Select Publications

Journal articles

Samocha-Bonet D; Dixit VD; Kahn CR; Leibel RL; Lin X; Nieuwdorp M; Pietiläinen KH; Rabasa-Lhoret R; Roden M; Scherer PE; Klein S; Ravussin E, 2014, 'Metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese - The 2013 stock conference report', Obesity Reviews, 15, pp. 697 - 708,

Samocha-Bonet D; Tam CS; Campbell LV; Heilbronn LK, 2014, 'Raised circulating fetuin-a after 28-day overfeeding in healthy humans', Diabetes Care, 37,

Tonks K; White C; Center J; Chisholm DJ; Greenfield JR; Samocha-Bonet D, 2014, 'Bone phenotype of insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive overweight and obese humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 8, pp. 103 - 104,

Samocha-Bonet D; Karelis AD; Rabasa-Lhoret R, 2014, 'Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Obesity', Annals of Internal Medicine,

Heilbronn LK; Coster ACF; Campbell LV; Greenfield JR; Lange K; Christopher MJ; Meikle PJ; Samocha-Bonet D, 2013, 'The effect of short-term overfeeding on serum lipids in healthy humans', Obesity, 21, pp. e649 - e659,

Heilbronn LK; Campbell LV; Xu A; Samocha-Bonet D, 2013, 'Metabolically Protective Cytokines Adiponectin and Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Are Increased by Acute Overfeeding in Healthy Humans', PLoS ONE, 8,

Hocking S; Samocha-Bonet D; Milner KL; Greenfield JR; Chisholm DJ, 2013, 'Adiposity and insulin resistance in humans: The role of the different tissue and cellular lipid depots', Endocrine Reviews, 34, pp. 463 - 500,

Jenkins AB; Batterham M; Samocha-Bonet D; Tonks K; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV, 2013, 'Segregation of a Latent High Adiposity Phenotype in Families with a History of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Implicates Rare Obesity-Susceptibility Genetic Variants with Large Effects in Diabetes-Related Obesity', PLoS ONE, 8,

Chang J; Wu T; Greenfield JR; Samocha-Bonet D; Horowitz M; Rayner CK, 2013, 'Effects of Intraduodenal Glutamine on Incretin Hormone and Insulin Release, the Glycemic Response to an Intraduodenal Glucose Infusion, and Antropyloroduodenal Motility in Health and Type 2 Diabetes', Diabetes Care, 36, pp. 2262 - 2265,

Tonks KT; Ng Y; Miller S; Coster ACF; Samocha-Bonet D; Iseli TJ; Xu A; Patrick E; Yang JYH; Junutula JR; Modrusan Z; Kolumam G; Stöckli J; Chisholm DJ; James DE; Greenfield JR; Stoeckli J, 2013, 'Impaired Akt phosphorylation in insulin-resistant human muscle is accompanied by selective and heterogeneous downstream defects', Diabetologia, 56, pp. 875 - 885,

Samocha-Bonet D, 2013, 'Insulin-sensitive obesity in humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 7, pp. e24 - e24,

Gentilcore D; Ahmad S; Jones K; Greenfield J; Samocha-Bonet D; Mckinnon R, 2012, 'Effects of the amino acid, glutamine, on gastric emptying and the glycaemic response to oral glucose in healthry young subjects', NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY, 24, pp. 170 - 170,

Lichtenberg DA; Samocha-Bonet D; Pinchuk I, 2012, 'Inhibition of the Peroxidation of Liposomal Lipids by Uric Acid Requires Tocopherol', BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 102, pp. 292A - 292A,

Gregersen S; Samocha-Bonet D; Heilbronn LK; Campbell LV, 2012, 'Inflammatory and oxidative stress responses to high-carbohydrate and high-fat meals in healthy humans', J Nutr Metab, pp. 238056,

Samocha-Bonet D; Chisholm DJ; Tonks K; Campbell LV; Greenfield JR, 2012, 'Insulin-sensitive obesity in humans - a 'favorable fat' phenotype?', Trends Endocrinol Metab, 23, pp. 116 - 124,

Viardot A; Heilbronn LK; Samocha-Bonet D; Mackay F; Campbell LV; Samaras K, 2012, 'Obesity is associated with activated and insulin resistant immune cells', Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, 28, pp. 447 - 454,

Samocha-Bonet D; Campbell LV; Mori TA; Croft KD; Greenfield JR; Turner N; Heilbronn LK, 2012, 'Overfeeding reduces insulin sensitivity and increases oxidative stress, without altering markers of mitochondrial content and function in humans', PLoS One, 7, pp. e36320,

Samocha-Bonet D; Wong O; Synnott EL; Piyaratna N; Douglas A; Gribble FM; Holst JJ; Chisholm DJ; Greenfield JR, 2011, 'Glutamine reduces postprandial glycemia and augments the glucagon-like peptide-1 response in type 2 diabetes patients', J Nutr, 141, pp. 1233 - 1238,

Jenkins AB; Samocha-Bonet D; Batterham M; Purtell L; Gregersen S; Heilbronn L; Tonks K; Campbell LV, 2011, 'Increased body fat content and waist circumference in healthy individuals with a family history of type 2 diabetes supports co-inheritance of susceptibilities to weight gain and type 2 diabetes', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5, pp. 46 - 47,

Heilbronn LK; Meikle P; Campbell LV; Samocha-Bonet D, 2011, 'Metabolic consequences of over-nutrition and weight gain in humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5, pp. 4 - 4,

Tonks KT; Ng Y; Miller S; Coster ACF; Samocha-Bonet D; Iseli TJ; Xu A; Stöckli J; Chisholm DJ; James DE; Greenfield JR, 2011, 'Obese, yet insulin sensitive humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5, pp. 13 - 13,

Samocha-Bonet D; Campbell LV; Viardot A; Freund J; Tam CS; Greenfield JR; Heilbronn LK, 2010, 'A family history of type 2 diabetes increases risk factors associated with overfeeding', Diabetologia, 53, pp. 1700 - 1708

Samocha-Bonet D; Heilbronn LK; Lichtenberg D; Campbell LV, 2010, 'Does skeletal muscle oxidative stress initiate insulin resistance in genetically predisposed individuals?', Trends Endocrinol Metab, 21 (2), pp. 83 - 87,

Tam CS; Viardot A; Clement K; Tordjman J; Tonks K; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV; Samocha-Bonet D; Heilbronn LK, 2010, 'Short-term overfeeding may induce peripheral insulin resistance without altering subcutaneous adipose tissue macrophages in humans', Diabetes, 59, pp. 2164 - 2170,

Samocha-Bonet D; Justo D; Rogowski O; Saar N; Abu-Abeid S; Shenkerman G; Shapira I; Berliner S; Tomer A, 2008, 'Platelet counts and platelet activation markers in obese subjects', Mediators of Inflammation, 2008,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Berliner S, 2007, 'Inflammation related erythrocyte aggregation and obesity. Possible link to cardiovascular morbidity', ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS, 8, pp. 178 - 178,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Berliner S, 2007, 'P1-16 INFLAMMATION RELATED ERYTHROCYTE AGGREGATION AND OBESITY. POSSIBLE LINK TO CARDIOVASCULAR MORBIDITY', International Journal of Cardiology, 122, pp. S66 - S66,

Assayag EB; Bornstein N; Shapira I; Mardi T; Goldin Y; Tolshinski T; Vered Y; Zakuth V; Burke M; Berliner S; Bonet DS, 2005, 'Inflammation-sensitive proteins and erythrocyte aggregation in atherothrombosis', Int J Cardiol, 98, pp. 271 - 276,

Samocha-Bonet D; Lichtenberg D; Pinchuk I, 2005, 'Kinetic studies of copper-induced oxidation of urate, ascorbate and their mixtures', J Inorg Biochem, 99, pp. 1963 - 1972,

Samocha-Bonet D; Ben-Ami R; Shapira I; Shenkerman G; Abu-Abeid S; Stern N; Mardi T; Tulchinski T; Deutsch V; Yedgar S; Barshtein G; Berliner S, 2004, 'Flow-resistant red blood cell aggregation in morbid obesity', International Journal of Obesity, 28, pp. 1528 - 1534,

Samocha-Bonet D; Gal S; Schnitzer E; Lichtenberg D; Pinchuk I, 2004, 'Lipid peroxidation in the presence of albumin, inhibitory and prooxidative effects', Free Radical Research, 38, pp. 1173 - 1181,

Berliner S; Ben-Ami R; Samocha-Bonet D; Abu-Abeid S; Schechner V; Beigel Y; Shapira I; Yedgar S; Barshtein G, 2004, 'The degree of red blood cell aggregation on peripheral blood glass slides corresponds to inter-erythrocyte cohesive forces in laminar flow', Thrombosis Research, 114, pp. 37 - 44,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Zeltser D; Serov J; Justo D; Samocha-Bonet D; Ben-Assayag E; Berliner S, 2003, 'The elevated leukocyte count in individuals with atherothrombotic risk factors is associated with increased leukocyte adhesiveness/aggregation', ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS, 4, pp. 206 - 206,

Samocha-Bonet D; Lichtenberg D; Tomer A; Deutsch V; Mardi T; Goldin Y; Abu-Abeid S; Shenkerman G; Patshomik H; Shapira I; Berliner S, 2003, 'Enhanced erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in obesity corresponds to low-grade inflammation', Obesity Research, 11, pp. 403 - 407,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Justo D; Samocha-Bonet D; Mardi T; Goldin Y; Tulshinski T; Shenkerman G; Stern N; Abu-Abeid S; Zeltser D, 2003, '2P-0387 Morbid obesity association with increased erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral blood. Possible implications for the pathophysiology of the disease', Atherosclerosis Supplements, 4, pp. 124 - 124,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Goldin Y; Tulshinski T; Mardi T; Shenkerman G; Abu-Abeid S; Stern N; Zeltser D; Berliner S, 2003, '2P-0388 The detection of low-grade and smoldering internal inflammation in obese individuals — Comparative analysis between C-reactive protein and other simple biomarkers', Atherosclerosis Supplements, 4, pp. 124 - 124,

Soffery ; Samocha-Bone D; Weissenberg R; Madgar Y; Golan R; Shochat L; Lewin LM, 1999, 'Defaut de decondensation nucleaire du sperme humain détecte par la cytometrie en flux', Andrologie, 9, pp. 117

Samocha-Bone D; Lewin LM; Weissenberg R; Madgar Y; Soffer Y; Shochat L; Golan R, 1998, 'In-vitro human spermatozoa nuclear decondensation assessed by flow cytometry', Mol Hum Reprod, 4, pp. 133 - 137,

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