Select Publications


Ritter A; Lancaster K; Grech K; Reuter P, 2011, An assessment of illicit drug policy in Australia (1985 to 2010): Themes and trends, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia,$file/DPMP+MONO+21.pdf

Book Chapters

Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2022, 'The Thing We Call Evidence: Toward a Situated Ontology of Evidence in Policy', in Elhers S; Esselborn S (ed.), Evidence in Action between Science and Society: Constructing, Validating, and Contesting Knowledge, Routledge, pp. 145 - 164,

Barrett L; Ritter A; Lancaster K; Seear K, 2021, 'Stigma and discrimination', in Haber P; Riordan B (ed.), Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol Problems, Specialty of Addiction Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney., Sydney, pp. 31 - 36,

Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2021, 'Falling Short of 90-90-90: How Missed Targets Govern Disease Elimination', in Bernays S; Bourne A; Kippax S; Aggleton P; Parker R (ed.), Remaking HIV Prevention in the 21st Century. Social Aspects of HIV, Springer, pp. 219 - 233,

Nathan S; Newman C; Lancaster K, 2019, 'Qualitative interviewing', in Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, Springer Nature, pp. 391 - 410,

Ritter A; Lancaster KS, 2018, 'Multiple Streams', in Hoppe R; Colebatch H (ed.), Handbook on the Policy, Process and Governing, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 232 - 252,

Nathan S; Newman CE; Lancaster K, 2018, 'Qualitative interviewing', in Liamputtong P (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, Springer,

Ritter A; Lancaster KS, 2017, 'Making Drugs Policy: Policy Models and Influences on Policy Processes', in Ritter A; Trevor K; Lee N (ed.), Drug Use in Australian Society, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 266 - 291,,-nursing-and-social-work/9780190306458-drug-use-in-australian-society

Ritter A; Lancaster K, 2013, 'Policy models and influences on policy processes', in Ritter A; King T; Hamilton M (ed.), Drug Use in Australian Society, Oxford University Press, Australia, pp. 99 - 132,

Journal articles

Lancaster K; Neale T; Addison C; Kearnes M, 2024, 'Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Science and Technology Studies (STS)', Science Technology and Human Values, 49, pp. 1163 - 1167,

Smith AKJ; Storer D; Lancaster K; Haire B; Newman CE; Paparini S; MacGibbon J; Cornelisse VJ; Broady TR; Lockwood T; McNulty A; Delpech V; Holt M, 2024, 'Mpox Illness Narratives: Stigmatising Care and Recovery During and After an Emergency Outbreak', Qualitative Health Research, 34, pp. 1161 - 1174,

Treloar C; Lancaster K; Rhodes T; Lafferty L; Bryant J; Rance J, 2024, 'The ‘missing’ in the ‘endgame’ of hepatitis C elimination: A qualitative study in New South Wales, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1256 - 1263,

Harrison M; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2024, 'Object oriented interviews in qualitative longitudinal research', Qualitative Research,

Lancaster K; Gendera S; Treloar C; Rhodes T; Shahbazi J; Byrne M; Nielsen S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2024, 'Tinkering with care: Implementing extended-release buprenorphine depot treatment for opioid dependence', International Journal of Drug Policy, 126, pp. 104359,

Harrison M; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2024, 'Constitution of Long Covid illness, patienthood, and recovery: A critical synthesis of qualitative studies', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e083340,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K; Adams S, 2024, 'In search of a ‘good number’: knowledge controversy and population estimates in the endgame of hepatitis C elimination', BMJ Global Health, 9, pp. e014659,

Rhodes T; Ruiz Osorio MP; Maldonado Martinez A; Restrepo Henao A; Lancaster K, 2024, 'Exhausting care: On the collateral realities of caring in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic', Social Science and Medicine, 343,

Harrison M; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2023, 'Situating 'best practice': Making healthcare familiar and good enough in the face of unknowns', SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 4, pp. 100343,

Smith AKJ; Lancaster K; Rhodes T; Holt M, 2023, 'Dosing practices made mundane: Enacting HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence in domestic routines', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 1747 - 1764,

Harrison M; Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2023, 'The Fluid Hospital: On the Making of Care Environments in COVID-19', Health and Place, 83, pp. 103107 - 103107,

Addison C; Neale T; Lancaster K; Kearnes M, 2023, 'Latour and After, or What Comes After Latour?', Science Technology and Human Values, 48, pp. 969 - 972,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2023, 'Early warnings and slow deaths: A sociology of outbreak and overdose', International Journal of Drug Policy, 117, pp. 104065,

Adams S; Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2023, 'Undoing elimination: Modelling Australia’s way out of the COVID-19 pandemic', Global Public Health, 18, pp. 2195899,

Addison C; Kearnes M; Lancaster K; Neale T, 2023, 'Thank you to our reviewers for 2021 and 2022', Science Technology and Human Values, 48, pp. 237 - 242,

Lancaster K; Gendera S; Treloar C; Rhodes T; Shahbazi J; Byrne M; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2023, 'The Social, Material, and Temporal Effects of Monthly Extended-Release Buprenorphine Depot Treatment for Opioid Dependence: An Australian Qualitative Study', Contemporary Drug Problems, 50, pp. 105 - 120,

Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2023, 'Problematising the emergence of outbreak science in the governance of global health: making time for slow dis-ease', Critical Public Health, 33, pp. 838 - 847,

Smith AKJ; Lancaster K; Rhodes T; Holt M, 2023, 'Understanding how PrEP is made successful: Implementation science needs an evidence-making approach', Global Public Health, 18, pp. 2250426,

Neale T; Lancaster K; Addison C; Kearnes M, 2023, 'What Is an STS Contribution Now?', Science Technology and Human Values, 48, pp. 3 - 8,

McLauchlan L; Lancaster K; Kearnes M; Mellor R; Ritter A, 2022, '“It's professional but it's personal”: Participation, personal connection, and sustained disagreement in drug policy reform', International Journal of Drug Policy, 110, pp. 103903,

Treloar C; Cama E; Lancaster K; Brener L; Broady TR; Cogle A; O’Donnell D, 2022, 'A universal precautions approach to reducing stigma in health care: getting beyond HIV-specific stigma', Harm Reduction Journal, 19,

Mellor R; Kearnes M; Lancaster K; McLauchlan L; Ritter A, 2022, 'Established Tables and Emergent Huddles: Exploring the Processes of Participation Associated With the Policy Changes to Opioid Pharmacotherapy Treatment in Australia in the Context of COVID-19', Contemporary Drug Problems, 49, pp. 385 - 404,

Harrison M; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2022, 'How do care environments shape healthcare? A synthesis of qualitative studies among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e063867,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2022, 'Uncomfortable science: How mathematical models, and consensus, come to be in public policy', Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology, 44, pp. 1461 - 1480,

Treloar C; Lancaster K; Gendera S; Rhodes T; Shahbazi J; Byrne M; Degenhardt L; Farrell M, 2022, 'Can a new formulation of opiate agonist treatment alter stigma?: Place, time and things in the experience of extended-release buprenorphine depot', International Journal of Drug Policy, 107, pp. 103788,

Neale T; Addison C; Lancaster K; Kearnes M, 2022, 'A Meeting Point for STS Interventions and Conversations', Science, Technology and Human Values,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2022, 'Making pandemics big: On the situational performance of Covid-19 mathematical models', Social Science and Medicine, 301, pp. 114907,

Cui J; Newman CE; Lancaster K; Mao L, 2022, 'Interprofessional dynamics that promote client empowerment in mental health practice: A social work perspective', Journal of Social Work, 22, pp. 364 - 383,

Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2022, 'Futuring a world without disease: visualising the elimination of hepatitis C', Critical Public Health, 32, pp. 153 - 167,

Adams S; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2022, 'New directions for participatory modelling in health: Redistributing expertise in relation to localised matters of concern', Global Public Health, 17, pp. 1827 - 1841,

Harrison M; Lancaster K; Rhodes T, 2022, '“A matter of time”: Evidence-making temporalities of vaccine development in the COVID-19 media landscape', Time and Society, 31, pp. 132 - 154,

Riordan BC; Winter DT; Barrett L; Ritter A; Lancaster K; Seear K; Butler K; Haber PS, 2021, 'Guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an introduction', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 215, pp. S3 - S5

Haber PS; Riordan BC; Winter DT; Barrett L; Saunders J; Hides L; Gullo M; Manning V; Day CA; Bonomo Y; Burns L; Assan R; Curry K; Mooney-Somers J; Demirkol A; Monds L; McDonough M; Baillie AJ; Clark P; Ritter A; Quinn C; Cunningham J; Lintzeris N; Rombouts S; Savic M; Norman A; Reid S; Hutchinson D; Zheng C; Iese Y; Black N; Draper B; Ridley N; Gowing L; Stapinski L; Taye B; Lancaster K; Stjepanović D; Kay-Lambkin F; Jamshidi N; Lubman D; Pastor A; White N; Wilson S; Jaworski AL; Memedovic S; Logge W; Mills K; Seear K; Freeburn B; Lea T; Withall A; Marel C; Boffa J; Roxburgh A; Purcell-Khodr G; Doyle M; Conigrave K; Teesson M; Butler K; Connor J; Morley KC, 2021, 'New Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an overview of recommendations', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. S3 - S32,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2021, 'Futures-oriented drugs policy research: Events, trends, and speculating on what might become', International Journal of Drug Policy,

Nielsen S; Sanfilippo P; Belackova V; Day C; Silins E; Lintzeris N; Bruno R; Grebely J; Lancaster K; Ali R; Bell J; Dietze P; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Larance B, 2021, 'Perceptions of injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) among people who regularly use opioids in Australia: findings from a cross-sectional study in three Australian cities', Addiction, 116, pp. 1482 - 1494,

Mellor R; Lancaster K; Ritter A, 2021, 'Recovery from alcohol problems in the absence of treatment: a qualitative narrative analysis', Addiction, 116, pp. 1413 - 1423,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2021, 'Excitable models: Projections, targets, and the making of futures without disease', Sociology of Health and Illness, 43, pp. 859 - 880,

Rhodes T; Harris M; Sanín FG; Lancaster K, 2021, 'Ecologies of drug war and more-than-human health: The case of a chemical at war with a plant', International Journal of Drug Policy, 89,

Mellor R; Lancaster K; Ritter A, 2021, 'Examining untreated and treated alcohol problem resolution in an Australian online survey sample', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1037 - 1046,

Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2021, 'How to think with models and targets: Hepatitis C elimination as a numbering performance', International Journal of Drug Policy, 88,

Rance J; Rhodes T; Lancaster K, 2021, 'Pharmaceutical citizenship in an era of universal access to hepatitis C treatment: Situated potentials and limits', Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine,

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