Select Publications

Book Chapters

O Carroll A; Moustaqil M; Leitao ADG; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2016, 'Protein self-interaction in health and disease: How dimerization, oligomerization and polymerization modulate protein function', in Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs): Types, Methods for Detection and Analysis, pp. 97 - 151

Journal articles

Kambanis L; Ayoub A; Bedding MJ; Egelund PHG; Maxwell JWC; Franck C; Lambrechts L; Hawkins PME; Chisholm TS; Mackay JP; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Kulkarni SS; Payne RJ, 2024, 'Expressed Protein Ligation in Flow', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, pp. 22027 - 22035,

Dickson CF; Hertel S; Tuckwell AJ; Li N; Ruan J; Al-Izzi SC; Ariotti N; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Morris RG; Towers GJ; Böcking T; Jacques DA, 2024, 'The HIV capsid mimics karyopherin engagement of FG-nucleoporins', Nature, 626, pp. 836 - 842,

Akefe IO; Saber SH; Matthews B; Venkatesh BG; Gormal RS; Blackmore DG; Alexander S; Sieriecki E; Gambin Y; Bertran-Gonzalez J; Vitale N; Humeau Y; Gaudin A; Ellis SA; Michaels AA; Xue M; Cravatt B; Joensuu M; Wallis TP; Meunier FA, 2024, 'The DDHD2-STXBP1 interaction mediates long-term memory via generation of saturated free fatty acids', EMBO Journal, 43, pp. 533 - 567,

Lau D; Tang Y; Kenche V; Copie T; Kempe D; Jary E; Graves NJ; Biro M; Masters CL; Dzamko N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2024, 'Single-Molecule Fingerprinting Reveals Different Growth Mechanisms in Seed Amplification Assays for Different Polymorphs of α-Synuclein Fibrils', ACS Chemical Neuroscience,

Graves NJ; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2023, 'α-Synuclein Strains and Their Relevance to Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy, and Dementia with Lewy Bodies', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24,

Chiang IKN; Graus MS; Kirschnick N; Davidson T; Luu W; Harwood R; Jiang K; Li B; Wong YY; Moustaqil M; Lesieur E; Skoczylas R; Kouskoff V; Kazenwadel J; Arriola-Martinez L; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Alitalo K; Kiefer F; Harvey NL; Francois M, 2023, 'The blood vasculature instructs lymphatic patterning in a SOX7-dependent manner', EMBO Journal, 42,

Underwood A; Rasicci DT; Hinds D; Mitchell JT; Zieba JK; Mills J; Arnold NE; Cook TW; Moustaqil M; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Fontaine F; Vanderweele S; Das AS; Cvammen W; Sirpilla O; Soehnlen X; Bricker K; Alokaili M; Green M; Heeringa S; Wilstermann AM; Freeland TM; Qutob D; Milsted A; Jauch R; Triche TJ; Krawczyk CM; Bupp CP; Rajasekaran S; Francois M; Prokop JW, 2023, 'Evolutionary Landscape of SOX Genes to Inform Genotype-to-Phenotype Relationships', Genes, 14,

Baker MODG; Shanmugam N; Pham CLL; Ball SR; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Steain M; Sunde M, 2022, 'The RHIM of the Immune Adaptor Protein TRIF Forms Hybrid Amyloids with Other Necroptosis-Associated Proteins', Molecules, 27,

Lau D; Magnan C; Hill K; Cooper A; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2022, 'Single Molecule Fingerprinting Reveals Different Amplification Properties of α-Synuclein Oligomers and Preformed Fibrils in Seeding Assay', ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 13, pp. 883 - 896,

Meyer B; Chiaravalli J; Gellenoncourt S; Brownridge P; Bryne DP; Daly LA; Grauslys A; Walter M; Agou F; Chakrabarti LA; Craik CS; Eyers CE; Eyers PA; Gambin Y; Jones AR; Sierecki E; Verdin E; Vignuzzi M; Emmott E, 2021, 'Characterising proteolysis during SARS-CoV-2 infection identifies viral cleavage sites and cellular targets with therapeutic potential', Nature Communications, 12,

Clabbers MTB; Holmes S; Muusse TW; Vajjhala PR; Thygesen SJ; Malde AK; Hunter DJB; Croll TI; Flueckiger L; Nanson JD; Rahaman MH; Aquila A; Hunter MS; Liang M; Yoon CH; Zhao J; Zatsepin NA; Abbey B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Stacey KJ; Darmanin C; Kobe B; Xu H; Ve T, 2021, 'MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly interactions revealed by microcrystal electron diffraction and serial femtosecond crystallography', Nature Communications, 12,

Leitão ADG; Rudolffi-Soto P; Chappard A; Bhumkar A; Lau D; Hunter DJB; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, 'Selectivity of Lewy body protein interactions along the aggregation pathway of α-synuclein', Communications Biology, 4,

McCann AJ; Lou J; Moustaqil M; Graus MS; Blum A; Fontaine F; Liu H; Luu W; Rudolffi-Soto P; Koopman P; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Meunier FA; Liu Z; Hinde E; Francois M, 2021, 'A dominant-negative SOX18 mutant disrupts multiple regulatory layers essential to transcription factor activity', Nucleic Acids Research, 49, pp. 10931 - 10955,

Clabbers MTB; Holmes S; Muusse TW; Vajjhala P; Thygesen SJ; Malde AK; Hunter DJB; Croll TI; Flueckiger L; Nanson JD; Rahaman MH; Aquila A; Hunter MS; Liang M; Yoon CH; Zhao J; Zatsepin NA; Abbey B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Stacey KJ; Darmanin C; Kobe B; Xu H; Ve T, 2021, 'MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly interactions revealed by microcrystal electron diffraction and serial femtosecond crystallography', ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, 77, pp. C295 - C295,

Holmes S; Clabbers MTB; Muusse TW; Vajjhala PR; Thygesen SJ; Malde AK; Hunter DJB; Croll TI; Flueckiger L; Nanson JD; Rahaman MH; Aquila A; Hunter MS; Liang M; Yoon CH; Zhao J; Zatsepin NA; Abbey B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Stacey KJ; Darmanin C; Kobe B; Xu H; Ve T, 2021, 'MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly interactions revealed by serial femtosecond crystallography', ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, 77, pp. C849 - C849,

McMahon KA; Stroud DA; Gambin Y; Tillu VA; Bastiani M; Sierecki E; Polinkovsky M; Hall TE; Gomez GA; Wu Y; Parat MO; Martel N; Lo HP; Khanna KK; Alexandrov K; Daly R; Yap AS; Ryan MT; Parton RG, 2021, 'Cavin3 released from caveolae interacts with BRCA1 to regulate the cellular stress response', eLife, 10,

Bhumkar A; Magnan C; Lau D; Jun ESW; Dzamko N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, 'Single-Molecule Counting Coupled to Rapid Amplification Enables Detection of α-Synuclein Aggregates in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Parkinson's Disease Patients', Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60, pp. 11874 - 11883,

Bhumkar A; Magnan C; Lau D; Jun ESW; Dzamko N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2021, 'Single‐Molecule Counting Coupled to Rapid Amplification Enables Detection of α‐Synuclein Aggregates in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Parkinson's Disease Patients', Angewandte Chemie, 133, pp. 11981 - 11990,

Böcking T; Jacques DA; Lau D; Walsh JC; Dickson CF; Tuckwell A; Stear JH; Hunter DJB; Bhumkar A; Shah V; Turville SG; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2021, 'Rapid HIV-1 capsid interaction screening using fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy', Analytical Chemistry, 93, pp. 3786 - 3793,

Shanmugam N; Baker MODG; Sanz-Hernandez M; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Steain M; Pham CLL; Sunde M, 2021, 'Herpes simplex virus encoded ICP6 protein forms functional amyloid assemblies with necroptosis-associated host proteins', Biophysical Chemistry, 269, pp. 106524,

Moustaqil M; Ollivier E; Chiu HP; Van Tol S; Rudolffi-Soto P; Stevens C; Bhumkar A; Hunter DJB; Freiberg AN; Jacques D; Lee B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2021, 'SARS-CoV-2 proteases PLpro and 3CLpro cleave IRF3 and critical modulators of inflammatory pathways (NLRP12 and TAB1): implications for disease presentation across species', Emerging Microbes and Infections, 10, pp. 178 - 195,

Steain M; Baker MODG; Pham CLL; Shanmugam N; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; McSharry BP; Avdic S; Slobedman B; Sunde M; Abendroth A, 2020, 'Varicella zoster virus encodes a viral decoy RHIM to inhibit cell death', PLoS Pathogens, 16, pp. e1008473,

Moustaqil M; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2020, 'Biophysical techniques for target validation and drug discovery in transcription-targeted therapy', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21,

Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2020, 'Editorial', Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 99, pp. 1 - 2,

Sierecki E, 2020, 'The Mediator complex and the role of protein-protein interactions in the gene regulation machinery', Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 99, pp. 20 - 30,

Moustaqil M; Ollivier E; Chiu H-P; Van Tol S; Rudolffi-Soto P; Stevens C; Bhumkar A; Hunter DJB; Freiberg A; Jacques D; Lee B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2020, 'SARS-CoV-2 proteases cleave IRF3 and critical modulators of inflammatory pathways (NLRP12 and TAB1): implications for disease presentation across species and the search for reservoir hosts', ,

McMahon KA; Wu Y; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Tillu VA; Hall T; Martel N; Okano S; Moradi SV; Ruelcke JE; Ferguson C; Yap AS; Alexandrov K; Hill MM; Parton RG, 2019, 'Identification of intracellular cavin target proteins reveals cavin-PP1alpha interactions regulate apoptosis', Nature Communications, 10,

Brown JWP; Bauer A; Polinkovsky ME; Bhumkar A; Hunter DJB; Gaus K; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2019, 'Single-molecule detection on a portable 3D-printed microscope', Nature Communications, 10,

Pang SS; Bayly-Jones C; Radjainia M; Spicer BA; Law RHP; Hodel AW; Parsons ES; Ekkel SM; Conroy PJ; Ramm G; Venugopal H; Bird PI; Hoogenboom BW; Voskoboinik I; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Dunstone MA; Whisstock JC, 2019, 'The cryo-EM structure of the acid activatable pore-forming immune effector Macrophage-expressed gene 1', Nature Communications, 10,

Sierecki E, 2019, 'A Novel Split Reporter Uncages New Possibilities', ACS Central Science, 5, pp. 1744 - 1746,

Overman J; Fontaine F; Sears JW; Moustaqil M; Huang L; Meurer M; Chiang IK; Lesieur E; Patel J; Zuegg J; Pasquier E; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Hamdan M; Khosrotehrani K; Andelfinger G; Bischoff J; Francois M, 2019, 'R-propranolol is a small molecule inhibitor of the SOX18 transcription factor in a rare vascular syndrome and hemangioma', eLife, 8,

Monserrat-Martinez A; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2019, 'Thinking outside the bug: Molecular targets and strategies to overcome antibiotic resistance', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20,

Pham CLL; Shanmugam N; Strange M; O'Carroll A; Brown JWP; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Steain M; Sunde M, 2019, 'Viral M45 and necroptosis-associated proteins form heteromeric amyloid assemblies', EMBO Reports, 20,

O'Carroll A; Chauvin B; Brown JWP; Meagher A; Coyle J; Schill J; Bhumkhar A; Hunter DJB; Ve T; Kobe B; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2018, 'Pathological mutations differentially affect the self-assembly and polymerisation of the innate immune system signalling adaptor molecule MyD88', BMC Biology, 16,

Moustaqil M; Fontaine F; Overman J; McCann A; Bailey TL; Soto PR; Bhumkar A; Giles N; Hunter DJB; Gambin Y; Francois M; Sierecki E, 2018, 'Homodimerization regulates an endothelial specific signature of the SOX18 transcription factor', Nucleic Acids Research, 46, pp. 11381 - 11395,

Steinbeck J; Ross IL; Rothnagel R; Gäbelein P; Schulze S; Giles N; Ali R; Drysdale R; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Stahlberg H; Takahashi Y; Hippler M; Hankamer B, 2018, 'Structure of a PSI-LHCI-cyt b6f supercomplex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii promoting cyclic electron flow under anaerobic conditions', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, pp. 10517 - 10522,

Hunter DJB; Bhumkar A; Giles N; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2018, 'Unexpected instabilities explain batch-to-batch variability in cell-free protein expression systems', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 115, pp. 1904 - 1914,

Jung WR; Sierecki E; Bastiani M; O'Carroll A; Alexandrov K; Rae J; Johnston W; Hunter DJB; Ferguson C; Gambin Y; Ariotti N; Parton RG, 2018, 'Cell-free formation and interactome analysis of caveolae', Journal of Cell Biology, 217, pp. 2141 - 2165,

Fontaine FR; Goodall S; Prokop JW; Howard CB; Moustaqil M; Kumble S; Rasicci DT; Osborne GW; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Jones ML; Zuegg J; Mahler S; Francois M, 2018, 'Functional domain analysis of SOX18 transcription factor using a single-chain variable fragment-based approach', mAbs, 10, pp. 596 - 606,

Gambin Y; Giles N; O'Carroll A; Polinkovsky ME; Hunter DJB; Sierecki E, 2018, 'Corrigendum to “Single-Molecule Fluorescence Reveals the Oligomerisation and Folding Steps Driving the Prion-like Behaviour of ASC” [J. Mol. Biol. 430 (4) (February 16, 2018) 491–508] (S0022283617305946) (10.1016/j.jmb.2017.12.013))', Journal of Molecular Biology, 430, pp. 1263,

Ariotti N; Rae J; Giles N; Martel N; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Hall TE; Parton RG, 2018, 'Ultrastructural localisation of protein interactions using conditionally stable nanobodies', PLoS Biology, 16, pp. e2005473,

Healey RD; Wojciechowski JP; Monserrat-Martinez A; Tan SL; Marquis CP; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Finch AM; Thordarson P, 2018, 'Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of N- and C-Terminal Protein Bioconjugates as G Protein-Coupled Receptor Agonists', Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29, pp. 403 - 409,

Gambin Y; Giles N; O'Carroll A; Polinkovsky M; Hunter D; Sierecki E, 2018, 'Single-Molecule Fluorescence Reveals the Oligomerization and Folding Steps Driving the Prion-like Behavior of ASC', Journal of Molecular Biology, 430, pp. 491 - 508,

Leitao A; Bhumkar A; Hunter DJB; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2018, 'Unveiling a selective mechanism for the inhibition of α-synuclein aggregation by β-synuclein', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, pp. 334,

Hussein WM; Choi PM; Zhang C; Sierecki E; Johnston W; Jia Z; Monteiro MJ; Skwarczynski M; Gambin Y; Toth I, 2018, 'Investigating the affinity of poly tert-butyl acrylate toward Toll-Like Receptor 2', AIMS ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, 2, pp. 141 - 147,

Moustaqil M; Bhumkar A; Gonzalez L; Raoul L; Hunter DJB; Carrive P; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2017, 'A split-luciferase reporter recognizing GFP and mCherry tags to facilitate studies of protein–protein interactions', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18,

Ve T; Vajjhala PR; Hedger A; Croll T; Dimaio F; Horsefield S; Yu X; Lavrencic P; Hassan Z; Morgan GP; Mansell A; Mobli M; O'Carroll A; Chauvin B; Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Landsberg MJ; Stacey KJ; Egelman EH; Kobe B, 2017, 'Structural basis of TIR-domain-assembly formation in MAL- and MyD88-dependent TLR4 signaling', Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 24, pp. 743 - 751,

Fontaine F; Overman J; Moustaqil M; Mamidyala S; Salim A; Narasimhan K; Prokoph N; Robertson AAB; Lua L; Alexandrov K; Koopman P; Capon RJ; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Jauch R; Cooper MA; Zuegg J; Francois M, 2017, 'Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the SOX18 Transcription Factor', Cell Chemical Biology, 24, pp. 346 - 359,

Overman J; Fontaine F; Moustaqil M; Mittal D; Sierecki E; Sacilotto N; Zuegg J; Robertson AAB; Holmes K; Salim AA; Mamidyala S; Butler MS; Robinson AS; Lesieur E; Johnston W; Alexandrov K; Black BL; Hogan BM; De Val S; Capon RJ; Carroll JS; Bailey TL; Koopman P; Jauch R; Smyth MJ; Cooper MA; Gambin Y; Francois M, 2017, 'Pharmacological targeting of the transcription factor SOX18 delays breast cancer in mice', eLife, 6, pp. e21221,

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