Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ping P; Vondriska TM; Creighton CJ; Gandhi TKB; Yang Z; Menon R; Kwon MS; Cho SY; Drwal G; Kellmann M; Peri S; Suresh S; Gronborg M; Molina H; Chaerkady R; Rekha B; Shet AS; Gerszten RE; Wu H; Raftery M; Wasinger V; Schulz-Knappe P; Hanash SM; Paik YK; Hancock WS; States DJ; Omenn GS; Pandey A, 2006, 'A functional annotation of subproteomes in human plasma', in Exploring the Human Plasma Proteome, pp. 329 - 351,

Cavicchioli R; Goodchild A; Raftery M, 2005, 'Proteomics of Archaea', in Microbial Proteomics: Functional Biology of Whole Organisms, pp. 57 - 72,

Raftery MJ, 2000, 'Methods in Molecular Biology', in Mass spectrometry of proteins and peptides, Humana Press, Totowa, USA, pp. 27 - 39

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