Select Publications

Journal articles

Krever T; Velickovic M; Megret F; Engle K; Ni Aolain F; Knox R; Hammouri S; Quigley J; Jaber N; Rigney S; Kendall S; da Silva C; Schwoebel-Patel C; Samour N; Burgis-Kasthala M; Teitel RG; Korhonen O; Bowring B; Allen LA; Chandler D; Nesiah V; Pappe I; Fakhri M; Miller Z; Drumbl MA; Sayed H; Tzouvala N; Joyce D; Douzinas C; Edelbi S; Hoffmann F; Jallad Z; Becker Lorca A; Hajyahia A; Kolabhai RL; Almeida Cravo T; Chiam M; Quintana F-J; Betancur-Restrepo L; Fernandes Carvalho F; Kulamadayil L; Li D; Reynolds J; Sayed A; Eslava L; Whyte J; Clark M; Clements R; Gevers C; Shalbak I; Uriburu J; Oezsu U; Hernandez G; Tallgren I, 2024, 'On international law and Gaza: critical reflections', LONDON REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 12,

Joyce D, 2023, 'Communications Infrastructure, Technological Solutionism and the International Legal Imagination', Law and Critique, 34, pp. 363 - 379,

Joyce D, 2022, 'The imbrication of media and international law', London Review of International Law, 10, pp. 325 - 334,

Hohmann J; Joyce D, 2019, 'Material pasts and futures: International law's objects', London Review of International Law, 7, pp. 283 - 292,

Bennett Moses L; Johns F; Joyce D, 2018, 'Introduction: Data Associations in Global Law & Policy', Big Data and Society, 5, pp. 2053951718783438,

Joyce DA, 2018, 'Understanding the Myall Creek Massacre in the Terms of International Criminal Law', law&history, 5, pp. 160 - 167,

Joyce DA, 2017, 'Data associations and the protection of reputation online in Australia', Big Data & Society, 4, pp. 1 - 10,

Joyce D, 2015, 'Internet freedom and human rights', European Journal of International Law, 26, pp. 493 - 514,

Joyce DA, 2015, 'Privacy in the Digital Era - Human Rights Online?', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 16, pp. 270 - 285

Joyce DA; Simm G, 2015, 'Zero Dark Thirty: international law, film and representation', London Review of International Law, 3, pp. 295 - 318

Joyce DA, 2013, 'Media Witnesses: Human Rights in an Age of Digital Media', Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, 8, pp. 231 - 280,

Joyce D, 2010, 'Human rights and the mediatization of international law', Leiden Journal of International Law, 23, pp. 507 - 527,

Joyce D, 2010, 'Photography and the Image-making of International Justice', Law and Humanities, 4, pp. 229 - 249,;dn=502140924051252;res=IELHSS

Joyce D, 2007, 'Fact-Finding and Evidence at the International Court of Justice: Systemic Crisis, Change or More of the Same?', The Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 18, pp. 283 - 306

Joyce D, 2007, 'The Judith Miller Case and the Relationship between Reporter and Source: Competing Visions of the Media’s Role and Function', Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal, 17, pp. 555 - 589

Joyce D; Mills A, 2006, 'Fear and international law', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19, pp. 309 - 310,

Mills A; Joyce D, 2006, 'Fear and International Law: Introduction', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19, pp. 309

Mills A; Joyce D, 2006, 'Non-governmental Organisations and International Norm Transmission on the Fault Lines of the International Order', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19, pp. 11 - 19

Joyce D, 2005, 'Book Review: 'Watching Babylon' : The War in Iraq and Global Visual Culture', Global Media and Communication, 1, pp. 378 - 380,

Joyce D, 2005, 'Some other truths about reconciliation: a response to Albie Sachs', European Human Rights Law Review, 10, pp. 393 - 408

Joyce DA, 2004, 'The Historical Function of International Criminal Trials and the Rights of the Accused:Re-thinking International Criminal Law and Procedure', Nordic Journal of International Law, 73, pp. 461 - 484

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