Select Publications

Journal articles

McKnight D, 2020, 'Tribune on Trove: A New Digital Resource', Labour History, 118, pp. 181,

McKnight D; O'Donnell P, 2017, 'Journalism and intellectual life: the exemplary case of Donald Horne', Australian Journalism Review, 39, pp. 37 - 46

McKnight D, 2016, 'The Rudd Labor Government and the limitations of spin', Media International Australia, 159, pp. 108 - 117,

McKnight D, 2015, 'The rise of the spin doctor: from personal briefings to news management', Media International Australia, pp. 114 - 123

McKnight D, 2015, 'Shaping the news: media advisers under the Howard and Rudd governments', Australian Journalism Review, 37, pp. 21 - 31

McKnight D, 2015, 'Terrorism and the Cold War: Avoiding false comparisons', Griffith Review, pp. 231 - 235

Mcknight D, 2015, 'The Spy Catchers: The Official History of ASIO, 1949-1963, vol 1', LABOUR HISTORY, pp. 213 - 214,

Hobbs M; McKnight D, 2014, ''Kick This Mob Out' : The Murdoch Media and the Australian Labor Government 2007-2013.', Global Media Journal, 8, pp. 1 - 13,

McKnight D; Hobbs M, 2013, 'Public Contest through the Popular Media:The Mining Industry's Advertising War against the Australian Labor Government', Australian Journal of Political Science, 48, pp. 307 - 319,

McKnight D; McNair B, 2012, 'The empire goes to war: News corporation and Iraq', Australian Journalism Review, 34, pp. 7 - 18

McKnight D, 2012, 'Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch: a study of power in the media.', The Conversation,

McKnight D, 2012, 'Henry Mayer Lecture 2012: The market populism of Rupert Murdoch', Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, 144, pp. 5 - 12

McKnight D, 2012, 'News of the World scandal reverberates beyond the Murdoch empire', The Conversation,

McKnight D; McNair B, 2012, 'The Empire Goes to War: News Corporation and Iraq', Australian Journalism Review, 34, pp. 7 - 17

McKnight D; Hobbs M, 2011, ''You're all a bunch of pinkos': Rupert Murdoch and the politics of HarperCollins', Media Culture & Society, 33, pp. 835 - 850,

McKnight D, 2010, 'A change in the climate? The journalism of opinion at News Corporation', Journalism: theory, practice and criticism, 11, pp. 693 - 706

McKnight D, 2010, 'Investigating Journalism's Future', The Walkley Magazine, pp. 21 - 21

McKnight D, 2010, 'Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation: A Media Institution with a Mission', Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television, 30, pp. 303 - 316

McKnight D, 2009, 'The Sunday Times and Andrew Neil: the cultivation of market populism', Journalism Studies, 10, pp. 754 - 768

McKnight D, 2008, 'Rethinking Cold War History', Labour History, pp. 185 - 196,

McKnight D, 2008, '`Not attributable to official sources`: Counter-propoganda and the mass media', Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, 128, pp. 5 - 18

McKnight D, 2008, 'Partisan Improprieties: Ministerial Control and Australia`s Security Agencies, 1962-72', Intelligence and National Security, 23, pp. 707 - 725

McKnight D, 2008, 'Rethinking Cold War History', Labour History, pp. 185 - 197

McKnight D, 2008, 'The crisis of neo-liberalism', Arena Magazine, pp. 17 - 20

McKnight D, 2008, 'The Emerging Politics of Climate Change', Arena Magazine, pp. 16 - 18

McKnight D, 2007, 'Can the Left find a new vision?', Arena Magazine, pp. 20 - 21

McKnight D, 2007, 'Social Democracy and Family Values', Renewal (London), 15, pp. 67 - 73

McKnight D, 2006, 'All in the same boat', The Australian universities' review : journal of the Federation of Australian University Staff Associations, 48

McKnight D, 2006, 'The Ascendancy of the Right in Modern Australia', Sydney Papers, 18

McKnight D, 2005, 'Western Intelligence and SEATO’s war on subversion', Intelligence and National Security, 20, pp. 288 - 303

McKnight D, 2004, 'Australian Film and the Cultural Cold War', Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, pp. 118 - 130

McKnight D, 2004, 'Clear thinking, dogma and the war on terrorism', Sydney Papers, 16

McKnight D, 2004, 'Rethinking Social Democracy', Labour History

McKnight D, 2004, 'Rupert Murdoch and the Culture War', Australian Book Review, February

McKnight D, 2003, 'A World Hungry for a New Philosophy: Rupert Murdoch and the rise of Neo-Liberalism', Journalism Studies, 4, pp. 347 - 348

McKnight D, 2003, 'Bali, the Left and ‘anti-imperialism', Arena Magazine

McKnight D, 2003, 'Fear of Slipping', The Australian universities' review : journal of the Federation of Australian University Staff Associations, 46

McKnight D, 2002, 'Comintern Work in the Western Armed Forces', Revolutionary History, 8

McKnight D, 2001, 'Facts versus Stories: the Sydney Morning Herald's journey from objective to interpretive reporting', Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources

McKnight D, 1998, 'The Moscow‐Canberra cables: How soviet intelligence obtained British secrets through the back door', Intelligence and National Security, 13, pp. 159 - 170,

McKnight D, 1997, 'The Comintern's seventh congress and the Australian labor party', Journal of Contemporary History, 32, pp. 395 - 407,

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