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Select Publications
2023, 'BRICS', in Elgar Encyclopedia of Development, Edward Elgar Publishing
,2023, 'Developing Countries', in Elgar Encyclopedia of Development, Edward Elgar Publishing
,2022, 'Trade, conflict, and opportunity: taking advantage of others’ protectionism and isolationism–the case of MERCOSUL', in MacIsaac S; Duclo B (ed.), Trade and Conflict: Trends in Economic Nationalism, Unilateralism and Protectionism, Routledge, London
,2021, 'Contextualizando o relacionamento entre Canadá e Brasil', in Belem Lopes D; Góes-Neto A; Tuffi Saliba A (ed.), Colecao Desafios Globais - Volume 2 - America do Norte, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, pp. 235 - 254, https://www.ufmg.br/dri/desafiosglobais/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Volume2_America_norte.pdf
,2015, 'Reshaping the South Atlantic: Can the BICs Bring it About?', in Hamilton D (ed.), Atlantic Rising Changing Commercial Dynamics in the Atlantic Basin, Johns Hopkins University - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies - Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington DC, pp. 81 - 81
,2013, 'Brazil’s security agenda – the focus on peace and the security-development nexus', in RISE OF THE REST: OPPORTUNITIES AND IMPLICATIONS, Dalhousie University, pp. 73 - 92