ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2024, 'Development of Collective Intelligence for Building Energy Efficiency', in Multimodality in Architecture, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 175 - 196, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-49511-3_10
,2023, 'Assessing the Potential Energy Savings in Residential Buildings by City-Scale Application of Cool Materials in a Temperate Oceanic Metropolis', in , pp. 2885 - 2893, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-9822-5_308
,2019, 'An immersive 3D virtual environment to support collaborative learning and teaching', in Computational urban planning and management for smart cities, pp. 267 - 282, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19424-6_15
,2019, 'Energy futures for Australia', in Newton P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment: Charting the transition, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 35 - 51, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7940-6
,2019, 'Urban Heat Island Mitigation', in Decarbonising the Built Environment, Springer Singapore, pp. 337 - 355, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7940-6_18
,2019, 'Urban Heat Mitigation', in Decarbonising the Built Environment Charting the Transition, Springer
,2009, 'Towards sustainable facilities management', in Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment, Taylor & Francis, pp. 373 - 392
,2007, 'Automated code checking and accessibility', in Aouad G; Lee A; Wu S (ed.), Constructing the Future, Taylor & Francis, UK, pp. 372 - 392
,2006, 'Automated code checking and accessibility', in Constructing the Future: nD Modelling, Taylor & Francis Books Ltd, pp. 126 - 141
,2006, 'Automating code checking for building designs-DesignCheck', in Clients Driving Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice
,2005, 'Supporting collaboration and multiple views of building models in virtual worlds', in Clients Driving Innovation: Mapping the Terrain
,2003, 'Integrating CAD and 3D virtual worlds using agents and EDM', in Chiu ML; Tsou JY; Kvan T; Morozumi M; Jeng TS (ed.), Digital Design: Research and Practice, Kluwer, pp. 301 - 312
,1997, 'Exploring style emergence in architectural designs', in