Select Publications

Journal articles

Williams J; Yates S; Connor J, 2024, 'Creating a new pathway for change in the military using gender as process', Gender, Work and Organization, 31, pp. 211 - 226,

Wadham B; Connor J, 2023, 'Commanding men, governing masculinities: Military institutional abuse and organizational reform in the Australian armed forces', Gender, Work and Organization, 30, pp. 1533 - 1551,

Moon K; Brunoro D; Connor J; Dickinson H; Huybers T, 2023, 'Exploring integrity in Australian public services: A method to benchmark public service codes of conduct', Australian Journal of Public Administration,

Wadham B; Connor J; Hamner K; Lawn S, 2023, 'Raped, beaten and bruised: military institutional abuse, identity wounds and veteran suicide', Critical Military Studies, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 20,

Williamson S; Pearce A; Connor J; Weeratunga V; Dickinson H, 2022, 'The future of working from home in the public sector: What does the evidence tell us?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81, pp. 1 - 9,

Connor J; McDermott V; Gillies W, 2022, 'Passionate projects: practitioner reflections on emotion management', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 15, pp. 865 - 885,

Connor J; Andrews DJ; Noack-Lundberg K; Wadham B, 2021, 'Military Loyalty as a Moral Emotion', Armed Forces and Society, 47, pp. 530 - 550,

Andrews DJ; Connor J; Wadham B, 2020, 'The Military Scandal: Its Definition, Dynamics, and Significance', Armed Forces and Society, 46, pp. 716 - 734,

Wadham B; Bridges D; Mundkur A; Connor J, 2018, '‘War-fighting and left-wing feminist agendas’: gender and change in the Australian Defence Force', Critical Military Studies, 4, pp. 264 - 280,

Connor J; Copland S; Owen J, 2018, 'The infantilized researcher and research subject: ethics, consent and risk', Qualitative Research, 18, pp. 400 - 415,

Woolf J; Mazanov J; Connor JM, 2016, 'The Goldman Dilemma is dead: what elite athletes really think about doping, winning, and death', International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 9, pp. 453 - 467,

Pavlidis A; Connor J, 2016, 'Men in a ‘women only’ sport? Contesting gender relations and sex integration in roller derby', Sport in Society, 19, pp. 1349 - 1362,

Andrews JD; Connor J, 2015, 'UNSW and the establishment of the Faculty of Military Studies at the Royal Military College, Duntroon: 1965-1968', History of Education Review, 44, pp. 153 - 169,

Mazanov J; Hemphill D; Connor J; Quirk F; Backhouse SH, 2015, 'Australian athlete support personnel lived experience of anti-doping', Sport Management Review, 18, pp. 218 - 230,

Mazanov J; Backhouse S; Connor J; Hemphill D; Quirk F, 2014, 'Athlete support personnel and anti-doping: Knowledge, attitudes, and ethical stance', Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 24, pp. 846 - 856,

Mazanov J; Hemphill D; Connor J; Quirk F; Backhouse SH, 2014, 'Australian athlete support personnel lived experience of anti-doping', Sport Management Review,

Connor JM; Olson RE, 2014, 'When they don’t die: Prognosis ambiguity, role conflict and emotion work in cancer caregiving', Journal of Sociology, pp. 1 - 15,

Connor J; McDermott V, 2013, 'Service teaching and the sociological critique: Lessons from a military academy', Journal of Sociology, 49, pp. 501 - 514,

Mazanov J; Dunn M; Connor J; Fielding ML, 2013, 'Substance use to enhance academic performance among Australian university students', Performance Enhancement and Health, 2, pp. 110 - 118,

Connor J; Woolf J; Mazanov J, 2013, 'Would they dope? Revisiting the Goldman dilemma', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47, pp. 697 - 700,

Mazanov J; Backhouse S; Connor J; Hemphill D; Quirk F, 2013, 'Athlete support personnel and anti-doping: Knowledge, attitudes, and ethical stance', Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports,

Mazanov J; lo Tenero G; Connor J; Sharpe K, 2012, 'Scandal+football=a better share price', Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 2, pp. 92 - 114,

Mazanov J; Huybers T; Connor JM, 2012, 'Prioritising health in anti-doping: What Australians think', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15, pp. 381 - 385,

Mazanov J; Lo tenero G; Connor JM; Sharpe KA, 2012, 'Sport + football = a better share price', Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 2, pp. 92 - 114,

Connor JM; McEwen M, 2011, 'International development or white man's burden? THe IAAF's Regional Development Centres and regional sporting assistance', Sport In Society (Formerly Culture, Sport, Society), 14, pp. 805 - 817,

Mazanov J; Huybers T; Connor JM, 2011, 'Qualitative evidence of a primary intervention point for elite athlete doping', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 14, pp. 106 - 110,

Mazanov J; Connor J, 2010, 'The role of scandal and corruption in sports marketing and sponsorship', International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 11, pp. 183,

Connor J; Mazanov J; Backhouse S; Quirk F, 2010, 'Doping and athlete support personnel: What do they know and do?', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13, pp. e18 - e18,

Mazanov J; Connor J, 2010, 'Managing drugs in sport: The evidence base for second generation policy', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13, pp. e16 - e17,

Connor JM, 2010, 'Military Loyalty: A Functional Vice', Criminal Justice Ethics, 29, pp. 278 - 290

Mazanov J; Connor JM, 2010, 'Rethinking the management of drugs in sport', International Journal of Sport Policy, 2, pp. 49 - 63,

Connor JM; Mazanov J, 2010, 'The inevitability of scandal: Lessons for sponsors and administrators', International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 11, pp. 212 - 220

Connor J, 2009, 'The athlete as widget: How exploitation explains elite sport', Sport in Society, 12, pp. 1369 - 1377,

Connor JM, 2009, 'Towards a Sociology of Drugs in Sport', Sport In Society (Formerly Culture, Sport, Society), 12, pp. 327 - 343

Connor JM; Mazanov J, 2009, 'Would you dope? A general population test of the Goldman dilemma', British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43, pp. 871 - 872,

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