Select Publications


Rolph D; Vitins M; Bannister J; Joyce D; Bosland J; Douglas M; Gill J, 2022, Media Law Cases, Material and Commentary

Joyce D, 2020, Informed Publics, Media and International Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford,

Hohmann J; Joyce D, 2019, International Law’s Objects,

Hohmann J; Joyce D, 2019, Introduction,

Rolph D; Vitins M; Bannister J; Joyce D, 2015, Media Law, Oxford University Press, USA

Book Chapters

Joyce D, 2021, 'From the Martens clause to the CNN factor: Is the impact of media and public opinion on law-making discernible?', in Krieger H; Püschmann J (ed.), Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 404 - 421,

Joyce D, 2018, 'International Law's Cabinet of Curiosities', in Hohmann J; Joyce D (ed.), International Law's Objects, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 15 - 29,

Hohmann J; Joyce D, 2018, 'Introduction', in Hohmann J; Joyce D (ed.), International Law's Objects, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1 - 11,

Joyce DA, 2018, 'Media: Article 16', in Hohmann J; Weller M (ed.), The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 328 - 348,

Joyce DA, 2016, 'Liberal Internationalism', in Orford A; Hoffmann F (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law, Oxford University Press, online

Edited Books

Joyce D; Hohmann J, (ed.), 2018, International Law's Objects, Oxford University Press, Oxford,

Journal articles

Krever T; Velickovic M; Megret F; Engle K; Ni Aolain F; Knox R; Hammouri S; Quigley J; Jaber N; Rigney S; Kendall S; da Silva C; Schwoebel-Patel C; Samour N; Burgis-Kasthala M; Teitel RG; Korhonen O; Bowring B; Allen LA; Chandler D; Nesiah V; Pappe I; Fakhri M; Miller Z; Drumbl MA; Sayed H; Tzouvala N; Joyce D; Douzinas C; Edelbi S; Hoffmann F; Jallad Z; Becker Lorca A; Hajyahia A; Kolabhai RL; Almeida Cravo T; Chiam M; Quintana F-J; Betancur-Restrepo L; Fernandes Carvalho F; Kulamadayil L; Li D; Reynolds J; Sayed A; Eslava L; Whyte J; Clark M; Clements R; Gevers C; Shalbak I; Uriburu J; Oezsu U; Hernandez G; Tallgren I, 2024, 'On international law and Gaza: critical reflections', LONDON REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 12,

Joyce D, 2023, 'Communications Infrastructure, Technological Solutionism and the International Legal Imagination', Law and Critique, 34, pp. 363 - 379,

Joyce D, 2022, 'The imbrication of media and international law', London Review of International Law, 10, pp. 325 - 334,

Hohmann J; Joyce D, 2019, 'Material pasts and futures: International law's objects', London Review of International Law, 7, pp. 283 - 292,

Bennett Moses L; Johns F; Joyce D, 2018, 'Introduction: Data Associations in Global Law & Policy', Big Data and Society, 5, pp. 2053951718783438,

Joyce DA, 2018, 'Understanding the Myall Creek Massacre in the Terms of International Criminal Law', law&history, 5, pp. 160 - 167,

Joyce DA, 2017, 'Data associations and the protection of reputation online in Australia', Big Data & Society, 4, pp. 1 - 10,

Joyce D, 2015, 'Internet freedom and human rights', European Journal of International Law, 26, pp. 493 - 514,

Joyce DA, 2015, 'Privacy in the Digital Era - Human Rights Online?', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 16, pp. 270 - 285

Joyce DA; Simm G, 2015, 'Zero Dark Thirty: international law, film and representation', London Review of International Law, 3, pp. 295 - 318

Joyce DA, 2013, 'Media Witnesses: Human Rights in an Age of Digital Media', Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, 8, pp. 231 - 280,

Joyce D, 2010, 'Human rights and the mediatization of international law', Leiden Journal of International Law, 23, pp. 507 - 527,

Joyce D, 2010, 'Photography and the Image-making of International Justice', Law and Humanities, 4, pp. 229 - 249,;dn=502140924051252;res=IELHSS

Joyce D, 2007, 'Fact-Finding and Evidence at the International Court of Justice: Systemic Crisis, Change or More of the Same?', The Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 18, pp. 283 - 306

Joyce D, 2007, 'The Judith Miller Case and the Relationship between Reporter and Source: Competing Visions of the Media’s Role and Function', Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, 17, pp. 555 - 589

Joyce D; Mills A, 2006, 'Fear and international law', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19, pp. 309 - 310,

Mills A; Joyce D, 2006, 'Fear and International Law: Introduction', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19, pp. 309

Mills A; Joyce D, 2006, 'Non-governmental Organisations and International Norm Transmission on the Fault Lines of the International Order', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19, pp. 11 - 19

Joyce D, 2005, 'Book Review: 'Watching Babylon' : The War in Iraq and Global Visual Culture', Global Media and Communication, 1, pp. 378 - 380,

Joyce D, 2005, 'Some other truths about reconciliation: a response to Albie Sachs', European Human Rights Law Review, 10, pp. 393 - 408

Joyce DA, 2004, 'The Historical Function of International Criminal Trials and the Rights of the Accused:Re-thinking International Criminal Law and Procedure', Nordic Journal of International Law, 73, pp. 461 - 484

Conference Papers

Golder B; Joyce D, 2015, 'Teaching Human Rights Through Film', Australian National University, Canberra, presented at Human Rights Tertiary Teachers’ Network Workshop, Australian National University, Canberra, 18 February 2015 - 18 February 2015

Joyce DA; Simm G, 2014, 'Zero Dark Thirty: International Law, Torture and Representation', in Binder C; Footer ME; Reinisch A (eds.), International Law and... Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Hart Publishing, Vienna, presented at European Society of International Law, Vienna, 04 September 2014 - 06 September 2014,

Joyce D, 2009, 'Images, International Law, and Agenda-Setting', in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 2009, American Society of International Law, Washington DC, pp. 486 - 487, presented at ASIL 103rd Annual Meeting: International Law as Law, Washington DC, 25 March 2009 - 28 March 2009

Joyce D, 2008, 'International Law and the Media: Envisioning the Media', in Select proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, presented at Biennial conference organized by the European Society of International Law and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 04 September 2008 - 06 September 2008


Bennett Moses L; Bednarz Z; Churches G; Cooper J; Hartridge S; Joyce D; Zalnieriute M; Yastreboff M, 2020, Submission to Attorney General’s Department, Review of the Privacy Act 1988,,

Joyce DA; Saul B, 2011, International approaches to the regulation of Al-Manar television and terrorist content, Australia

Joyce DA; Kildea J; Williams G, 2011, Submission to the Independent Media Inquiry, November 2011, Australia

Saul B; Joyce D, 2010, International Approaches to the Regulation of Al-Manar Television and Terrorism-related Content, International Approaches to the Regulation of Al-Manar Television and Terrorism-related Content, Australia

Curatorial Outputs

Joyce D; Crawford E; Mowbray J; Hohmann J, 2023, At the Vanishing Point: Encounters with the Souvenirs, Merchandise and Memorabilia of International Law, exhibited at: Fisher Library, The University of Sydney, 17 August 2023 - 25 November 2023,


Yu A; Lo A; Bennett Moses L; Clarke R; Farbenblum B; Joyce D; De Leeuw M; Manwaring K; Nolan J; Zalnieriute M, 2018, Response to Issues Paper on Human Rights and Technology,,%20Law%20and%20Innovation.pdf

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