Select Publications


Zhao J; Agboola SO, 2007, Functional Properties of Australian Bushfoods

Book Chapters

Zhao J; Ee KY, 2019, 'Protease Inhibitors', in Melton L; Shahidi F; Varelis P (ed.), Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry, Elsevier, pp. 253 - 259

Edited Books

Zhao J; Gibson B; Schwan RF, (eds.), 2022, Interspecies Interactions Within Fermented Food Systems and Their Impact on Process Efficiency and Product Quality, Frontiers Media, SA

Journal articles

Arbita AA; Paul NA; Cox J; Zhao J, 2024, 'A novel cheese made of Gracilaria edulis proteases and its characterisation', International Dairy Journal, 153,

Arbita AA; Paul NA; Cox J; Zhao J, 2024, 'Screening and isolation of milk-clotting enzymes from seaweed', Journal of Applied Phycology, 36, pp. 887 - 896,

Fu H; Wang L; Gu J; Peng X; Zhao J, 2024, 'Effects of Litsea cubeba Essential Oil–Chitosan/Corn Starch Composite Films on the Quality and Shelf-Life of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)', Foods, 13,

Ismail NA; Zhao J, 2024, 'Ultrasound and Steam Explosion Treatments on the Quantity and Molecular Size of Soluble Fibre Obtained from Un-purified and Purified Rice Bran', Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 47, pp. 25 - 40,

Wang C; Sun D; Deng Q; Sun L; Hu L; Fang Z; Zhao J; Gooneratne R, 2024, 'Elephantopus scaber L. Polysaccharides Alleviate Heat Stress-Induced Systemic Inflammation in Mice via Modulation of Characteristic Gut Microbiota and Metabolites', Nutrients, 16,

Qiu M; Qiu L; Deng Q; Fang Z; Sun L; Wang Y; Gooneratne R; Zhao J, 2023, 'L-Cysteine hydrochloride inhibits Aspergillus flavus growth and AFB1 synthesis by disrupting cell structure and antioxidant system balance', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 459,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Zhao J, 2023, 'Yeasts are essential for mucilage degradation of coffee beans during wet fermentation', Yeast, 40, pp. 425 - 436,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Zhao J, 2023, 'Coffee fermentation: Expedition from traditional to controlled process and perspectives for industrialization', Applied Food Research, 3,

Sutharsan J; Boyer CA; Zhao J, 2023, 'Biological properties of chitosan edible films incorporated with different classes of flavonoids and their role in preserving the quality of chilled beef', Food Hydrocolloids, 139,

He J; Hu L; Deng Q; Sun L; Zhao Y; Fang Z; Wang C; Zhao J, 2023, 'Carboxymethyl pachymaran attenuates short-term stress induced depressive behaviours and over-expression of occludin and claudin-2 in the blood–brain-barrier by regulating inflammatory cytokines- JNK/ERK/p38 pathway', Journal of Functional Foods, 103,

Hua M; Deng Q; Qiu M; Deng Y; Sun L; Fang Z; Liao J; Zhao J; Gooneratne R, 2023, 'Iturin A Strongly Inhibits the Growth and T-2 Toxin Synthesis of Fusarium oxysporum: A Morphological, Cellular, and Transcriptomics Study', Foods, 12,

Yang B; Sun D; Sun L; Cheng Y; Wang C; Hu L; Fang Z; Deng Q; Zhao J, 2023, 'Water Extract of Chrysanthemum indicum L. Flower Inhibits Capsaicin-Induced Systemic Low-Grade Inflammation by Modulating Gut Microbiota and Short-Chain Fatty Acids', Nutrients, 15,

Arbita AA; Zhao J, 2023, 'Milk clotting enzymes from marine resources and their role in cheese-making: A mini review', Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 64,

Sutharsan J; Zhao J, 2023, 'Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Chitosan Based Edible Films', Food Reviews International, 39, pp. 6296 - 6323,

Sutharsan J; Boyer CA; Zhao J, 2023, 'Effect of molecular weight and drying temperature on the physicochemical properties of chitosan edible film', JSFA reports, 3, pp. 387 - 396,

Ou Q; Zhao J; Sun Y; Zhao Y; Zhang B, 2023, 'Utilization of Lemon Peel for the Production of Vinegar by a Combination of Alcoholic and Acetic Fermentations', Foods, 12, pp. 2488 - 2488,

Sutharsan J; Boyer CA; Zhao J, 2022, 'Development and characterization of chitosan edible film incorporated with epoxy-activated agarose', JSFA reports, 2, pp. 613 - 622,

Sutharsan J; Boyer CA; Zhao J, 2022, 'Physicochemical properties of chitosan edible films incorporated with different classes of flavonoids', Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 4,

Qiu M; Deng Y; Deng Q; Sun L; Fang Z; Wang Y; Huang X; Zhao J, 2022, 'Cysteine Inhibits the Growth of Fusarium oxysporum and Promotes T-2 Toxin Synthesis through the Gtr/Tap42 Pathway', Microbiology Spectrum, 10,

Ismail NA; Zhao J, 2022, 'Effects of Ultrasound and Steam Explosion Treatments on the Physicochemical Properties of Rice Bran Fibre', Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 45, pp. 893 - 918,

Arbita AA; Paul NA; Cox J; Zhao J, 2022, 'Amino acid sequence of two new milk-clotting proteases from the macroalga Gracilaria edulis', International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 211, pp. 499 - 505,

Gibson B; Zhao J; Schwan RF, 2022, 'Editorial: Interspecies Interactions Within Fermented Food Systems and Their Impact on Process Efficiency and Product Quality', Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, pp. 902116 - 902116,

Sun D; Wang C; Sun L; Hu L; Fang Z; Deng Q; Zhao J; Gooneratne R, 2022, 'Preliminary Report on Intestinal Flora Disorder, Faecal Short-Chain Fatty Acid Level Decline and Intestinal Mucosal Tissue Weakening Caused by Litchi Extract to Induce Systemic Inflammation in HFA Mice', Nutrients, 14,

Qiu M; Wang Y; Sun L; Deng Q; Zhao J, 2021, 'Fatty acids and oxylipins as antifungal and anti-mycotoxin agents in food: A review', Toxins, 13,

Zhou X; Cao Q; Orfila C; Zhao J; Zhang L, 2021, 'Systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of astaxanthin on human skin ageing', Nutrients, 13,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Frank D; Zhao J, 2021, 'Microbiological and Chemical Characteristics of Wet Coffee Fermentation Inoculated With Hansinaspora uvarum and Pichia kudriavzevii and Their Impact on Coffee Sensory Quality', Frontiers in Microbiology, 12,

Huang Z; Sun L; Wang Y; Deng Q; Fang Z; Zhao L; Zhao J, 2021, 'Protective mechanism of tea polyphenols against muscle quality deterioration of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) induced by aflatoxin B1', Aquaculture, 532,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Frank D; Zhao J, 2021, 'Microbiological and biochemical performances of six yeast species as potential starter cultures for wet fermentation of coffee beans', LWT, 137,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Frank D; Zhao J, 2021, 'The role of wet fermentation in enhancing coffee flavor, aroma and sensory quality', European Food Research and Technology, 247, pp. 485 - 498,

Ye L; Liu J; Wang Y; Sun L; Fang Z; Deng Q; Qiu M; Zhao J, 2021, 'Development of a three-compartment toxicokinetic model for T-2 toxin in shrimp by blindfold particle swarm optimization algorithm', Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Frank D; Zhao J, 2020, 'The crucial role of yeasts in the wet fermentation of coffee beans and quality', International Journal of Food Microbiology, 333,

Arbita AA; Paul NA; Cox J; Zhao J, 2020, 'Extraction, partial purification and characterization of proteases from the red seaweed Gracilaria edulis with similar cleavage sites on κ-casein as calf rennet', Food Chemistry, 330,

Ye L; Wang Y; Sun L; Fang Z; Deng Q; Huang Y; Zheng P; Shi Q; Liao J; Zhao J, 2020, 'The effects of removing aflatoxin B1 and T-2 toxin by lactic acid bacteria in high-salt fermented fish product medium under growth stress', LWT, 130,

Elhalis H; Cox J; Zhao J, 2020, 'Ecological diversity, evolution and metabolism of microbial communities in the wet fermentation of Australian coffee beans', International Journal of Food Microbiology, 321,

Deng Y; Wang R; Wang Y; Sun L; Tao S; Li X; Gooneratne R; Zhao J, 2020, 'Diversity and succession of microbial communities and chemical analysis in dried Lutianus erythropterus during storage', International Journal of Food Microbiology, 314,

Huang Z; Wang Y; Sun L; Wang X; Lu P; Liang G; Pang H; Wu Q; Gooneratne R; Zhao J, 2020, 'Effects of T-2 toxin on the muscle proteins of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) – a proteomics study', Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100, pp. 119 - 128,

Huang Z; Wang Y; Qiu M; Sun L; Deng Y; Wang X; Bi S; Gooneratne R; Zhao J, 2019, 'Effects of T-2 toxin on digestive enzyme activity, intestinal histopathology and growth in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei', Scientific Reports, 9,

Yuan C; Thomas DS; Hook JM; Qin G; Qi K; Zhao J, 2019, 'Molecular Encapsulation of Eucalyptus staigeriana Essential Oil by Forming Inclusion Complexes with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin', Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12, pp. 1264 - 1272,

Ho VTT; Fleet GH; Zhao J, 2018, 'Unravelling the contribution of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria to cocoa fermentation using inoculated organisms', International Journal of Food Microbiology, 279, pp. 43 - 56,

Wang N; Manabe Y; Sugawara T; Paul NA; Zhao J, 2018, 'Identification and biological activities of carotenoids from the freshwater alga Oedogonium intermedium', Food Chemistry, 242, pp. 247 - 255,

Uraipong C; Zhao J, 2018, 'In vitro digestion of rice bran proteins produces peptides with potent inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase and angiotensin I converting enzyme', Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98, pp. 758 - 766,

Li W; Chen Y; Xu X; Zheng C; Zhao J, 2018, 'Optimization of dynamic microwave-assisted extraction of dihydromyricetin from Ampelopsis grossedentata using response surface methodology', Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 40, pp. 1028 - 1034

Tang KSC; Konczak I; Zhao J, 2017, 'Phenolic compounds of the Australian native herb Prostanthera rotundifolia and their biological activities', Food Chemistry, 233, pp. 530 - 539,

Uraipong C; Zhao J, 2016, 'Identification and functional characterisation of bioactive peptides in rice bran albumin hydrolysates', International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51, pp. 2201 - 2208,

Tang KSC; Konczak I; Zhao J, 2016, 'Identification and quantification of phenolics in Australian native mint (Mentha australis R. Br.)', Food Chemistry, 192, pp. 698 - 705,

Liu B; Chen Y; Mo H; Ma H; Zhao J, 2016, 'Catapult steam explosion significantly increases cellular antioxidant and anti-proliferative activities of Adinandra nitida leaves', Journal of Functional Foods, 23, pp. 423 - 431,

Uraipong C; Zhao J, 2016, 'Rice bran protein hydrolysates exhibit strong in vitro α-amylase, β-glucosidase and ACE-inhibition activities', Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96, pp. 1101 - 1110,

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