Select Publications


Gatt J, 2008, The Role of Personality in Disease: Detection and Prevention, VDM, Germany

Book Chapters

Gatt JM, 2024, 'Neuroscience and genetics of mental wellbeing and clinical applications', in Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 29 - 37,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well‐Being', in , Wiley, pp. 325 - 330,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well‐Being', in , Wiley, pp. 361 - 372,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well-Being', in The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology: Biological Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 1, The Social Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 2, Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: Volume 3, Special Issues in Health Psychology: Volume 4, pp. V1:361-V1:372,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well-Being', in The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology: Biological Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 1, The Social Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 2, Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: Volume 3, Special Issues in Health Psychology: Volume 4, pp. V1:325-V1:330,

Gatt J, 2020, 'The neuroscience of wellbeing: Part 1 and Part 2', in Cohen L (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Health Psychology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, West Sussex

Alexander R; Gatt J, 2019, 'Resilience', in Miu AC; Homberg JR; Lesch K-P (ed.), Genes, Brain and Emotions: Interdisciplinary and Translational Perspectives, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 286 - 303,

Journal articles

Boyes A; Levenstein JM; McLoughlin LT; Driver C; Sacks DD; Bromley K; Prince T; Gatt JM; Lagopoulos J; Hermens DF, 2025, 'Characterising mental wellbeing and associations with subcortical grey matter volume at short intervals in early adolescence', Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 72,

Park HRP; Egan LA; Chilver MR; Schofield PR; Williams LM; Gatt JM, 2025, 'The moderating effect of recent positive and negative life events on the impact of early life stress on mental wellbeing and distress', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 182, pp. 166 - 176,

Quidé Y; Jahanshad N; Andoh J; Antoniou G; Apkarian AV; Ashar YK; Badran BW; Baird CL; Baxter L; Bell TR; Blanco-Hinojo L; Borckardt J; Cheung CL; de Andrade DC; Couto BA; Cox SR; Cruz-Almeida Y; Dannlowski U; De Martino E; de Tommaso M; Deus J; Domin M; Egorova-Brumley N; Elliott J; Fanton S; Fauchon C; Flor H; Franz CE; Gatt JM; Gerdhem P; Gilman JM; Gollub RL; Govind V; Graven-Nielsen T; Håkansson G; Hales T; Haswell C; Heukamp NJ; Hu L; Huang L; Hussain A; Jensen K; Kircher T; Kremen WS; Leehr EJ; Lindquist M; Loggia ML; Lotze M; Martucci KT; Meeker TJ; Meinert S; Millard SK; Morey RA; Murillo C; Nees F; Nenadic I; Park HRP; Peng X; Ploner M; Pujol J; Robayo LE; Salan T; Seminowicz DA; Serian A; Slater R; Stein F; Stevens J; Strauss S; Sun D; Vachon-Presseau E; Valdes-Hernandez PA; Vanneste S; Vernon M; Verriotis M; Wager TD; Widerstrom-Noga E; Woodbury A; Zeidan F; Bhatt RR; Ching CRK; Haddad E; Thomopoulos SI; Thompson PM; Gustin SM; Quide Y, 2024, 'ENIGMA-Chronic Pain: a worldwide initiative to identify brain correlates of chronic pain', Pain, 165, pp. 2662 - 2666,

Egan LA; Park HR; Gatt JM, 2024, 'Resilience to stress and trauma: a narrative review of neuroimaging research', Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 58,

Schiller D; Yu ANC; Alia-Klein N; Becker S; Cromwell HC; Dolcos F; Eslinger PJ; Frewen P; Kemp AH; Pace-Schott EF; Raber J; Silton RL; Stefanova E; Williams JHG; Abe N; Aghajani M; Albrecht F; Alexander R; Anders S; Aragón OR; Arias JA; Arzy S; Aue T; Baez S; Balconi M; Ballarini T; Bannister S; Banta MC; Barrett KC; Belzung C; Bensafi M; Booij L; Bookwala J; Boulanger-Bertolus J; Boutros SW; Bräscher AK; Bruno A; Busatto G; Bylsma LM; Caldwell-Harris C; Chan RCK; Cherbuin N; Chiarella J; Cipresso P; Critchley H; Croote DE; Demaree HA; Denson TF; Depue B; Derntl B; Dickson JM; Dolcos S; Drach-Zahavy A; Dubljević O; Eerola T; Ellingsen DM; Fairfield B; Ferdenzi C; Friedman BH; Fu CHY; Gatt JM; de Gelder B; Gendolla GHE; Gilam G; Goldblatt H; Gooding AEK; Gosseries O; Hamm AO; Hanson JL; Hendler T; Herbert C; Hofmann SG; Ibanez A; Joffily M; Jovanovic T; Kahrilas IJ; Kangas M; Katsumi Y; Kensinger E; Kirby LAJ; Koncz R; Koster EHW; Kozlowska K; Krach S; Kret ME; Krippl M; Kusi-Mensah K; Ladouceur CD; Laureys S; Lawrence A; Li CSR; Liddell BJ; Lidhar NK; Lowry CA; Magee K; Marin MF; Mariotti V; Martin LJ; Marusak HA; Mayer AV, 2024, 'The Human Affectome', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 158,

Park HRP; Chilver MR; Quidé Y; Montalto A; Schofield PR; Williams LM; Gatt JM; Quide Y, 2024, 'Heritability of cognitive and emotion processing during functional MRI in a twin sample', Human Brain Mapping, 45,

Lam JR; Park HRP; Gatt JM, 2024, 'Measuring mental wellbeing in clinical and non-clinical adolescents using the COMPAS-W Wellbeing Scale', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15,

Egan LA; Park HRP; Lam J; Gatt JM, 2024, 'Resilience to Stress and Adversity: A Narrative Review of the Role of Positive Affect', Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, pp. 2011 - 2038,

Albertella L; Kirkham R; Adler AB; Crampton J; Drummond SPA; Fogarty GJ; Gross JJ; Zaichkowsky L; Andersen JP; Bartone PT; Boga D; Bond JW; Brunye TT; Campbell MJ; Ciobanu LG; Clark SR; Crane MF; Dietrich A; Doty TJ; Driskell JE; Fahsing I; Fiore SM; Flin R; Funke J; Gatt JM; Hancock PA; Harper C; Heathcote A; Heaton KJ; Helsen WF; Hussey EK; Jackson RC; Khemlani S; Killgore WDS; Kleitman S; Lane AM; Loft S; MacMahon C; Marcora SM; McKenna FP; Meijen C; Moulton V; Moyle GM; Nalivaiko E; O'Connor D; Patton D; Piccolo MD; Ruiz C; Schucker L; Smith RA; Smith SJR; Sobrino C; Stetz M; Stewart D; Taylor P; Tucker AJ; van Stralen H; Vickers JN; Visser TAW; Walker R; Wiggins MW; Williams AM; Wong L; Aidman E; Yucel M, 2023, 'Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: an international multi-panel Delphi study (vol 13, 1017675, 2023)', FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 14,

Sacks DD; Schwenn PE; Boyes A; Mills L; Driver C; Gatt JM; Lagopoulos J; Hermens DF, 2023, 'Longitudinal associations between resting-state, interregional theta-beta phase-amplitude coupling, psychological distress, and wellbeing in 12–15-year-old adolescents', Cerebral Cortex, 33, pp. 8066 - 8074,

Montalto A; Park HRP; Williams LM; Korgaonkar MS; Chilver MR; Jamshidi J; Schofield PR; Gatt JM, 2023, 'Negative association between anterior insula activation and resilience during sustained attention: An fMRI twin study', Psychological Medicine, 53, pp. 3187 - 3199,

Chilver MR; Champaigne-Klassen E; Schofield PR; Williams LM; Gatt JM, 2023, 'Predicting wellbeing over one year using sociodemographic factors, personality, health behaviours, cognition, and life events', Scientific reports, 13,

Park HRP; Chilver MR; Montalto A; Jamshidi J; Schofield PR; Williams LM; Gatt JM, 2023, 'Associations between mental wellbeing and fMRI neural bases underlying responses to positive emotion in a twin sample', Psychological Medicine, 53, pp. 1215 - 1223,

Albertella L; Kirkham R; Adler AB; Crampton J; Drummond SPA; Fogarty GJ; Gross JJ; Zaichkowsky L; Andersen JP; Bartone PT; Boga D; Bond JW; Brunyé TT; Campbell MJ; Ciobanu LG; Clark SR; Crane MF; Dietrich A; Doty TJ; Driskell JE; Fahsing I; Fiore SM; Flin R; Funke J; Gatt JM; Hancock PA; Harper C; Heathcote A; Heatown KJ; Helsen WF; Hussey EK; Jackson RC; Khemlani S; Killgore WDS; Kleitman S; Lane AM; Loft S; MacMahon C; Marcora SM; McKenna FP; Meijen C; Moulton V; Moyle GM; Nalivaiko E; O'Connor D; O’Conor D; Patton D; Piccolo MD; Ruiz C; Schücker L; Smith RA; Smith SJR; Sobrino C; Stetz M; Stewart D; Taylor P; Tucker AJ; van Stralen H; Vickers JN; Visser TAW; Walker R; Wiggins MW; Williams AM; Wong L; Aidman E; Yücel M, 2023, 'Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: An international multi-panel Delphi study', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Docherty AR; Mullins N; Ashley-Koch AE; Qin X; Coleman JRI; Shabalin A; Kang JE; Murnyak B; Wendt F; Adams M; Campos AI; DiBlasi E; Fullerton JM; Kranzler HR; Bakian AV; Monson ET; Rentería ME; Walss-Bass C; Andreassen OA; Behera C; Bulik CM; Edenberg HJ; Kessler RC; John Mann J; Nurnberger JI; Pistis G; Streit F; Ursano RJ; Polimanti R; Dennis M; Garrett M; Hair L; Harvey P; Hauser ER; Hauser MA; Huffman J; Jacobson D; Madduri R; McMahon B; Oslin DW; Trafton J; Awasthi S; Berrettini WH; Bohus M; Chang X; Chen HC; Chen WJ; Christensen EDMD; Crow S; Duriez P; Edwards AC; Fernández-Aranda F; Galfalvy H; Gandal M; Gorwood P; Guo Y; Hafferty JD; Hakonarson H; Halmi KA; Hishimoto A; Jain S; Jamain S; Jiménez-Murcia S; Johnson C; Kaplan AS; Kaye WH; Keel PK; Kennedy JL; Kim M; Klump KL; Levey DF; Li D; Liao SC; Lieb K; Lilenfeld L; Marshall CR; Mitchell JE; Okazaki S; Otsuka I; Pinto D; Powers A; Ramoz N; Ripke S; Roepke S; Rozanov V; Scherer SW; Schmahl C; Sokolowski M; Starnawska A; Strober M; Su MH; Thornton LM; Treasure J; Ware EB; Watson HJ; Witt SH; Blake Woodside D; Yilmaz Z; Zillich L; Adolfsson R, 2023, 'GWAS Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks for Specific Health Factors', American Journal of Psychiatry, 180, pp. 723 - 738,

Park HRP; Quidé Y; Schofield PR; Williams LM; Gatt JM; Quide Y, 2022, 'Grey matter covariation and the role of emotion reappraisal in mental wellbeing and resilience after early life stress exposure', Translational Psychiatry, 12, pp. 85,

Jamshidi J; Schofield PR; Gatt JM; Fullerton JM, 2022, 'Phenotypic and genetic analysis of a wellbeing factor score in the UK Biobank and the impact of childhood maltreatment and psychiatric illness', Translational Psychiatry, 12, pp. 113,

Roberts KE; Beckenkamp PR; Ferreira ML; Duncan GE; Calais-Ferreira L; Gatt JM; Ferreira P, 2022, 'Positive lifestyle behaviours and emotional health factors are associated with low back pain resilience', European Spine Journal, 31, pp. 3616 - 3626,

Jamshidi J; Park HRP; Montalto A; Fullerton JM; Gatt JM, 2022, 'Wellbeing and brain structure: A comprehensive phenotypic and genetic study of image-derived phenotypes in the UK Biobank', Human Brain Mapping, 43, pp. 5180 - 5193,

Park HRP; Williams LM; Turner RM; Gatt JM, 2022, 'TWIN-10: protocol for a 10-year longitudinal twin study of the neuroscience of mental well-being and resilience', BMJ Open, 12,

Egan LA; Mulcahy M; Tuqiri K; Gatt JM, 2022, 'A Web-Based Well-being Program for Health Care Workers (Thrive): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Research Protocols, 11,

Chilver MR; Gatt JM, 2022, 'Six-Week Online Multi-component Positive Psychology Intervention Improves Subjective Wellbeing in Young Adults', Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, pp. 1267 - 1288,

Mullins N; Kang JE; Campos AI; Coleman JRI; Edwards AC; Galfalvy H; Levey DF; Lori A; Shabalin A; Starnawska A; Su MH; Watson HJ; Adams M; Awasthi S; Gandal M; Hafferty JD; Hishimoto A; Kim M; Okazaki S; Otsuka I; Ripke S; Ware EB; Bergen AW; Berrettini WH; Bohus M; Brandt H; Chang X; Chen WJ; Chen HC; Crawford S; Crow S; DiBlasi E; Duriez P; Fernández-Aranda F; Fichter MM; Gallinger S; Glatt SJ; Gorwood P; Guo Y; Hakonarson H; Halmi KA; Hwu HG; Jain S; Jamain S; Jiménez-Murcia S; Johnson C; Kaplan AS; Kaye WH; Keel PK; Kennedy JL; Klump KL; Li D; Liao SC; Lieb K; Lilenfeld L; Liu CM; Magistretti PJ; Marshall CR; Mitchell JE; Monson ET; Myers RM; Pinto D; Powers A; Ramoz N; Roepke S; Rozanov V; Scherer SW; Schmahl C; Sokolowski M; Strober M; Thornton LM; Treasure J; Tsuang MT; Witt SH; Woodside DB; Yilmaz Z; Zillich L; Adolfsson R; Agartz I; Air TM; Alda M; Alfredsson L; Andreassen OA; Anjorin A; Appadurai V; Soler Artigas M; Van der Auwera S; Azevedo MH; Bass N; Bau CHD; Baune BT; Bellivier F; Berger K; Biernacka JM; Bigdeli TB; Binder EB; Boehnke M; Boks MP; Bosch R; Braff DL; Fullerton J; Shannon Weickert C; Gatt J; Schofield P; Mitchell P; Green M; Roberts G; Carr V; Smith D; Toma C, 2022, 'Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors', Biological Psychiatry, 91, pp. 313 - 327,

Boyes A; McLoughlin LT; Anderson H; Schwenn P; Shan Z; Gatt JM; Lagopoulos J; Hermens DF, 2022, 'Basal ganglia correlates of wellbeing in early adolescence', Brain Research, 1774,

Chilver MR; Park HRP; Schofield PR; Clark CR; Williams LM; Gatt JM, 2022, 'Emotional face processing correlates with depression/anxiety symptoms but not wellbeing in non-clinical adults: An event-related potential study', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 145, pp. 18 - 26,

Gatt JM; Burton KLO; Schofield PR; Bryant RA; Williams LM, 2021, 'Corrigendum to ‘The heritability of mental health and wellbeing defined using COMPAS-W, a new composite measure of wellbeing’: [Psychiatry Research, 219, (2014), 204–213, 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.04.033] (Psychiatry Research (2014) 219(1) (204–213), (S0165178114003308), (10.1016/j.psychres.2014.04.033))', Psychiatry Research, 304,

Montalto A; Park HRP; Williams LM; Korgaonkar MS; Chilver MR; Jamshidi J; Schofield P; Gatt JM, 2021, 'Negative Association Between the Bilateral Anterior Insula and Resilience During a Continuous Performance Task: An fMRI Twin Study', BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 89, pp. S175 - S176,

Cheng P; Park HRP; Gatt JM, 2021, 'Approach Coping Mitigates Distress of COVID-19 Isolation for Young Men With Low Well-Being in a Sample of 1,749 Youth From Australia and the USA', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, pp. 634925,

Routledge KM; Williams LM; Harris AWF; Schofield PR; Gatt JM, 2021, 'The impact of online brain training exercises on experiences of depression, anxiety and emotional wellbeing in a twin sample', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 134, pp. 138 - 149,

Alexander R; Aragón OR; Bookwala J; Cherbuin N; Gatt JM; Kahrilas IJ; Kästner N; Lawrence A; Lowe L; Morrison RG; Mueller SC; Nusslock R; Papadelis C; Polnaszek KL; Helene Richter S; Silton RL; Styliadis C, 2021, 'The neuroscience of positive emotions and affect: Implications for cultivating happiness and wellbeing', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 121, pp. 220 - 249,

Gatt J; Chilver M; Champaigne-Klassen E; Park H; Jamshidi J; Montalto A; Schofield P; Williams LM, 2021, 'Predictors of Wellbeing and Wellbeing Change Over a 12-Month Period in 1,327 Twins', Biological Psychiatry, 89, pp. S315 - S316,

Jamshidi J; Williams LM; Schofield PR; Park HRP; Montalto A; Chilver MR; Bryant RA; Toma C; Fullerton JM; Gatt JM, 2020, 'Diverse phenotypic measurements of wellbeing: Heritability, temporal stability and the variance explained by polygenic scores', Genes, Brain and Behavior, 19, pp. e12694,

Chilver MR; Keller AS; Park HRP; Jamshidi J; Montalto A; Schofield PR; Clark CR; Harmon-Jones E; Williams LM; Gatt JM, 2020, 'Electroencephalography profiles as a biomarker of wellbeing: A twin study', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 126, pp. 114 - 121,

Hadfield K; Ungar M; Emond A; Foster K; Gatt JM; Mason-Jones A; Reid S; Theron L; Wouldes T; Wu Q, 2020, 'Challenges of developing and conducting an international study of resilience in migrant adolescents', International Social Work, 63, pp. 232 - 237,

Gatt J; Alexander R; Emond A; Foster K; Hadfield K; Mason-Jones A; Reid S; Theron L; Ungar M; Wouldes T; Wu Q, 2020, 'Trauma, resilience and mental health in migrant and non-migrant youth: An international cross-sectional study across six countries', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, pp. 997,

Kang D; McAuley JH; Kassem MS; Gatt JM; Gustin SM, 2019, 'What does the grey matter decrease in the medial prefrontal cortex reflect in people with chronic pain?', European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 23, pp. 203 - 219,

Chu DA; Bryant RA; Gatt JM; Harris AWF, 2019, 'Cumulative childhood interpersonal trauma is associated with reduced cortical differentiation between threat and non-threat faces in posttraumatic stress disorder adults', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53, pp. 48 - 58,

Gatt JM; Burton KLO; Routledge KM; Grasby KL; Korgaonkar MS; Grieve SM; Schofield PR; Harris AWF; Clark CR; Williams LM, 2018, 'A negative association between brainstem pontine grey-matter volume, well-being and resilience in healthy twins', Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 43, pp. 386 - 395,

Bloch-Jorgensen ZT; Cilione PJ; Yeung WWH; Gatt JM, 2018, 'Corrigendum: Centeredness theory: Understanding and measuring well-being across core life domains [Front. Psychol, 9, 610 (2018)] DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00985', Frontiers in Psychology, 9, pp. 1 - 2,

Wu Q; Ge T; Emond A; Foster K; Gatt JM; Hadfield K; Mason-Jones AJ; Reid S; Theron L; Ungar M; Wouldes TA, 2018, 'Acculturation, resilience, and the mental health of migrant youth: a cross-country comparative study', Public Health, 162, pp. 63 - 70,

Gatt JM; Burton KLO; Routledge KM; Grasby KL; Korgaonkar MS; Grieve SM; Schofield PR; Harris AWF; Clark CR; Williams LM, 2018, 'A negative association between brainstem pontine grey-matter volume, well-being and resilience in healthy twins.', J Psychiatry Neurosci, 43, pp. 170125,

Gatt JM; Burton KLO; Routledge KM; Grasby KL; Korgaonkar MS; Grieve SM; Schofield PR; Harris AWF; Clark CR; Williams LM, 2018, 'A negative association between brainstem pontine grey-matter volume, well-being and resilience in healthy twins.', Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN, 43, pp. 170125,

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