Select Publications

Book Chapters

Deenick EK; Bier J; Lau A, 2022, 'PI3K Isoforms in B Cells', in PI3K and AKT Isoforms in Immunity: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities, pp. 235 - 254,

Hodgkin PD; Hawkins ED; Hasbold J; Gett AV; Deenick EK; Todd HF; Hommel M, 2005, 'Monitoring T cell proliferation', in Analyzing T Cell Responses: How to Analyze Cellular Immune Responses against Tumor Associated Antigens, pp. 123 - 141,

Journal articles

Phan TG; Deenick EK, 2024, 'Painful memories boost protective immunity', Cell Research, 34, pp. 751 - 752,

Le Voyer T; Maglorius Renkilaraj MRL; Moriya K; Lorenzo MP; Nguyen T; Gao L; Rubin T; Cederholm A; Ogishi M; Arango-Franco CA; Béziat V; Lévy R; Migaud M; Rapaport F; Itan Y; Deenick EK; Cortese I; Lisco A; Boztug K; Abel L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Boisson B; Frosk P; Ma CS; Landegren N; Celmeli F; Casanova JL; Tangye SG; Puel A, 2024, 'Inherited human RelB deficiency impairs innate and adaptive immunity to infection', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121,

Pathmanandavel K; Jackson K; Le S; Alves M; Foley E; Tangye S; Ma C; Deenick E; Tong W; Carr A; Breit S; Sewell W; Kane A, 2024, 'Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells exhibit restricted T cell receptor β constant region usage, obfuscating assessment of T cell clonality', Pathology, 56, pp. s114,

Nguyen T; Lau A; Bier J; Cooke KC; Lenthall H; Ruiz-Diaz S; Avery DT; Brigden H; Zahra D; Sewell WA; Droney L; Okada S; Asano T; Abolhassani H; Chavoshzadeh Z; Abraham RS; Rajapakse N; Klee EW; Church JA; Williams A; Wong M; Burkhart C; Uzel G; Croucher DR; James DE; Ma CS; Brink R; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2023, 'Human PIK3R1 mutations disrupt lymphocyte differentiation to cause activated PI3Kδ syndrome 2', The Journal of experimental medicine, 220, pp. e20221020,

Conway JRW; Warren SC; Lee YK; McCulloch AT; Magenau A; Lee V; Metcalf XL; Stoehr J; Haigh K; Abdulkhalek L; Guaman CS; Reed DA; Murphy KJ; Pereira BA; Mélénec P; Chambers C; Latham SL; Lenthall H; Deenick EK; Ma Y; Phan T; Lim E; Joshua AM; Walters S; Grey ST; Shi YC; Zhang L; Herzog H; Croucher DR; Philp A; Scheele CLGJ; Herrmann D; Sansom OJ; Morton JP; Papa A; Haigh JJ; Nobis M; Timpson P, 2023, 'Monitoring AKT activity and targeting in live tissue and disease contexts using a real-time Akt-FRET biosensor mouse', Science Advances, 9,

Masle-Farquhar E; Jeelall Y; White J; Bier J; Deenick EK; Brink R; Horikawa K; Goodnow CC, 2023, 'CARD11 gain-of-function mutation drives cell-autonomous accumulation of PD-1+ ICOShigh activated T cells, T-follicular, T-regulatory and T-follicular regulatory cells', Frontiers in Immunology, 14,

Tangye SG; Nguyen T; Deenick EK; Bryant VL; Ma CS, 2023, 'Inborn errors of human B cell development, differentiation, and function', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 220,

Khoo WH; Jackson K; Phetsouphanh C; Zaunders JJ; Alquicira-Hernandez J; Yazar S; Ruiz-Diaz S; Singh M; Dhenni R; Kyaw W; Tea F; Merheb V; Lee FXZ; Burrell R; Howard-Jones A; Koirala A; Zhou L; Yuksel A; Catchpoole DR; Lai CL; Vitagliano TL; Rouet R; Christ D; Tang B; West NP; George S; Gerrard J; Croucher PI; Kelleher AD; Goodnow CG; Sprent JD; Powell JE; Brilot F; Nanan R; Hsu PS; Deenick EK; Britton PN; Phan TG, 2023, 'Tracking the clonal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in children and adults with mild/asymptomatic COVID-19', Clinical Immunology, 246,

Munoz MA; Skinner OP; Masle-Farquhar E; Jurczyluk J; Xiao Y; Fletcher EK; Kristianto E; Hodson MP; O’Donoghue SI; Kaur S; Brink R; Zahra DG; Deenick EK; Perry KA; Robertson AAB; Mehr S; Hissaria P; Mulders-Manders CM; Simon A; Rogers MJ, 2022, 'Increased core body temperature exacerbates defective protein prenylation in mouse models of mevalonate kinase deficiency', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132,

Pelham SJ; Caldirola MS; Avery DT; Mackie J; Rao G; Gothe F; Peters TJ; Guerin A; Neumann D; Vokurkova D; Hwa V; Zhang W; Lyu SC; Chang I; Manohar M; Nadeau KC; Gaillard MI; Bezrodnik L; Iotova V; Zwirner NW; Gutierrez M; Al-Herz W; Goodnow CC; Vargas-Hernández A; Forbes Satter LR; Hambleton S; Deenick EK; Ma CS; Tangye SG, 2022, 'STAT5B restrains human B-cell differentiation to maintain humoral immune homeostasis', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 150, pp. 931 - 946,

Deenick EK; Kane A, 2022, 'For whom the B cells toll', Immunology and Cell Biology, 100, pp. 479 - 481,

Deenick E; Lau A; Nguyen T; Bier J; Brink R; Tangye S, 2022, 'Analysing the cellular mechanisms underlying activated PI3K delta Syndrome (APDS) reveals differences between APDS1 and APDS2', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 208,

Bier J; Brink R; Tangye S; Deenick EK, 2022, 'T cell extrinsic mechanics explaining the T cell hyperactivation seen in Activated PI3K delta Syndrome', JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 208,

Bier J; Deenick EK, 2022, 'The role of dysregulated PI3Kdelta signaling in human autoimmunity*', Immunological Reviews, 307, pp. 134 - 144,

Cagdas D; Mayr D; Baris S; Worley L; Langley DB; Metin A; Aytekin ES; Atan R; Kasap N; Bal SK; Dmytrus J; Heredia RJ; Karasu G; Torun SH; Toyran M; Karakoc-Aydiner E; Christ D; Kuskonmaz B; Uçkan-Çetinkaya D; Uner A; Oberndorfer F; Schiefer AI; Uzel G; Deenick EK; Keller B; Warnatz K; Neven B; Durandy A; Sanal O; Ma CS; Özen A; Stepensky P; Tezcan I; Boztug K; Tangye SG, 2021, 'Genomic Spectrum and Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Human IL-21 Receptor Deficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 41, pp. 1272 - 1290,

Nguyen T; Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2021, 'Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling and immune regulation: insights into disease pathogenesis and clinical implications', Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 17, pp. 905 - 914,

Deenick EK, 2020, 'B cells: we need them now more than ever', Immunology and Cell Biology, 98, pp. 437 - 438,

Yap JY; Gloss B; Batten M; Hsu P; Berglund L; Cai F; Dai P; Parker A; Qiu M; Miley W; Roshan R; Marshall V; Whitby D; Wegman E; Garsia R; Wu KHC; Kirk E; Polizzotto M; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Ma CS; CIRCA ; Phan TG, 2020, 'Everolimus-Induced Remission of Classic Kaposi’s Sarcoma Secondary to Cryptic Splicing Mediated CTLA4 Haploinsufficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 40, pp. 774 - 779,

Deenick EK; Lau A; Bier J; Kane A, 2020, 'Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying defective antibody responses', Immunology and Cell Biology, 98, pp. 467 - 479,

Koay HF; Su S; Amann-Zalcenstein D; Daley SR; Comerford I; Whyte CE; Konstantinov IE; d’Udekem Y; Baldwin T; Hickey PF; Berzins SP; Mak JYW; Kallies A; Chen Z; Nussing S; Kedzierska K; Mackay LK; McColl SR; Deenick EK; Fairlie DP; McCluskey J; Goodnow CC; Ritchie ME; Belz GT; Naik SH; Pellicci DG; Godfrey DI, 2020, 'A divergent transcriptional landscape underpins the development and functional branching of MAIT cells', The Journal of Immunology, 204, pp. 223.8 - 223.8,

Lang PA; Crome SQ; Xu HC; Lang KS; Chapatte L; Deenick EK; Grusdat M; Pandyra AA; Pozdeev VI; Wang R; Holderried TAW; Cantor H; Diefenbach A; Elford AR; McIlwain DR; Recher M; Häussinger D; Mak TW; Ohashi PS, 2020, 'NK Cells Regulate CD8+ T Cell Mediated Autoimmunity', Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 10,

Lau A; Avery DT; Jackson K; Lenthall H; Volpi S; Brigden H; Russell AJ; Bier J; Reed JH; Smart JM; Cole T; Choo S; Gray PE; Berglund LJ; Hsu P; Wong M; O'Sullivan M; Boztug K; Meyts I; Uzel G; Notarangelo LD; Brink R; Goodnow CC; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2020, 'Activated PI3Kd breaches multiple B cell tolerance checkpoints and causes autoantibody production', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217,

Bier J; Rao G; Payne K; Brigden H; French E; Pelham SJ; Lau A; Lenthall H; Edwards ESJ; Smart JM; Cole TS; Choo S; Joshi AY; Abraham RS; O'Sullivan M; Boztug K; Meyts I; Gray PE; Berglund LJ; Hsu P; Wong M; Holland SM; Notarangelo LD; Uzel G; Ma CS; Brink R; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2019, 'Activating mutations in PIK3CD disrupt the differentiation and function of human and murine CD4+ T cells', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 144, pp. 236 - 253,

Moran I; Avery DT; Payne K; Lenthall H; Davies EG; Burns S; Ip W; Oleastro MM; Reisli I; Guner S; Keles S; Notarangelo L; Deenick EK; Goodnow CC; Zahra D; Brink R; Wong M; Tangye SG; Ma CS; Phan TG, 2019, 'B cell–intrinsic requirement for STK4 in humoral immunity in mice and human subjects', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 143, pp. 2302 - 2305,

Tangye SG; Bier J; Lau A; Nguyen T; Uzel G; Deenick EK, 2019, 'Immune Dysregulation and Disease Pathogenesis due to Activating Mutations in PIK3CD—the Goldilocks’ Effect', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 39, pp. 148 - 158,

Koay HF; Su S; Amann-Zalcenstein D; Daley SR; Comerford I; Miosge L; Whyte CE; Konstantinov IE; D'Udekem Y; Baldwin T; Hickey PF; Berzins SP; Mak JYW; Sontani Y; Roots CM; Sidwell T; Kallies A; Chen Z; Nüssing S; Kedzierska K; Mackay LK; McColl SR; Deenick EK; Fairlie DP; McCluskey J; Goodnow CC; Ritchie ME; Belz GT; Naik SH; Pellicci DG; Godfrey DI, 2019, 'A divergent transcriptional landscape underpins the development and functional branching of MAIT cells', Science Immunology, 4,

Edwards ESJ; Bier J; Cole TS; Wong M; Hsu P; Berglund LJ; Boztug K; Lau A; Gostick E; Price DA; O'Sullivan M; Meyts I; Choo S; Gray P; Holland SM; Deenick EK; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2019, 'Activating PIK3CD mutations impair human cytotoxic lymphocyte differentiation and function and EBV immunity', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 143, pp. 276 - 291.e6,

Kong XF; Martinez-Barricarte R; Kennedy J; Mele F; Lazarov T; Deenick EK; Ma CS; Breton G; Lucero KB; Langlais D; Bousfiha A; Aytekin C; Markle J; Trouillet C; Jabot-Hanin F; Arlehamn CSL; Rao G; Picard C; Lasseau T; Latorre D; Hambleton S; Deswarte C; Itan Y; Abarca K; Moraes-Vasconcelos D; Ailal F; Ikinciogullari A; Dogu F; Benhsaien I; Sette A; Abel L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Schröder B; Nussenzweig MC; Liu K; Geissmann F; Tangye SG; Gros P; Sallusto F; Bustamante J; Casanova JL, 2018, 'Disruption of an antimycobacterial circuit between dendritic and helper T cells in human SPPL2a deficiency', Nature Immunology, 19, pp. 973 - 985,

Avery DT; Kane A; Nguyen T; Lau A; Nguyen A; Lenthall H; Payne K; Shi W; Brigden H; French E; Bier J; Hermes JR; Zahra D; Sewell WA; Butt D; Elliott M; Boztug K; Meyts I; Choo S; Hsu P; Wong M; Berglund LJ; Gray P; O’Sullivan M; Cole T; Holland SM; Ma CS; Burkhart C; Corcoran LM; Phan TG; Brink R; Uzel G; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Bier Nogueira J, 2018, 'Germline-activating mutations in PIK3CD compromise B cell development and function', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215, pp. 2073 - 2095,

Deenick EK; Pelham SJ; Kane A; Ma CS, 2018, 'Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 control of human T and B cell responses', Frontiers in Immunology, 9,

Deenick EK; Morey A; Danta M; Emmett L; Fay K; Gracie G; Ma CS; Macintosh R; Smith SABC; Sasson SC; Sewell WA; Cowley M; Tangye SG; Kelleher AD; Phan TG, 2018, 'Reversible Suppression of Lymphoproliferation and Thrombocytopenia with Rapamycin in a Patient with Common Variable Immunodeficiency', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 38, pp. 159 - 162,

Béziat V; Li J; Lin JX; Ma CS; Li P; Bousfiha A; Pellier I; Zoghi S; Baris S; Keles S; Gray P; Du N; Wang Y; Zerbib Y; Lévy R; Leclercq T; About F; Lim AI; Rao G; Payne K; Pelham SJ; Avery DT; Deenick EK; Pillay B; Chou J; Guery R; Belkadi A; Guérin A; Migaud M; Rattina V; Ailal F; Benhsaien I; Bouaziz M; Habib T; Chaussabel D; Marr N; El-Benna J; Grimbacher B; Wargon O; Bustamante J; Boisson B; Müller-Fleckenstein I; Fleckenstein B; Chandesris MO; Titeux M; Fraitag S; Alyanakian MA; Leruez-Ville M; Picard C; Meyts I; Di Santo JP; Hovnanian A; Somer A; Ozen A; Rezaei N; Chatila TA; Abel L; Leonard WJ; Tangye SG; Puel A; Casanova JL, 2018, 'A recessive form of hyper-IgE syndrome by disruption of ZNF341-dependent STAT3 transcription and activity', Science Immunology, 3,

Martínez-Barricarte R; Markle JG; Ma CS; Deenick EK; Ramírez-Alejo N; Mele F; Latorre D; Mahdaviani SA; Aytekin C; Mansouri D; Bryant VL; Jabot-Hanin F; Deswarte C; Nieto-Patlán A; Surace L; Kerner G; Itan Y; Jovic S; Avery DT; Wong N; Rao G; Patin E; Okada S; Bigio B; Boisson B; Rapaport F; Seeleuthner Y; Schmidt M; Ikinciogullari A; Dogu F; Tanir G; Tabarsi P; Bloursaz MR; Joseph JK; Heer A; Kong XF; Migaud M; Lazarov T; Geissmann F; Fleckenstein B; Arlehamn CL; Sette A; Puel A; Emile JF; van de Vosse E; Quintana-Murci L; Di Santo JP; Abel L; Boisson-Dupuis S; Bustamante J; Tangye SG; Sallusto F; Casanova JL, 2018, 'Human IFN- immunity to mycobacteria is governed by both IL-12 and IL-23', Science Immunology, 3,

Tangye SG; Pelham SJ; Deenick EK; Ma CS, 2017, 'Cytokine-mediated regulation of human lymphocyte development and function: Insights from primary immunodeficiencies', Journal of Immunology, 199, pp. 1949 - 1958,

Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2017, 'The TORC that Gets the GC Cycling', Immunity, 46, pp. 974 - 976,

Vazquez-Lombardi R; Loetsch C; Zinkl D; Jackson J; Schofield P; Deenick EK; King C; Phan TG; Webster KE; Sprent J; Christ D; Vazquez Lombardi R, 2017, 'Potent antitumour activity of interleukin-2-Fc fusion proteins requires Fc-mediated depletion of regulatory T-cells', Nature Communications, 8, pp. 15373,

Cottineau J; Kottemann MC; Lach FP; Kang YH; Vély F; Deenick EK; Lazarov T; Gineau L; Wang Y; Farina A; Chansel M; Lorenzo L; Piperoglou C; Ma CS; Nitschke P; Belkadi A; Itan Y; Boisson B; Jabot-Hanin F; Picard C; Bustamante J; Eidenschenk C; Boucherit S; Aladjidi N; Lacombe D; Barat P; Qasim W; Hurst JA; Pollard AJ; Uhlig HH; Fieschi C; Michon J; Bermudez VP; Abel L; De Villartay JP; Geissmann F; Tangye SG; Hurwitz J; Vivier E; Casanova JL; Smogorzewska A; Jouanguy E, 2017, 'Inherited GINS1 deficiency underlies growth retardation along with neutropenia and NK cell deficiency', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 127, pp. 1991 - 2006,

Ma CS; Deenick EK, 2017, 'The circulating life of a memory T-follicular helper cell', Clinical and Translational Immunology, 6,

Ma CS; Deenick EK, 2017, 'The circulating life of a memory T-follicular helper cell', Clinical and Translational Immunology, 6,

Kane A; Lau A; Brink R; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2016, 'B-cell–specific STAT3 deficiency: Insight into the molecular basis of autosomal-dominant hyper-IgE syndrome', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 138, pp. 1455 - 1458.e3,

Pelham SJ; Lenthall HC; Deenick EK; Tangye SG, 2016, 'Elucidating the effects of disease-causing mutations on STAT3 function in autosomal-dominant hyper-IgE syndrome', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 138, pp. 1210 - 1213.e5,

Ma CS; Wong N; Rao G; Nguyen A; Avery DT; Payne K; Torpy J; O'Young P; Deenick E; Bustamante J; Puel A; Okada S; Kobayashi M; Martinez-Barricarte R; Elliott M; Kilic SS; Baghdadi JE; Minegishi Y; Bousfiha A; Robertson N; Hambleton S; Arkwright PD; French M; Blincoe AK; Hsu P; Campbell DE; Stormon MO; Wong M; Adelstein S; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Stepensky P; Boztug K; Beier R; Ikincioğullari A; Ziegler JB; Gray P; Picard C; Boisson-Dupuis S; Phan TG; Grimbacher B; Warnatz K; Holland SM; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Tangye SG, 2016, 'Unique and shared signaling pathways cooperate to regulate the differentiation of human CD4+ T cells into distinct effector subsets', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 213, pp. 1589 - 1608,

Ma CS; Wong N; Rao G; Avery DT; Torpy J; Hambridge T; Bustamante J; Okada S; Stoddard JL; Deenick EK; Pelham SJ; Payne K; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Kilic SS; El Baghdadi J; Nonoyama S; Minegishi Y; Mahdaviani SA; Mansouri D; Bousfiha A; Blincoe AK; French MA; Hsu P; Campbell DE; Stormon MO; Wong M; Adelstein S; Smart JM; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Phan TG; Stepensky P; Boztug K; Kansu A; Ikincioʇullari A; Baumann U; Beier R; Roscioli T; Ziegler JB; Gray P; Picard C; Grimbacher B; Warnatz K; Holland SM; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2015, 'Monogenic mutations differentially affect the quantity and quality of T follicular helper cells in patients with human primary immunodeficiencies', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 136, pp. 993 - 1006.e1,

Okada S; Markle JG; Deenick EK; Mele F; Averbuch D; Lagos M; Alzahrani M; Al-Muhsen S; Halwani R; Ma CS; Wong N; Soudais C; Henderson LA; Marzouqa H; Shamma J; Gonzalez M; Martinez-Barricarte R; Okada C; Avery DT; Latorre D; Deswarte C; Jabot-Hanin F; Torrado E; Fountain J; Belkadi A; Itan Y; Boisson B; Migaud M; Lindestam Arlehamn CS; Sette A; Breton S; Cluskey J; Rossjohn J; De Villartay JP; Moshous D; Hambleton S; Latour S; Arkwright PD; Picard C; Lantz O; Engelhard D; Kobayashi M; Abel L; Cooper AM; Notarangelo LD; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Sallusto F; Bustamante J; Tangye SG; Casanova JL, 2015, 'Impairment of immunity to Candida and Mycobacterium in humans with bi-allelic RORC mutations', Science, 349, pp. 606 - 613,

Wilson RP; Ives ML; Rao G; Lau A; Payne K; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Peake J; Wong M; Adelstein S; Smart JM; French MA; Fulcher DA; Picard C; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Gray P; Stepensky P; Warnatz K; Freeman AF; Rossjohn J; McCluskey J; Holland SM; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Ma CS; Tangye SG; Deenick EK, 2015, 'STAT3 is a critical cell-intrinsic regulator of human unconventional T cell numbers and function', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 212, pp. 855 - 864,

Suan D; Nguyen A; Moran I; Bourne K; Hermes JR; Arshi M; Hampton HR; Tomura M; Miwa Y; Kelleher AD; Kaplan W; Deenick EK; Tangye SG; Brink R; Chtanova T; Phan TG, 2015, 'T Follicular Helper Cells Have Distinct Modes of Migration and Molecular Signatures in Naive and Memory Immune Responses', Immunity, 42, pp. 704 - 718,

Kuehn HS; Ouyang W; Lo B; Deenick EK; Niemela JE; Avery DT; Schickel JN; Tran DQ; Stoddard J; Zhang Y; Frucht DM; Dumitriu B; Scheinberg P; Folio LR; Frein CA; Price S; Koh C; Heller T; Seroogy CM; Huttenlocher A; Rao VK; Su HC; Kleiner D; Notarangelo LD; Rampertaap Y; Olivier KN; McElwee J; Hughes J; Pittaluga S; Oliveira JB; Meffre E; Fleisher TA; Holland SM; Lenardo MJ; Tangye SG; Uzel G, 2014, 'Immune dysregulation in human subjects with heterozygous germline mutations in CTLA4', Science, 345, pp. 1623 - 1627,

Kane A; Deenick EK; Ma CS; Cook MC; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2014, 'STAT3 is a central regulator of lymphocyte differentiation and function', Current Opinion in Immunology, 28, pp. 49 - 57,

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