Select Publications

Book Chapters

Gatt JM, 2024, 'Neuroscience and genetics of mental wellbeing and clinical applications', in Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 29 - 37,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well‐Being', in , Wiley, pp. 325 - 330,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well‐Being', in , Wiley, pp. 361 - 372,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well-Being', in The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology: Biological Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 1, The Social Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 2, Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: Volume 3, Special Issues in Health Psychology: Volume 4, pp. V1:361-V1:372,

Gatt JM, 2020, 'The Neuroscience of Well-Being', in The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology: Biological Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 1, The Social Bases of Health Behavior: Volume 2, Clinical Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: Volume 3, Special Issues in Health Psychology: Volume 4, pp. V1:325-V1:330,

Gatt J, 2020, 'The neuroscience of wellbeing: Part 1 and Part 2', in Cohen L (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Health Psychology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, West Sussex

Alexander R; Gatt J, 2019, 'Resilience', in Miu AC; Homberg JR; Lesch K-P (ed.), Genes, Brain and Emotions: Interdisciplinary and Translational Perspectives, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 286 - 303,

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