Select Publications


Algeo C; Connor J; Owen J; Linger H; McDermott V, 2017, Developing Government Policy Capability Policy Work, Project Management, and Knowledge Practices

Connor JM, 2007, The Arts of Publication, Original, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne

Connor JM, 2007, The Sociology of Loyalty, Springer, New York

Book Chapters

Woodside J; Connor J, 2024, 'Resisting Change and Civilian Control: The Contested Terrain of New Australian Defence Values', in The New Australian Military Sociology Antipodean Perspectives

Connor J, 2021, 'Filing the podium: Cheating, doping and corruption', in Research Handbook on Sports and Society, pp. 307 - 320

Connor JM, 2018, 'Loyalty: The emotion of future expectation, felt now, based on the past', in Emotions, Everyday Life and Sociology, Taylor & Francis, pp. 27 - 41,

Pavlidis A; Connor J, 2016, ''Don't Be a Douche': An Introduction to Sex-Integrated Roller Derby', in Thorpe H; Olive R (ed.), WOMEN IN ACTION SPORT CULTURES: IDENTITY, POLITICS AND EXPERIENCE, PALGRAVE, pp. 91 - 109,

Owen J; Algeo C; Connor J, 2015, 'Enter or Not - How to Gain and Sustain Access to Research Sites', in Pasian B (ed.), Designs, Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management, Gower Publishing, Surrey, pp. 261 - 270

Thompson SM, 2012, 'Introduction', in Thompson S; Maginn P (ed.), Planning Australia: An Overview of Urban and Regional Planning, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, pp. 1 - 13

Connor JM, 2008, 'South Sydney`s Fight to Play: A Clash of New and Old', in Moore A; Carr A (ed.), Centenary Reflections: 100 years of Rugby League in Australia, edn. First, Australian Society for Sports History, Melbourne, pp. 110 - 126

Connor J, 2007, 'Conclusion', in The Sociology of Loyalty, Springer US, pp. 129 - 142,

Connor J, 2007, 'The Sociology of Loyalty Preface and Acknowledgements', in SOCIOLOGY OF LOYALTY, SPRINGER, pp. VII - +,

Connor JM, 2007, 'War and Immigration: Contesting Australian Loyalties', in Mason V (ed.), Loyalties, edn. Original, API Network Press, Perth

Journal articles

Williams J; Yates S; Connor J, 2024, 'Creating a new pathway for change in the military using gender as process', Gender, Work and Organization, 31, pp. 211 - 226,

Wadham B; Connor J, 2023, 'Commanding men, governing masculinities: Military institutional abuse and organizational reform in the Australian armed forces', Gender, Work and Organization, 30, pp. 1533 - 1551,

Moon K; Brunoro D; Connor J; Dickinson H; Huybers T, 2023, 'Exploring integrity in Australian public services: A method to benchmark public service codes of conduct', Australian Journal of Public Administration,

Wadham B; Connor J; Hamner K; Lawn S, 2023, 'Raped, beaten and bruised: military institutional abuse, identity wounds and veteran suicide', Critical Military Studies, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 20,

Williamson S; Pearce A; Connor J; Weeratunga V; Dickinson H, 2022, 'The future of working from home in the public sector: What does the evidence tell us?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81, pp. 1 - 9,

Connor J; McDermott V; Gillies W, 2022, 'Passionate projects: practitioner reflections on emotion management', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 15, pp. 865 - 885,

Connor J; Andrews DJ; Noack-Lundberg K; Wadham B, 2021, 'Military Loyalty as a Moral Emotion', Armed Forces and Society, 47, pp. 530 - 550,

Andrews DJ; Connor J; Wadham B, 2020, 'The Military Scandal: Its Definition, Dynamics, and Significance', Armed Forces and Society, 46, pp. 716 - 734,

Wadham B; Bridges D; Mundkur A; Connor J, 2018, '‘War-fighting and left-wing feminist agendas’: gender and change in the Australian Defence Force', Critical Military Studies, 4, pp. 264 - 280,

Connor J; Copland S; Owen J, 2018, 'The infantilized researcher and research subject: ethics, consent and risk', Qualitative Research, 18, pp. 400 - 415,

Woolf J; Mazanov J; Connor JM, 2016, 'The Goldman Dilemma is dead: what elite athletes really think about doping, winning, and death', International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 9, pp. 453 - 467,

Pavlidis A; Connor J, 2016, 'Men in a ‘women only’ sport? Contesting gender relations and sex integration in roller derby', Sport in Society, 19, pp. 1349 - 1362,

Andrews JD; Connor J, 2015, 'UNSW and the establishment of the Faculty of Military Studies at the Royal Military College, Duntroon: 1965-1968', History of Education Review, 44, pp. 153 - 169,

Mazanov J; Hemphill D; Connor J; Quirk F; Backhouse SH, 2015, 'Australian athlete support personnel lived experience of anti-doping', Sport Management Review, 18, pp. 218 - 230,

Mazanov J; Backhouse S; Connor J; Hemphill D; Quirk F, 2014, 'Athlete support personnel and anti-doping: Knowledge, attitudes, and ethical stance', Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 24, pp. 846 - 856,

Mazanov J; Hemphill D; Connor J; Quirk F; Backhouse SH, 2014, 'Australian athlete support personnel lived experience of anti-doping', Sport Management Review,

Connor JM; Olson RE, 2014, 'When they don’t die: Prognosis ambiguity, role conflict and emotion work in cancer caregiving', Journal of Sociology, pp. 1 - 15,

Connor J; McDermott V, 2013, 'Service teaching and the sociological critique: Lessons from a military academy', Journal of Sociology, 49, pp. 501 - 514,

Mazanov J; Dunn M; Connor J; Fielding ML, 2013, 'Substance use to enhance academic performance among Australian university students', Performance Enhancement and Health, 2, pp. 110 - 118,

Connor J; Woolf J; Mazanov J, 2013, 'Would they dope? Revisiting the Goldman dilemma', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47, pp. 697 - 700,

Mazanov J; Backhouse S; Connor J; Hemphill D; Quirk F, 2013, 'Athlete support personnel and anti-doping: Knowledge, attitudes, and ethical stance', Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports,

Mazanov J; lo Tenero G; Connor J; Sharpe K, 2012, 'Scandal+football=a better share price', Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 2, pp. 92 - 114,

Mazanov J; Huybers T; Connor JM, 2012, 'Prioritising health in anti-doping: What Australians think', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15, pp. 381 - 385,

Mazanov J; Lo tenero G; Connor JM; Sharpe KA, 2012, 'Sport + football = a better share price', Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 2, pp. 92 - 114,

Connor JM; McEwen M, 2011, 'International development or white man's burden? THe IAAF's Regional Development Centres and regional sporting assistance', Sport In Society (Formerly Culture, Sport, Society), 14, pp. 805 - 817,

Mazanov J; Huybers T; Connor JM, 2011, 'Qualitative evidence of a primary intervention point for elite athlete doping', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 14, pp. 106 - 110,

Mazanov J; Connor J, 2010, 'The role of scandal and corruption in sports marketing and sponsorship', International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 11, pp. 183,

Connor J; Mazanov J; Backhouse S; Quirk F, 2010, 'Doping and athlete support personnel: What do they know and do?', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13, pp. e18 - e18,

Mazanov J; Connor J, 2010, 'Managing drugs in sport: The evidence base for second generation policy', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13, pp. e16 - e17,

Connor JM, 2010, 'Military Loyalty: A Functional Vice', Criminal Justice Ethics, 29, pp. 278 - 290

Mazanov J; Connor JM, 2010, 'Rethinking the management of drugs in sport', International Journal of Sport Policy, 2, pp. 49 - 63,

Connor JM; Mazanov J, 2010, 'The inevitability of scandal: Lessons for sponsors and administrators', International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 11, pp. 212 - 220

Connor J, 2009, 'The athlete as widget: How exploitation explains elite sport', Sport in Society, 12, pp. 1369 - 1377,

Connor JM, 2009, 'Towards a Sociology of Drugs in Sport', Sport In Society (Formerly Culture, Sport, Society), 12, pp. 327 - 343

Connor JM; Mazanov J, 2009, 'Would you dope? A general population test of the Goldman dilemma', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43, pp. 871 - 872,

Conference Papers

Connor JM; Pavlidis A, 2014, 'Gendered tension: Roller Derby, segregation and integration.', in Challenging Identities, Institutions and Communities; Refereed Proceedings of the TASA 2014, TASA Annual Conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide,, presented at TASA Annual Conference, University of South Australia, Adelaide,, 24 November 2014 - 27 November 2014,

Connor JM; Noack-Lundberg K, 2014, 'Training emotions – military service, exceptionalism and loyalty', in Challenging Identities, Institutions and Communities Refereed Proceedings of the TASA 2014, TASA Annual Conference 2014, University of South Australia, Adelaide, presented at TASA Annual Conference 2014, University of South Australia, Adelaide, 24 November 2014 - 27 November 2014

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