Select Publications


Uckelmann M; Levina V; Taveneau C; Ng XH; Pandey V; Martinez J; Mendiratta S; Houx J; Boudes M; Venugopal H; Trépout S; Zhang Q; Flanigan S; Li M; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Das PP; Bell O; de Marco A; Davidovich C, 2024, Dynamic PRC1-CBX8 stabilizes a porous structure of chromatin condensates.,

Houx J; Copie T; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2024, Quantification of nanocondensates formation at the single molecule level,

Lau D; Tang Y; Kenche V; Copie T; Kempe D; Jary E; Graves NJ; Biro M; Masters CL; Dzamko N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2024, Single molecule fingerprinting reveals different growth mechanisms in seed amplification assays for different polymorphs of αSynuclein fibrils,

Dickson CF; Hertel S; Ruan J; Ariotti N; Tuckwell A; Li N; Al-Izzi SC; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Morris RG; Towers GJ; Böcking T; Jacques DA, 2023, Karyopherin mimicry explains how the HIV capsid penetrates nuclear pores,

Leitão A; Soto PR; Chappard A; Bhumkar A; Hunter D; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2021, Selectivity of Protein Interactions along the Aggregation Pathway of α-Synuclein,

Lau D; Magnan C; Hill K; Cooper A; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, Single molecule fingerprinting reveals different amplification properties of α-synuclein oligomers and preformed fibrils in seeding assay,

Chiang IK-N; Luu W; Jiang K; Kirschnick N; Moustaqil M; Davidson T; Lesieur E; Skoczylas R; Kouskoff V; Kazenwadel J; Arriola-Martinez L; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Alitalo K; Kiefer F; Harvey N; Francois M, 2021, The blood vasculature instructs lymphatics patterning in a SOX7 dependent manner,

McCann A; Lou J; Moustaqil M; Blum A; Fontaine F; Liu H; Luu W; Koopman P; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Meunier F; Liu Z; Hinde E; Francois M, 2020, A dominant-negative SOX18 mutant disrupts multiple regulatory layers essential to transcription factor activity,

McMahon K-A; Stroud D; Gambin Y; Tillu V; Bastiani M; Sierecki E; Polinkovsky M; Hall T; Gomez G; Wu Y; Parat M-O; Martel N; Lo H; Khanna KK; Alexandrov K; Daly R; Yap A; Ryan M; Parton R, 2020, Cavin3 released from caveolae interacts with BRCA1 to regulate the cellular stress response,

Meyer B; Chiaravalli J; Gellenoncourt S; Brownridge P; Bryne D; Daly L; Grauslys A; Walter M; Agou F; Chakrabarti L; Chakrabarti L; Craik C; Eyers C; Eyers P; Gambin Y; Jones A; Sierecki E; Verdin E; Vignuzzi M; Emmott E, 2020, Characterisation of protease activity during SARS-CoV-2 infection identifies novel viral cleavage sites and cellular targets with therapeutic potential,

Lau D; Walsh J; Dickson C; Tuckwell A; Stear J; Hunter D; Bhumkar A; Shah V; Turville S; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Böcking T; Jacques D, 2020, Rapid HIV-1 capsid interaction screening using fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy,

Steain M; Baker MODG; Pham CLL; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; McSharry B; Avdic S; Slobedman B; Sunde M; Abendroth A, 2020, Varicella zoster virus encodes a viral decoy RHIM to inhibit cell death,

Pang SS; Bayly-Jones C; Radjainia M; Spicer B; Law RHP; Hodel A; Ekkel S; Conroy P; Ramm G; Venugopal H; Bird P; Hoogenboom B; Voskoboinik I; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Dunstone M; Whisstock J, 2019, The structure of Macrophage Expressed Gene-1, a phagolysosome immune effector that is activated upon acidification,

O’Carroll A; Chauvin B; Brown J; Meagher A; Coyle J; Hunter D; Bhumkhar A; Ve T; Kobe B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2018, Effects of Pathological Mutations on the Prion-Like Polymerisation of MyD88,

Pham C; Strange M; O’ Carroll A; Shanmugam N; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Steain M; Sunde M, 2018, The RHIM within the M45 protein from murine cytomegalovirus forms heteromeric amyloid fibrils with RIPK1 and RIPK3,

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