Select Publications

Conference Papers

John S; Kelly R; Bian X; Yang S-C; Fu F; Smith M; Lanning N; Liang H; Pasquier B; Seelen E; Holzer M; Conway T; Fitzsimmons J; Hutchins D, 2022, 'The biogeochemical balance that controls oceanic nickel cycling in the modern and past oceans', in Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, European Association of Geochemistry, presented at Goldschmidt2022, 10 July 2022 - 15 July 2022,

Sulpis O; Trossman D; Jeansson E; Holzer M; Lauvset S; Middelburg J, 2022, 'Respiration signals from the dark ocean', in Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, Geochemical Society, presented at Goldschmidt2022 abstracts, 10 July 2022 - 15 July 2022,

Gray W; deLavergne C; Wills R; Menviel L; Spence P; Holzer M; Kageyama M; Michel E, 2021, 'Poleward shift in the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds synchronous with the deglacial rise in CO2', in Goldschmidt2021 abstracts, European Association of Geochemistry, presented at Goldschmidt2021, 04 July 2021 - 09 July 2021,

Shore JD; Holzer M; Sethna JP; Elser V, 1991, 'Logarithimically slow coarsening in nonrandomly frustrated models', in AIP Conf. Proc., American Institute of Physics, Fukuoka (Japan), presented at Slow dynamics in condensed matter, Fukuoka (Japan), 04 November 1991 - 08 November 1991,

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