Select Publications

Journal articles

Farias DBL, 2025, 'Populism: Latin American perspectives', International Affairs, 101, pp. 376 - 377,

Farias DBL; Casaroes G; Wajner DF, 2024, 'Populist international (dis)order? Lessons from world-order visions in Latin American populism', INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, 100, pp. 2003 - 2024,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2024, 'Multiple hierarchies within the ‘civilized’ world: country ranking and regional power in the International Labour Organization (1919–1922)', European Journal of International Relations, 30, pp. 333 - 358,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2024, 'Deciding which ‘developing’ country list to use: A practical guide', Global Policy,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2024, 'Unpacking the ‘developing’ country classification: origins and hierarchies', Review of International Political Economy, 31, pp. 651 - 673,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2023, 'Pipeline populism: grassroots environmentalism in the twenty-first century [Book review]', Environmental Politics, 32, pp. 1291 - 1293,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2023, 'Resolutions are what states make of them [Book review]', International Law Agendas,

Farias DBL; Barros Leal Farias D, 2023, 'Country differentiation in the global environmental context: Who is ‘developing’ and according to what?', International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 23, pp. 253 - 269,

Barros Leal Farias D; Casaroes G, 2023, 'AMAZON AND THE INTERNATIONAL ORDER: FROM PROMISE TO PERIL', Journal of International Affairs, 75, pp. 55 - 74,

Farias DBL; Roger C; Barros Leal Farias D, 2023, 'Differentiation in Environmental Treaty Making: Measuring Provisions and How They Reshape the Depth–Participation Dilemma', Global Environmental Politics, 23, pp. 117 - 132,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2022, '‘UNESCO’s World Heritage List: power, national interest, and expertise’', International Relations Journal,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2022, '‘UNESCO’s World Heritage List: power, national interest, and expertise’', International Relations Journal,

Farias DBL; Casarões G; Magalhães D, 2022, 'Radical Right Populism and the Politics of Cruelty: The Case of COVID-19 in Brazil Under President Bolsonaro', Global Studies Quarterly, 2,

Barros Leal Farias D; Casaroes G; Magalhaes D, 2022, 'Radical Right Populism and the Politics of Cruelty: The Case of COVID-19 in Brazil Under President Bolsonaro', Global Studies Quarterly, 2,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2022, '“Which countries are ‘developing’? Comparing how international organizations and treaties divide the world”', Political Geography Open Research, 1, pp. 100001 - 100001,

Casarões GSPE; Barros Leal Farias D, 2021, 'Brazilian foreign policy under Jair Bolsonaro: far-right populism and the rejection of the liberal international order', Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 35, pp. 741 - 761,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2020, 'Trade, conflict, and opportunity: taking advantage of others’ protectionism and isolationism–the case of MERCOSUL', Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 26, pp. 41 - 56,

Farias DBL; Barros Leal Farias D, 2019, 'Outlook for the ‘developing country’ category: a paradox of demise and continuity', Third World Quarterly, 40, pp. 668 - 687,

Wenham C; Farias DBL; Barros Leal Farias D, 2019, 'Securitizing Zika: The case of Brazil', Security Dialogue, 50, pp. 398 - 415,

Farias DBL, 2018, 'Brazil's South-South development cooperation: Principles and experiences of the domestic bureaucracy', Public Administration and Development,

do Amaral Filho J; Farias DBL, 2016, 'Celso Furtado: Culture and Creativity Matter', Journal of Economic Issues, 50, pp. 444 - 451,

Farias DBL, 2015, 'Triangular cooperation and the global governance of development assistance: Canada and Brazil as “co-donors”', Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 21, pp. 1 - 14,

Dauvergne P; Farias DBL, 2012, 'The Rise of Brazil as a Global Development Power', THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY, 33, pp. 903 - 917,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2010, 'O Congresso na formulação da política externa dos Estados Unidos', Politica Externa, 19,

Leal Farias DB, 2008, 'Contextualizing the invasion of the Bay of Pigs', REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE POLITICA INTERNACIONAL, 51, pp. 105 - 122,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2007, 'Reflexos da teoria neoliberal e do Consenso de Washington na Constituição brasileira de 1988', Revista de Direito Constitucional e Internacional, 15, pp. 70 - 85

Barros Leal Farias D, 2007, 'União Européia: Uma Nova Forma de Estado?', Pensar - Revista de Ciências jurídicas, 12, pp. 51 - 56,

Barros Leal Farias D, 2000, 'Os estados membros no federalismo brasileiro', Ideias & Debate, pp. 1 - 24

Farias DBL, 2000, 'O Brasil e o CARICOM', Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 43, pp. 43 - 68,

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