
My Expertise

Wellbeing; happiness; resilience; mental health; neuroscience; genetics; environment; stress; trauma; wellbeing and resilience strategies


Fields of Research (FoR)

Biological psychology, Clinical and health psychology, Neurosciences, Mental Health, Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology), Genetics, Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis

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Associate Professor Justine Gatt is Director of the Centre for Wellbeing, Resilience and Recovery, Head of the Gatt Resilience Group at Neuroscience Research Australia and the School of Psychology UNSW, and is an External Fellow at the Black Dog Institute. She leads a research program that focuses on understanding the neuroscience of wellbeing and resilience to stress and trauma, and ways wellbeing and resilience can be promoted via various...view more


Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)
Margarete Ainsworth Building
Barker Street, Randwick
Sydney NSW 2031 Australia

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+61 2 9399 1812