Select Publications

Journal articles

Tung Chou C; Zoofaghari M; Akan OB; Veletic M; Balasingham I, 2024, 'Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Feature on the 8th Workshop on Molecular Communications', IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications, 10, pp. 455 - 457,

Song W; Jia H; Wang M; Wu Y; Xue W; Chou CT; Hu J; Hu W, 2023, 'Pistis: Replay Attack and Liveness Detection for Gait-Based User Authentication System on Wearable Devices Using Vibration', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10, pp. 8155 - 8171,

Chou CT, 2022, 'Using transcription-based detectors to emulate the behavior of sequential probability ratio-based concentration detectors', Physical Review E, 106,

Chou CT, 2021, 'Using biochemical circuits to approximately compute log-likelihood ratio for detecting persistent signals', IEEE Access, 9, pp. 128996 - 129010,

Khamis A; Kusy B; Chou CT; Hu W, 2020, 'WiRelax: Towards real-time respiratory biofeedback during meditation using WiFi', Ad Hoc Networks, 107,

Riaz MU; Hamdan A; Chou CT, 2020, 'Using Spatial Partitioning to Reduce the Bit Error Rate of Diffusion-Based Molecular Communications', IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68, pp. 2204 - 2220,

Abadi MJ; Luceri L; Hassan M; Chou CT; Nicoli M, 2019, 'A cooperative machine learning approach for pedestrian navigation in indoor IoT', Sensors (Switzerland), 19,

Chou CT, 2019, 'Designing molecular circuits for approximate maximum a posteriori demodulation of concentration modulated signals', IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, pp. 5458 - 5473,

Wei B; Hu W; Yang M; Chou CT, 2019, 'From real to complex: Enhancing radio-based activity recognition using complex-valued CSI', ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 15,

Hassan N; Chou CT; Hassan M, 2019, 'ENEUTRAL IoNT: Energy-neutral event monitoring for internet of nano things', IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, pp. 2379 - 2389,

Awan H; Chou CT, 2019, 'Molecular communications with molecular circuit-based transmitters and receivers', IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 18, pp. 146 - 155,

Chou CT, 2018, 'Detection of persistent signals and its relation to coherent feed-forward loops', Royal Society Open Science, 5,

Zhang Y; Hu W; Xu W; Chou CT; Hu J, 2018, 'Continuous Authentication Using Eye Movement Response of Implicit Visual Stimuli', Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 1, pp. 1 - 22,

Awan H; Chou CT, 2017, 'Improving the Capacity of Molecular Communication Using Enzymatic Reaction Cycles', IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 16, pp. 744 - 754,

Zarepour E; Hassan M; Chou CT; Adesina AA, 2017, 'SEMON: Sensorless event monitoring in self-powered wireless nanosensor networks', ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 13,

Awan H; Chou CT, 2017, 'Generalized Solution for the Demodulation of Reaction Shift Keying Signals in Molecular Communication Networks', IEEE Transactions on Communications, 65, pp. 715 - 727,

Chou CT, 2017, 'Chemical reaction networks for computing logarithm', SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY, 2,

Zarepour E; Hassan M; Chou CT; Adesina AA, 2016, 'Energy-Harvesting Nanosensor Networks: Efficient event detection.', IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, 10, pp. 4 - 12,

Hu W; Shen Y; Wei B; Chou C, 2016, 'Learn to recognise: exploring priors of sparse face recognition on smartphones', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,

Zarepour E; Hassan M; Chou CT; Ebrahimi Warkiani M, 2016, 'Characterizing terahertz channels for monitoring human lungs with wireless nanosensor networks', Nano Communication Networks, 9, pp. 43 - 57,

Shen Y; Hu W; Yang M; Liu J; Wei B; Lucey S; Chou CT, 2016, 'Real-time and robust compressive background subtraction for embedded camera networks', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 15, pp. 406 - 418,

Zarepour E; Hassan M; Chou CT; Adesina A, 2016, 'Open-loop Power Adaptation in Nanosensor Networks for Chemical Reactors', IEEE Transaction on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications

Hoseini SA; Fotouhi A; Hassan M; Chou CT; Ammar MH, 2016, 'Efficient and Transparent Use of personal device storage in opportunistic data forwarding', Computer Communications, 73, pp. 47 - 55,

Chou CT, 2015, 'Maximum A-Posteriori Decoding for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Using Analog Filters', IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 14, pp. 1054 - 1067,

Zhao X; Guo J; Chou CT; Misra A; Jha SK, 2015, 'High-throughput reliable multicast in multi-hop wireless mesh networks', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 14, pp. 728 - 741,

Chou CT, 2015, 'Impact of Receiver Reaction Mechanisms on the Performance of Molecular Communication Networks', IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 14, pp. 304 - 317,

Rana R; Chou CT; Bulusu N; Kanhere S; Hu W, 2015, 'Ear-Phone: A context-aware noise mapping using smart phones', Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 17, pp. 1 - 22,

Chou CT, 2015, 'A markovian approach to the optimal demodulation of diffusion-based molecular communication networks', IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63, pp. 3728 - 3743,

Rana R; Hu W; Chou CT, 2015, 'Optimal sampling strategy enabling energy-neutral operations at rechargeable wireless sensor networks', IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, pp. 201 - 208,

Rana R; Yang M; Wark T; Chou CT; Hu W, 2015, 'Simpletrack: Adaptive trajectory compression with deterministic projection matrix for mobile sensor networks', IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, pp. 365 - 373,

Zarepour E; Adediran Adesina A; Hassan M; Chou CT, 2014, 'An innovative approach to improving gas-to-liquid fuels catalysis via nano-sensor network modulation', Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, pp. 5728 - 5736,

Chou CT, 2013, 'Noise properties of linear molecular communication networks', Nano Communication Networks, 4, pp. 87 - 97,

Chou CT; Ignjatovic A; Hu W, 2013, 'Efficient computation of robust average of compressive sensing data in wireless sensor networks in the presence of sensor faults', IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 24, pp. 1525 - 1534,

Laird J; Geers DG; Wang Y; Chou CT, 2013, 'Modeling Impact of Sensor Placement for Vision-Based Traffic Monitoring', Transportation Research Record, 2315, pp. 110 - 120,

Tu W; Sreenan C; Chou CT; Misra A; Jha SK, 2012, 'Resource-aware video multicasting via access gateways in wireless mesh networks', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11, pp. 881 - 895,

Hu W; Bulusu N; Dang T; Taylor A; Chou CT; Jha S; Tran VN, 2010, 'Cane toad monitoring: Data reduction in a high rate application', , pp. 193 - 222,

Hu W; Bulusu N; Chou CT; Jha SK; Tran VN; Taylor AJ, 2009, 'Design and evaluation of a hybrid sensor network for cane toad monitoring', ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 5

Qadir J; Chou CT; Misra A, 2009, 'Minimum Latency Broadcasting in Multiradio, Multichannel, Multirate Wireless Meshes', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 8, pp. 1510 - 1523

Tu W; Sreenan CJ; Chou CT; Misra A; Jha S, 2008, 'Resource-aware video multicasting via access gateways in wireless mesh networks', Proceedings - International Conference on Network Protocols, ICNP, pp. 43 - 52,

Liu BH; Chou CT; Misra A; Jha SK, 2008, 'Rate-diversity and resource-aware broadcast and multicast in multi-rate wireless mesh networks', Mobile Networks and Applications, 13, pp. 38 - 53,

Chou CT, 2008, 'Special issue on advances in wireless networks', International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 23, pp. 289 - 289,

Chou CT; Otias B; Challa S; Axon P; Liu BH; Jha SK, 2008, 'The impact of fading and shadowing on the network performance of wireless sensor networks', International journal of sensor networks, 3, pp. 211 - 223

Chou CT; Qadir J; Misra A; Lim JH, 2007, 'Advances and challenges with data broadcasting in wireless mesh networks', IEEE Communications Magazine, 45, pp. 78 - 85,

Qadir J; Chou CT; Misra A, 2006, 'Exploiting rate diversity for multicasting in multi-radio wireless mesh networks', Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN, pp. 287 - 294,

Liu W; Chou CT; Cheng W; Du X, 2006, 'Proxy caching for interactive streaming media', Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development, 43, pp. 594 - 600,

Qadir J; Misra A; Chou CT, 2006, 'Minimum latency broadcasting in multi-radio multi-channel multi-rate wireless meshes', 2006 3rd Annual IEEE Communications Society on Sensor and Adhoc Communications and Networks, Secon 2006, 1, pp. 80 - 89,

Yu J; Chou CT; Yang Z; Du X; Wang T, 2006, 'A dynamic caching algorithm based on internal popularity distribution of streaming media', Multimedia Systems, 12, pp. 135 - 149

Yu J; Chou CT; Yang Z; Du X; Wang T, 2006, 'An empirical study on user access to entertainment streaming media', Journal of Electronics (China), 23, pp. 798 - 800,

Hu W; Chou CT; Jha SK; Bulusu N, 2006, 'Deploying long-lived and cost-effective hybrid sensor networks', Ad Hoc Networks, 4, pp. 749 - 767

Chou CT; Misra A; Qadir J, 2006, 'Low-Latency broadcast in multi-rate wireless mesh networks', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 24, pp. 2081 - 2091

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