abnormalities among women in a residential drug-rehabilitation program', Australian Journal of Primary Health, pp. 266 - 267,

McManus H; O'Connor CC; Boyd MA; Broom J; Russell D; Watson K; Roth N; Read PJ; Law M; Petoumenos K; Templeton D; Han A, 2012, 'Long-term survival in HIV positive patients with up to 15 years of antiretroviral therapy', PLoS One, 7, pp. Article numbere48839,

Templeton DJ; Manokaran N; O'Connor CC, 2012, 'Prevalence and predictors of chlamydia co-infection among patients infected with gonorrhoea at a sexual health clinic in Sydney', Sexual Health, 9, pp. 392 - 394,

Ali H; Guy R; Fairley CK; Wand HC; Chen MY; Dickson B; O'Connor CC; Marshall L; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Hellard M; Donovan B, 2012, 'Understanding trends in genital Chlamydia Trachomatis can benefit from enhanced surveillance: findings from Australia', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 88, pp. 552 - 557,

Guy R; Wand HC; Franklin NP; Fairley CK; Chen M; O'Connor CC; Marshall L; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Hellard M; Donovan B, 2011, 'Re-testing for chlamydia at sexual health services in Australia, 2004-08', Sexual Health, 8, pp. 242 - 247,;dn=026882672949469;res=IELHEA

Franklin N; O''connor C; Shaw M; Guy R; Grulich AE; Fairley CK; Chen M; Hellard M; Dickson B; Marshall L; Donovan B, 2010, 'Chlamydia at an inner metropolitan sexual health service in Sydney, NSW: Australian Collaboration for Chlamydia Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS) Project', Sexual Health, 7, pp. 478 - 483

Healey L; O Connor C; Templeton DJ, 2010, 'HIV result giving. Is it time to change our thinking', Sexual Health, 7, pp. 8 - 10

O'Connor C; Myles H; O'Connor MB; Clancy J; Ryan A; Traynor M; McGrath D; O'Sullivan K, 2008, 'An audit of Colposcopy referrals from a GU/STD clinic', BMC Research Notes, 1,

O'Connor MB; O'Connor C; Walsh CH, 2008, 'A dog's detection of low blood sugar: A case report', Irish Journal of Medical Science, 177, pp. 155 - 157,

O'Connor C; O'Connor MB; Clancy J, 2008, 'The changing face of sexually transmitted infections in pregnancy in Limerick, Ireland, over 18 years', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 19, pp. 144,

Bodsworth N; Bloch M; McNulty A; Denham I; Doong N; Trottier S; Adena M; Bonney MA; Agnew J; Abdurahman I; Ajam A; Alexander R; Aung A; Barry S; Becker B; Belbin M; Bishop C; Bisshop F; Bourne C; Brett T; Brown K; Butler A; Carmody C; Chan D; Chuah J; Conway D; Daly C; Davies S; Davis C; Davis B; Dever N; Donovan B; Eisen D; Eliades C; Elisha B; Fairley C; Feiglin A; Freeman A; Furner V; Garland S; Genn W; Giannakopoulos J; Glass F; Gold J; Goswami J; Gowers A; Grech J; Hackney P; Hanson B; Hartnell K; Harvey C; Hasan M; Hawkins S; Heley S; Herbst D; Hespe C; Irlicht M; Isaacs A; Katahanas L; Kelly M; Komarowski P; Kostic G; Kozminsky M; Lagios K; Lee D; Lewis P; Liang T; Lyttle H; Mackellar-Michelmore H; Macleod H; Marsh L; Marshall L; McCloskey J; McCurdy D; McEvoy P; McFarlane R; McKeegan P; McMurchie M; McNamee K; Medland N; Menon A; Meyerowitz C; Michaels W; Mobbs M; Montague A; Nicola N; Nurcombe C; O'Connor C; Ooi C; Ostrowskyl O; O'Sullivan M; Owen L; Papp K; Patten J; Panopoulous D; Pell C; Philpot R; Quan D; Quin J; Rhodes D, 2008, '2-Day versus 5-day famciclovir as treatment of recurrences of genital herpes: Results of the FaST study (Sexual Health (2008) 5, 3, (219-225))', Sexual Health, 5, pp. 379,

Bodsworth NJ; Bloch MT; Mcnulty A; Denham I; Doong N; Trottier S; Adena MA; Bonney M; Agnew J; Australo-Canadian Fast A, 2008, '2-day versus 5-day famciclovir as treatment of recurrences of genital herpes: Results of the FaST study', Sexual Health, 5, pp. 219 - 225

O'Connor CC; Wen LM; Rissel C; Shaw M; Quine S, 2007, 'Knowledge of STIs and blood-borne viruses among Vietnamese men in metropolitan Sydney', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31, pp. 464 - 467,

Calmy A; Petoumenos K; Lewden C; Law MG; Bocquentin F; Hesse K; Cooper DA; Carr AD; Bonnet F, 2007, 'Combination antiretroviral therapy without a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor: experience from 334 patients in three cohorts', HIV Medicine, 8, pp. 171 - 180

Pell C; Dabbhadatta J; Harcourt C; Tribe K; O'Connor C, 2006, 'Demographic, migration status, and work-related changes in Asian female sex workers surveyed in Sydney, 1993 and 2003', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 30, pp. 157 - 162,

Petoumenos K; Ringland C, 2005, 'Antiretroviral treatment change among HIV, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus co-infected patients in the Australian HIV Observational Database', HIV Medicine, 6, pp. 155 - 163

Powell J; O'Connor C; Ó'hĺarlaithe M; Saunders J; De Freitas J, 2004, 'Chlamydia trachomatis prevalence in men in the mid-west of Ireland', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 80, pp. 349 - 353,

Tideman RL; Thompson C; Rose B; Gilmour S; Marks C; Van Beek IA; Berry G; O Connor C; Mindel A, 2003, 'Cervical human papillomavirus infections in commercial sex workers - risk factors and behaviours', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 14, pp. 840 - 847

Lincoln DW; Petoumenos K; Dore GJ, 2003, 'HIV/HBV and HIV/HCV coinfection, and outcomes following highly active antiretroviral therapy', HIV Medicine, 4, pp. 241 - 249

Baker D; Law MG; Petoumenos K; Smith DE; Anderson JA; Roth N; Mallal SA, 2002, 'Rates of combination antiretroviral treatment change in Australia, 1997-2000', HIV Medicine, 3, pp. 28 - 36

Carr AD; Baker D; Petoumenos K; Law MG; Smith D; Roth N; Anderson JA; Mallal SS, 2001, 'Time trends in antiretroviral treatment use in Australia', Venereology - the Interdisciplinary International Journal of Sexual Health, 14, pp. 162 - 168

McDonald AM; Donovan BJ; O Connor C; Packham D; Patten J; Chuah J; Waddell R; Fairley CK; Kaldor JM, 2001, 'Time trends in HIV incidence among homosexually active men seen at sexual health clinics in Australia, 1993-1999.', Journal of Clinical Virology, pp. 297 - 303

O'Connor CC; Berry G; Rohrsheim R; Donovan B, 1996, 'Sexual health and use of condoms among local and international sex workers in Sydney', Genitourinary Medicine, 72, pp. 47 - 51,

Harcourt C; O'Connor C, 1995, 'Prostitution and HIV [7]', AIDS, 9, pp. 213,

Stanek ST; Neilsen G; Plummer D; O'Connor C, 1993, 'HIV, discrimination and health care students [7]', Medical Journal of Australia, 158, pp. 288 - 290,

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