Select Publications


Pittaway E; Bartolomei L, 2018, From Rhetoric to Reality: Achieving Gender Equality for Refugee Women and Girls, Centre for International Governance innovation, Ottawa canada, 3,,

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E; Zahau C; Sheikh-Eldin M; Dixson T; Biar A; Al Rihawi S, 2018, Gender Audit Report of the High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges, Forced Migration research Network UNSW, Sydney

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E; Zahau C; Sheikh-Eldin M; Dixson T; Biar A; Al Rihawi S, 2017, Gender Audit Report on the Fourth and Fifth Thematic Discussions on the Global Compact on Refugees, Forced Migration Research Networkk UNSW, Sydney, 1,

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E; Dixson T; Sheikh-Eldin M; Zahau C, 2017, Gender Audit Report on the Second and Third Thematic Discussions on the Global Compact on Refugees, Forced Migration Research Network UNSW, Sydney, 1,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei LA, 2017, GENDER NOTES ON THE FIRST THEMATIC DISCUSSION ON THE GLOBAL COMPACT ON REFUGEES, UNSW Forced Migration Research Network, UNsw Sydney,,

Pittaway E; Bell C; Bartolomei LA, 2017, Refugee women and Girls in the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, Forced Migration Research Network UNSW, UNSW Sydney,,

Bartolomei LA; Pittaway E, 2011, Survivors, Protectors, Providers: Refugee Women Speak Out, UNHCR, Geneva

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