Select Publications

Journal articles

Jacobs J; Taylor M; Agho K; Stevens G; Barr M; Raphael B, 2010, 'Factors Associated with Increased Risk Perception of Pandemic Influenza in Australia', Influenza Research and Treatment, 2010, pp. 947906,

Raphael B; Taylor M; Stevens G; Barr M; Gorringe M; Agho K, 2009, 'Factors associated with population risk perceptions of continuing drought in Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 17, pp. 330 - 337,

Stevens G; Taylor M; Barr M; Jorm L; Giffin M; Ferguson R; Agho K; Raphael B, 2009, 'Public perceptions of the threat of terrorist attack in Australia and anticipated compliance behaviours', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 33, pp. 339 - 346,

Stevens G; Agho K; Taylor M; Barr M; Raphael B; Jorm L, 2009, 'Terrorism in Australia: Factors associated with perceived threat and incident-critical behaviours', BMC Public Health, 9, pp. 91,

Merom D; Chey T; Chau J; Smith BJ; Barr M; Bauman AE, 2009, 'Are messages about lifestyle walking being heard? Trends in walking for all purposes in New South Wales (NSW), Australia', Preventive Medicine, 48, pp. 341 - 344,

Taylor M; Raphael B; Barr M; Agho K; Stevens G; Jorm L, 2009, 'Public health measures during an anticipated influenza pandemic: Factors influencing willingness to comply', Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2, pp. 9 - 20,

Barr M; Raphael B; Taylor M; Stevens G; Jorm L; Giffin M; Lujic S, 2008, 'Pandemic influenza in Australia: Using telephone surveys to measure perceptions of threat and willingness to comply', BMC Infectious Diseases, 8, pp. 117,

Indig DT; Barr M; Copeland J; Conigrave KM, 2007, 'The effects of alcohol consumption, psychological distress and smoking status on emergency department presentations in New South Wales, Australia', BMC Public Health, 7, pp. 46,

Yang B; Barr M, 2006, 'Does sampling using random digit dialling really cost more than sampling from telephone directories: Debunking the myths', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 6, pp. 6,

Correll PK; Hayen A; Barr M, 2003, 'Hepatitis B immunisation in children aged 10-13 years in New South Wales, 2001.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 14, pp. 17 - 20

Banks C; Barr M, 2001, 'Uses of NSW Health Survey Program data—A survey of users', New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 12, pp. 214 - 214,

O'Riordan DL; Stanton WR; Barr M; Gies P; Roy C, 2000, 'Correlations between Reported and Measured Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure of Mothers and Young Children', Photochemistry and Photobiology, 71, pp. 60 - 60,<0060:CBRAMU>2.0.CO;2

Scott IA; Barr ML; Huxley SL; West MJ, 2000, 'Optimising care of acute myocardial infarction: Results of a regional quality improvement project', Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice, 20, pp. 12 - 19,

Stanton WR; Chakma B; O'Riordan DL; Barr M, 2000, 'Sun exposure and primary prevention of skin cancer for infants and young children during autumn/winter', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 24, pp. 178 - 184,

Blair-West GW; Cantor CH; Mellsop GW; Barr ML, 1999, 'Lifetime suicide risk in major depression: sex and age determinants', Journal of Affective Disorders, 55, pp. 171 - 178,

Blair-West GW; Mellsop GW; Barr ML, 1997, 'Down-rating lifetime suicide risk in major depression', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 95, pp. 259 - 263,

Barr M; Peterken C; Brown B; Atchison D, 1996, 'Visual and vestibular components of motion sickness', Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Wildsoet C; Barr M; Brown B; Swann PG; Fletcher T, 1993, 'Investigation of parameters influencing intraocular pressure increases during sleep', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 13, pp. 357 - 365,

Wood JM; Swam PG; Barr M, 1992, 'Clinical analysis of screening and threshold visual field data for glaucoma detection', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 75, pp. 81 - 88,

Barr M; Brown B, 1992, 'Mobility of Normal Observers under Conditions of Reduced Visual Input', Perception, 21, pp. 813 - 823,

Dulay IS; Gibson FD; Barr M; Narara A, 1987, 'A study on Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance and its geographical distribution in Papua New Guinea', Papua New Guinea Medical Journal

Conference Papers

Vuong K; Alamgir Kabir AYM; Conway D; Williamson M; Harris M; Barr M, 2023, 'Identifying risk factors for becoming obese: a record linkage longitudinal study in metropolitan Sydney using the 45 and Up Study', in International Journal of Integrated Care, Ubiquity Press, Ltd., pp. 515 - 515,

Kabir AYMA; Conway D; Rhee J; Ansari S; Tran A; Barr M, 2023, 'Impact of multimorbidity on health care utilisation in Australian older adults aged 45 years and over: a large population-based data linkage cohort study', in International Journal of Integrated Care, Ubiquity Press, Ltd., pp. 513 - 513,

Maher S; Kabir A; Behary J; Conway D; Akon A; Barr M; Zekry A, 2023, ' Shifting patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma mortality risk: the impact of socioeconomic status and ethnicity in NSW, australia', in GUT, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, PEOPLES R CHINA, Hong Kong, pp. A21 - A22, presented at International Digestive Disease Forum (IDDF), PEOPLES R CHINA, Hong Kong, 10 June 2023 - 11 June 2023,

Kabir A; Vuong K; Conway D; Williamson M; Harris M; Barr M, 2023, 'Identifying risk factors for becoming obese: a record linkage longitudinal study in metropolitan Sydney using the 45 and Up Study', in Population Medicine,

Kabir AYM; Ansari S; Conway D; Rhee J; Tran A; Barr M, 2023, 'Impact of multimorbidity on health care utilisation in Australian older adults aged 45 years and over: a large population-based data linkage cohort study', in Population Medicine,

Parcsi L; Barr M, 2021, 'Impact of a local health and hospital service placing a Community Link Worker in a high need social housing area of inner Sydney, Australia', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, UBIQUITY PRESS LTD

Parcsi L; Barr M, 2021, 'Impact of a local health and hospital service placing a Community Link Worker in a high need social housing area of inner Sydney, Australia', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, UBIQUITY PRESS LTD,

Conference Posters

Reid A; Barr M; Meikle K; Jaques K; Harris P, 2023, 'An innovative approach to conducting household surveys for improved health equity', Dublin, Ireland, presented at 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 08 November 2023 - 11 November 2023

Blunden L-A; Lloyd J; Barr M; Welberry H; Comino E; Harris-Roxas B; Jackson T; Donnelly D; Harris E; Harris M, 2019, 'Understanding the medical determinants and health service needs of older people who experience loneliness in Sydney', San Sebastian, Spain, Vol. 19, pp. 160, presented at 19th International Conference for Integrated Care, San Sebastian, Spain, 01 April 2019 - 03 April 2019,

Barr M; Welberry H; Hall J; Comino E; Harris-Roxas B; Harris MF, 2018, 'General Practitioner follow-up after hospitalisation: access and impact on health services', Melbourne, presented at Primary Health Care Research and Information Service (PHCRIS), Melbourne, -

Van Ritten J; Barr M; Steel D, 2012, 'Exploring ways to improve the Aboriginal sample in telephone health surveys', Adelainde, South Australi, presented at Population Health Congress,, Adelainde, South Australi, -

Conference Presentations

Reid A; Barr M; Meikle K; Jaques K; Harris M; Harris P, 2024, 'Equity and Access in Healthcare: Insights from the 2022-2023 Miller Household Survey', presented at The Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase 2024, Warwick Farm, NSW, Australia, 25 September 2024 - 26 September 2024

Reid A; Barr M; Meikle K; Jaques K; Harris M; Harris P, 2024, 'Understanding Miller: Insights from the 2022-2023 Community Survey - Exploring Service Utilisation, Perceptions, and Community Needs​ ​', presented at CPHCE Annual Forum 2024, Tyree Room, John Scientia Building, UNSW, 27 August 2024 - 27 August 2024

Reid A; Barr M; Meikle K; Jaques K; Harris M; Harris P, 2024, 'Understanding Miller: Insights from the 2022-2023 Community Survey - Exploring Service Utilisation, Perceptions, and Community Needs​ ​', presented at SWSLHD Population Health Research and Evidence Meeting, Liverpool Hospital, Eastern Campus (Online), 20 March 2024

Harris-Roxas B; Parker S; Wright S; Barr M; Sharma A; Haigh F; Levesque J; Harris M; Harris E; Wright M, (eds.), 2023, 'Community Health Navigator assisted transition of care from hospital to community: A randomised control trial', presented at 3rd Asia Pacific Intergated Care Conference, Sydney, 13 November 2023 - 15 November 2023,

O'Callaghan C; Williamson M; Meikle K; Haigh F; Barr M, 2023, 'Review of the Waterloo Human Services Action Plan', presented at 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care, Sydney, Australia, 13 November 2023 - 15 November 2023,

Barr M; Steel D, 2018, 'Do blended sampling designs provide robust estimates: where is the evidence', presented at ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference, Sydney, - ,

Barr M; Harris MF; Welberry H; Hall J; Harris-Roxas B; Comino E, 2018, 'GP follow-up within 2 weeks of hospital discharge in a community dwelling population of residents in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia', presented at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), Chicago USA,, -

Barr M; Steel D, 2017, 'Quality metric for ongoing health surveys.', presented at 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, Portugal, 17 July 2017 - 21 September 2018

Barr M; Baker D, 2017, 'Innovative use of the 45 and Up Study research infrastructure,', presented at Australasian Epidemiological Association, -

Pinese M; Lacaze P; Rath E; Chuah A; Degrave D; Husson S; Kaplin W; Andrews D; Barr M; Thomas D; Dinger M, 2017, 'The Medical Genome Reference Bank – Deep genomics of a disease-depleted, elderly Australian population', presented at ComBio2017, Adelaide, -

Barr M, 2016, 'Randomised trial of online and postal questionnaires for a longitudinal study on health and ageing', presented at 5th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference, Sydney, NSW, 19 July 2016 - 22 July 2016

Barr M; Bartlett M, 2015, 'Opportunities for policy, program development and/or further research from cancer risk behavior research conducted using the 45 and Up Study', presented at 12th Behavioural Research in Cancer Control Conference, Sydney, NSW, -

Barr M; Ferguson R; Steel D, 2014, 'Changing accuracy of self-reported BMI over time in NSW, Australia', presented at International Epidemiology Association Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 17 August 2014 - 21 August 2014

Barr M; Ferguson R; van Ritten J; Hughes P; Steel D, 2013, 'Examination of the impact of the inclusion of mobile phone numbers into the NSW Population Health Survey', presented at 8th World Alliance for Risk Factor Surveillance (WARFS) Global Conference, Beijing. China, 29 October 2013 - 01 November 2013

Hindmarsh D; Steel D; Chambers R; Barr M, 2012, 'The development of model-based local government area prevalence estimates from a state health survey', presented at Population Health Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, 10 September 2012 - 13 September 2012

Do A; Muscatello D; Barr M, 2012, 'From survey to surveillance: influenza like illness and influenza vaccine uptake', presented at Population Health Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, -

Barr M; van Ritten J; Steel D, 2012, 'Including mobile phone numbers into an existing health survey using an overlapping dual-frame design', presented at Population Health Congress, Adelaide, South Australia, -

Barr M; Raphael B; Taylor M; Stevens G; Jorm L; Griffin M; Lujic S, 2008, 'Pandemic influenza in Australia: Using telephone surveys to measure perceptions of threat and willingness to comply', presented at Technical Meeting of FLUMODCONT, Rome, Italy, -

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