Select Publications

Journal articles

Farshid G; Armes J; Dessauvagie B; Gilhotra A; Kumar B; Mahajan H; Millar E; Pathmanathan N; Snell C, 2024, 'Independent Validation of a HER2-low Focused IHC Scoring System for Enhanced Pathologist Precision and Consistency.', Mod Pathol, pp. 100693,

Vorontsov E; Bozkurt A; Casson A; Shaikovski G; Zelechowski M; Severson K; Zimmermann E; Hall J; Tenenholtz N; Fusi N; Yang E; Mathieu P; van Eck A; Lee D; Viret J; Robert E; Wang YK; Kunz JD; Lee MCH; Bernhard JH; Godrich RA; Oakley G; Millar E; Hanna M; Wen H; Retamero JA; Moye WA; Yousfi R; Kanan C; Klimstra DS; Rothrock B; Liu S; Fuchs TJ, 2024, 'A foundation model for clinical-grade computational pathology and rare cancers detection', Nature Medicine, 30, pp. 2924 - 2935,

Farshid G; Armes J; Dessauvagie B; Gilhotra A; Kumar B; Mahajan H; Millar E; Pathmanathan N; Snell C, 2024, 'Development and Validation of a HER2-Low Focused Immunohistochemical Scoring System With High-Interobserver Concordance: The Australian HER2-Low Breast Cancer Concordance Study', Modern Pathology, 37,

Retamero JA; Gulturk E; Bozkurt A; Liu S; Gorgan M; Moral L; Horton M; Parke A; Malfroid K; Sue J; Rothrock B; Oakley G; Demuth G; Millar E; Fuchs TJ; Klimstra DS, 2024, 'Artificial Intelligence Helps Pathologists Increase Diagnostic Accuracy and Efficiency in the Detection of Breast Cancer Lymph Node Metastases', American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 48, pp. 846 - 854,

Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, 'BioFusionNet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in ER+ Breast Cancer Through Multifeature and Multimodal Data Fusion', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 28, pp. 5290 - 5302,

Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2024, 'Generalized deep learning for histopathology image classification using supervised contrastive learning', Journal of Advanced Research,

Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2023, 'Breast cancer histopathology image-based gene expression prediction using spatial transcriptomics data and deep learning', Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 13604,

Mulholland BS; Hofstee P; Millar EKA; Bliuc D; O'Toole S; Forwood MR; McDonald MM, 2023, 'MCP-1 expression in breast cancer and its association with distant relapse', Cancer Medicine, 12, pp. 16221 - 16230,

Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Browne L; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2023, 'hist2RNA: An Efficient Deep Learning Architecture to Predict Gene Expression from Breast Cancer Histopathology Images', Cancers, 15, pp. 2569,

Chen J; Wu S; Ruan T; Slapetova I; Millar E; Lim E; Swarbrick A, 2023, 'Stromal mediators of lymphocyte exclusion and dysfunction in triple negative breast cancer', CANCER RESEARCH, 83,

Sandarenu P; Millar EKA; Song Y; Browne L; Beretov J; Lynch J; Graham PH; Jonnagaddala J; Hawkins N; Huang J; Meijering E, 2022, 'Survival prediction in triple negative breast cancer using multiple instance learning of histopathological images', Scientific Reports, 12,

Fox SB; Webster F; Chen CJ; Chua B; Collins L; Foschini MP; Bruce Mann G; Millar E; Pinder SE; Rakha E; Shaaban A; Tan BY; Tse G; Watson P; Tan PH, 2022, 'Dataset for pathology reporting of ductal carcinoma in situ, variants of lobular carcinoma in situ and low-grade lesions: recommendations from the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR)', Histopathology, 81, pp. 467 - 476,

Law AMK; Chen J; Colino-Sanguino Y; Fuente LRDL; Fang G; Grimes SM; Lu H; Huang RJ; Boyle ST; Venhuizen J; Castillo L; Tavakoli J; Skhinas JN; Millar EKA; Beretov J; Rossello FJ; Tipper JL; Ormandy CJ; Samuel MS; Cox TR; Martelotto L; Jin D; Valdes-Mora F; Ji HP; Gallego-Ortega D, 2022, 'ALTEN: A High-Fidelity Primary Tissue-Engineering Platform to Assess Cellular Responses Ex Vivo', Advanced Science, 9,

Li Y; Zhang F; Zheng H; Kalasabail S; Hicks C; Fung KY; Preaudet A; Putoczki T; Beretov J; Millar EKA; El-Omar E; Jiang XT; Yim HCH, 2022, 'Fecal DNA Virome Is Associated with the Development of Colorectal Neoplasia in a Murine Model of Colorectal Cancer', Pathogens, 11,

Marra A; Goldfinger M; Millar E; Hanna M; Rothrock B; Lee M; Wang Y; van Eck A; Trlifaj Tydlitatova L; Sue J; Wen H; Stefanelli J; Retamero J; Hamilton P; Fuchs T; Klimstra D; Chandarlapaty S; Reis-Filho JS, 2022, '93P An AI-driven computational biomarker from H&E slides recovers cases with low levels of HER2 from immunohistochemically HER2-negative breast cancers', Annals of Oncology, 33, pp. S581 - S581,

Wu SZ; Roden DL; Al-Eryani G; Bartonicek N; Harvey K; Cazet AS; Chan CL; Junankar S; Hui MN; Millar EA; Beretov J; Horvath L; Joshua AM; Stricker P; Wilmott JS; Quek C; Long GV; Scolyer RA; Yeung BZ; Segara D; Mak C; Warrier S; Powell JE; O’Toole S; Lim E; Swarbrick A, 2021, 'Cryopreservation of human cancers conserves tumour heterogeneity for single-cell multi-omics analysis', Genome Medicine, 13,

Wang J; Browne L; Slapetova I; Shang F; Lee K; Lynch J; Beretov J; Whan R; Graham PH; Millar EKA, 2021, 'Multiplexed immunofluorescence identifies high stromal CD68+PD-L1+ macrophages as a predictor of improved survival in triple negative breast cancer', Scientific Reports, 11,

El Bairi K; Haynes HR; Blackley E; Fineberg S; Shear J; Turner S; de Freitas JR; Sur D; Amendola LC; Gharib M; Kallala A; Arun I; Azmoudeh-Ardalan F; Fujimoto L; Sua LF; Liu SW; Lien HC; Kirtani P; Balancin M; El Attar H; Guleria P; Yang W; Shash E; Chen IC; Bautista V; Do Prado Moura JF; Rapoport BL; Castaneda C; Spengler E; Acosta-Haab G; Frahm I; Sanchez J; Castillo M; Bouchmaa N; Md Zin RR; Shui R; Onyuma T; Yang W; Husain Z; Willard-Gallo K; Coosemans A; Perez EA; Provenzano E; Ericsson PG; Richardet E; Mehrotra R; Sarancone S; Ehinger A; Rimm DL; Bartlett JMS; Viale G; Denkert C; Hida AI; Sotiriou C; Loibl S; Hewitt SM; Badve S; Symmans WF; Kim RS; Pruneri G; Goel S; Francis PA; Inurrigarro G; Yamaguchi R; Garcia-Rivello H; Horlings H; Afqir S; Salgado R; Adams S; Kok M; Dieci MV; Michiels S; Demaria S; Loi S; de Freitas JR; Lien HC, 2021, 'The tale of TILs in breast cancer: A report from The International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group', npj Breast Cancer, 7,

Wu SZ; Al-Eryani G; Roden DL; Junankar S; Harvey K; Andersson A; Thennavan A; Wang C; Torpy JR; Bartonicek N; Wang T; Larsson L; Kaczorowski D; Weisenfeld NI; Uytingco CR; Chew JG; Bent ZW; Chan CL; Gnanasambandapillai V; Dutertre CA; Gluch L; Hui MN; Beith J; Parker A; Robbins E; Segara D; Cooper C; Mak C; Chan B; Warrier S; Ginhoux F; Millar E; Powell JE; Williams SR; Liu XS; O’Toole S; Lim E; Lundeberg J; Perou CM; Swarbrick A, 2021, 'A single-cell and spatially resolved atlas of human breast cancers', Nature Genetics, 53, pp. 1334 - 1347,

Pang JMB; Castles B; Byrne DJ; Button P; Hendry S; Lakhani SR; Sivasubramaniam V; Cooper WA; Armes J; Millar EKA; Raymond W; Roberts-Thomson S; Kumar B; Burr M; Selinger C; Harvey K; Chan C; Beith J; Clouston D; O'Toole SA; Fox SB, 2021, 'SP142 PD-L1 Scoring Shows High Interobserver and Intraobserver Agreement in Triple-negative Breast Carcinoma but Overall Low Percentage Agreement with Other PD-L1 Clones SP263 and 22C3', American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 45, pp. 1108 - 1117,

Millar EKA; Browne LH; Beretov J; Lee K; Lynch J; Swarbrick A; Graham PH, 2020, 'Tumour stroma ratio assessment using digital image analysis predicts survival in triple negative and luminal breast cancer', Cancers, 12, pp. 1 - 14,

Millar E; Browne L; Slapetova I; Shang F; Ren Y; Bradshaw R; Brauer HA; O’toole S; Beretov J; Whan R; Graham PH, 2020, 'Tils immunophenotype in breast cancer predicts local failure and overall survival: Analysis in a large radiotherapy trial with long-term follow-up', Cancers, 12, pp. 1 - 15,

Teo WS; Holliday H; Karthikeyan N; Cazet AS; Roden DL; Harvey K; Konrad CV; Murali R; Varghese BA; Thankamony AP; Chan CL; McFarland A; Junankar S; Ye S; Yang J; Nikolic I; Shah JS; Baker LA; Millar EKA; Naylor MJ; Ormandy CJ; Lakhani SR; Kaplan W; Mellick AS; O'Toole SA; Swarbrick A; Nair R, 2020, 'Id Proteins Promote a Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype in Mouse Models of Triple Negative Breast Cancer via Negative Regulation of Robo1', Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8,

Wu S; Roden D; Al-Eryani G; Bartonicek N; Harvey K; Cazet A; Chan C-L; Junankar S; Hui M; Millar E; Beretov J; Horvath L; Joshua A; Stricker P; Wilmott J; Quek C; Long G; Scolyer R; Yeung B; Segara D; Mak C; Warrier S; Powell J; O'Toole S; Lim E; Swarbrick A, 2020, 'Cryopreservation of human cancers conserves tumour heterogeneity for single-cell multi-omics analysis', bioRxiv,

Jankovic-Karasoulos T; Bianco-Miotto T; Butler MS; Butler LM; McNeil CM; O’Toole SA; Millar EKA; Sakko AJ; Ruiz AI; Birrell SN; Sutherland RL; Hickey TE; Tilley WD; Ricciardelli C, 2020, 'Elevated levels of tumour apolipoprotein D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients', Histopathology, 76, pp. 976 - 987,

Smith HW; Hirukawa A; Sanguin-Gendreau V; Nandi I; Dufour CR; Zuo D; Tandoc K; Leibovitch M; Singh S; Rennhack JP; Swiatnicki M; Lavoie C; Papavasiliou V; Temps C; Carragher NO; Unciti-Broceta A; Savage P; Basik M; van Hoef V; Larsson O; Cooper CL; Vargas Calderon AC; Beith J; Millar E; Selinger C; Giguère V; Park M; Harris LN; Varadan V; Andrechek ER; O’Toole SA; Topisirovic I; Muller WJ, 2019, 'An ErbB2/c-Src axis links bioenergetics with PRC2 translation to drive epigenetic reprogramming and mammary tumorigenesis', Nature Communications, 10,

Parikh R; Millar E; Phan-Thien KC, 2019, 'A case of amoebic colitis following remote historical exposure', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 89, pp. E222 - E223,

Rogers S; McCloy RA; Parker BL; Gallego-Ortega D; Law AMK; Chin VT; Conway JRW; Fey D; Millar EKA; O’Toole S; Deng N; Swarbrick A; Chastain PD; Cesare AJ; Timpson P; Caldon CE; Croucher DR; James DE; Watkins DN; Burgess A, 2018, 'MASTL overexpression promotes chromosome instability and metastasis in breast cancer', Oncogene, 37, pp. 4518 - 4533,

Ricciardelli C; Bianco-Miotto T; Jindal S; Butler LM; Leung S; McNeil CM; O'Toole SA; Ebrahimie E; Millar EKA; Sakko AJ; Ruiz AI; Vowler SL; Huntsman DG; Birrell SN; Sutherland RL; Palmieri C; Hickey TE; Tilley WD, 2018, 'The magnitude of androgen receptor positivity in breast cancer is critical for reliable prediction of disease outcome', Clinical Cancer Research, 24, pp. 2328 - 2341,

Pajic M; Froio D; Daly S; Doculara L; Millar E; Graham PH; Drury A; Steinmann A; De Bock CE; Boulghourjian A; Zaratzian A; Carroll S; Toohey J; O'Toole SA; Harris AL; Buffa FM; Gee HE; Hollway GE; Molloy TJ, 2018, 'miR-139-5p modulates radiotherapy resistance in breast cancer by repressing multiple gene networks of DNA repair and ROS defense', Cancer Research, 78, pp. 501 - 515,

Law AMK; Yin JXM; Castillo L; Young AIJ; Piggin C; Rogers S; Caldon CE; Burgess A; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Gallego-Ortega D; Ormandy CJ; Oakes SR, 2017, 'Andy's Algorithms: New automated digital image analysis pipelines for FIJI', Scientific Reports, 7,

Pang JMB; Savas P; Fellowes AP; Mir Arnau G; Kader T; Vedururu R; Hewitt C; Takano EA; Byrne DJ; Choong DYH; Millar EKA; Soon Lee C; O'Toole SA; Lakhani SR; Cummings MC; Bruce Mann G; Campbell IG; Dobrovic A; Loi S; Gorringe KL; Fox SB, 2017, 'Breast ductal carcinoma in situ carry mutational driver events representative of invasive breast cancer', Modern Pathology, 30, pp. 952 - 963,

Pang JMB; Molania R; Chand A; Knower K; Takano EA; Byrne DJ; Mikeska T; Millar EKA; Lee CS; O'Toole SA; Clyne C; Gorringe KL; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2017, 'LRH-1 expression patterns in breast cancer tissues are associated with tumour aggressiveness', Oncotarget, 8, pp. 83626 - 83636,

Young AIJ; Law AMK; Castillo L; Chong S; Cullen HD; Koehler M; Herzog S; Brummer T; Lee EF; Fairlie WD; Lucas MC; Herrmann D; Allam A; Timpson P; Watkins DN; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Gallego-Ortega D; Ormandy CJ; Oakes SR, 2016, 'MCL-1 inhibition provides a new way to suppress breast cancer metastasis and increase sensitivity to dasatinib', Breast Cancer Research, 18,

Gallego-Ortega D; Ledger A; Roden DL; Law AMK; Magenau A; Kikhtyak Z; Cho C; Allerdice SL; Lee HJ; Valdes-Mora F; Herrmann D; Salomon R; Young AIJ; Lee BY; Sergio CM; Kaplan W; Piggin C; Conway JRW; Rabinovich B; Millar EKA; Oakes SR; Chtanova T; Swarbrick A; Naylor MJ; O’Toole S; Green AR; Timpson P; Gee JMW; Ellis IO; Clark SJ; Ormandy CJ, 2015, 'ELF5 Drives Lung Metastasis in Luminal Breast Cancer through Recruitment of Gr1+ CD11b+ Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells', PLoS Biology, 13,

Gee HE; Buffa FM; Harris AL; Toohey JM; Carroll SL; Cooper CL; Beith J; McNeil C; Carmalt H; Mak C; Warrier S; Holliday A; Selinger C; Beckers R; Kennedy C; Graham P; Swarbrick A; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Molloy T, 2015, 'MicroRNA-related DNA repair/cell-cycle genes independently associated with relapse after radiation therapy for early breast cancer', International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 93, pp. 1104 - 1114,

Beretov J; Wasinger VC; Millar EKA; Schwartz P; Graham PH; Li Y, 2015, 'Proteomic analysis of urine to identify breast cancer biomarker candidates using a label-free LC-MS/MS approach', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0141876,

Huang KT; Mikeska T; Li J; Takano EA; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Boyle SE; Campbell IG; Speed TP; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2015, 'Assessment of DNA methylation profiling and copy number variation as indications of clonal relationship in ipsilateral and contralateral breast cancers to distinguish recurrent breast cancer from a second primary tumour', BMC Cancer, 15,

Stone A; Zotenko E; Locke WJ; Korbie D; Millar EKA; Pidsley R; Stirzaker C; Graham P; Trau M; Musgrove EA; Nicholson RI; Gee JMW; Clark SJ, 2015, 'DNA methylation of oestrogen-regulated enhancers defines endocrine sensitivity in breast cancer', Nature Communications, 6,

Junankar S; Baker LA; Roden DL; Nair R; Elsworth B; Gallego-Ortega D; Lacaze P; Cazet A; Nikolic I; Teo WS; Yang J; McFarland A; Harvey K; Naylor MJ; Lakhani SR; Simpson PT; Raghavendra A; Saunus J; Madore J; Kaplan W; Ormandy C; Millar EKA; O'Toole S; Yun K; Swarbrick A, 2015, 'ID4 controls mammary stem cells and marks breast cancers with a stem cell-like phenotype', Nature Communications, 6,

Junankar S; Baker LA; Roden DL; Nair R; Elsworth B; Gallego-Ortega D; Lacaze P; Cazet A; Nikolic I; Teo WS; Yang J; McFarland A; Harvey K; Naylor MJ; Lakhani SR; Simpson PT; Raghavendra A; Saunus J; Madore J; Kaplan W; Ormandy C; Millar EKA; O'Toole S; Yun K; Swarbrick A, 2015, 'ID4 controls mammary stem cells and marks breast cancers with a stem cell-like phenotype', NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 6,

Giannakopoulos B; Mirarabshahi P; Qi M; Weatherall C; Qi JC; Tanaka K; Millar E; Vonthethoff L; Gatto D; Spielman D; Krilis SA, 2014, 'Deletion of the antiphospholipid syndrome autoantigen β2- glycoprotein i potentiates the lupus autoimmune phenotype in a toll-like receptor 7-mediated murine model', Arthritis and Rheumatology, 66, pp. 2270 - 2280,

Pang JMB; Deb S; Takano EA; Byrne DJ; Jene N; Boulghourjian A; Holliday A; Millar E; Lee CS; O'Toole SA; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2014, 'Methylation profiling of ductal carcinoma in situ and its relationship to histopathological features', Breast cancer research : BCR, 16, pp. 423,

Gee HE; Froio DA; Doculara LS; Graham PH; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Molloy TJ, 2014, 'MicroRNA regulation of radiotherapy sensitivity and resistance in breast cancer', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 34, pp. S12 - S12,

Beretov J; Wasinger VC; Graham PH; Millar EK; Kearsley JH; Li Y, 2014, 'Proteomics for breast cancer urine biomarkers', , 63, pp. 123 - 167,

Pang J-M; Takano E; Byrne D; Deb S; Jene N; Boulghourjian A; Holliday A; Millar E; Lee S; O’Toole S; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2014, 'Candidate methylation profiling of ductal carcinoma in situ and its relationship to phenotype', Pathology, 46, pp. S76 - S76,

Browne BC; Hochgräfe F; Wu J; Millar EKA; Barraclough J; Stone A; McCloy RA; Lee CS; Roberts C; Ali NA; Boulghourjian A; Schmich F; Linding R; Farrow L; Gee JMW; Nicholson RI; O'Toole SA; Sutherland RL; Musgrove EA; Butt AJ; Daly RJ, 2013, 'Global characterization of signalling networks associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer', FEBS Journal, 280, pp. 5237 - 5257,

Schade B; Lesurf R; Sanguin-Gendreau V; Bui T; Deblois G; O'Toole SA; Millar EKA; Zardawi SJ; Lopez-Knowles E; Sutherland RL; Giguère V; Kahn M; Hallett M; Muller WJ, 2013, 'β-catenin signaling is a critical event in ErbB2-mediated mammary tumor progression', Cancer Research, 73, pp. 4474 - 4487,

Hau EK; Browne L; Capp AL; Delaney GP; Fox CH; Kearsley J; Millar E; Nasser E; Papadatos G; Graham PH, 2013, 'The impact of breast cosmetic and functional outcomes on quality of life: long-term results from the St. George and Wollongong randomized breast boost trial', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 139, pp. 115 - 123,

O'Toole S; Beith JM; Millar EKA; West R; McLean A; Cazet A; Swarbrick A; Oakes , 2013, 'Therapeutic targets in triple negative breast cancer', Journal of Clinical Pathology, 66, pp. 530 - 542,

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