Select Publications

Journal articles

Aleksandrov M; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M; Lovreglio R; González VA, 2018, 'People Choice Modelling for Evacuation of Tall Buildings', Fire Technology, 54, pp. 1171 - 1193,

Rahmatizadeh S; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M; Ho S, 2018, 'A framework for selecting a fit-for-purpose data collection method in land administration', Land Use Policy, 70, pp. 162 - 171,

Shojaei D; Olfat H; Quinones Faundez SI; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Briffa M, 2017, 'Geometrical data validation in 3D digital cadastre − A case study for Victoria, Australia', Land Use Policy, 68, pp. 638 - 648,

Atazadeh B; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2017, 'Assessing performance of three BIM-based views of buildings for communication and management of vertically stratified legal interests', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6,

Alamdar F; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A, 2017, 'Understanding the provision of multi-agency sensor information in disaster management: A case study on the Australian state of Victoria', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22, pp. 475 - 493,

Bishop ID; Eagleson S; Pettit CJ; Rajabifard A; Badland H; Day JE; Furler J; Kalantari M; Sturup S; White M; Kalantari Soltanieh M, 2017, 'Using an online data portal and prototype analysis tools in an investigation of spatial livability planning', International Journal of E-Planning Research, 6, pp. 1 - 21,

Kalantari M; Nechifor M, 2017, '3D Indoor Surveying–A Low Cost Approach', Survey Review, 49, pp. 93 - 98,

Atazadeh B; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Ho S; Champion T, 2017, 'Extending a BIM-based data model to support 3D digital management of complex ownership spaces', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31, pp. 499 - 522,

Atazadeh B; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Ho S; Ngo T, 2017, 'Building Information Modelling for High-rise Land Administration', Transactions in GIS, 21, pp. 91 - 113,

Laylavi F; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2017, 'Event relatedness assessment of Twitter messages for emergency response', Information Processing and Management, 53, pp. 266 - 280,

Atazadeh B; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Ho S, 2017, 'Modelling building ownership boundaries within BIM environment: A case study in Victoria, Australia', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61, pp. 24 - 38,

Rahmatizadeh S; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2016, 'A conceptual framework for utilising VGI in land administration', Land Use Policy, 56, pp. 81 - 89,

Tashakkori H; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2016, 'FACILITATING the 3D INDOOR SEARCH and RESCUE PROBLEM: AN OVERVIEW of the PROBLEM and AN ANT COLONY SOLUTION APPROACH', ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4, pp. 233 - 240,

Kalantari M; Nechifor M, 2016, 'Accuracy and utility of the Structure Sensor for collecting 3D indoor information', Geo-Spatial Information Science, 19, pp. 202 - 209,

Laylavi F; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2016, 'A multi-element approach to location inference of Twitter: A case for emergency response', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5,

Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Olfat H; Pettit C; Keshtiarast A, 2016, 'Automatic spatial metadata systems – the case of Australian urban research infrastructure network', Cartography and Geographic Information Science, pp. 1 - 11,

Hung KC; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A, 2016, 'Methods for assessing the credibility of volunteered geographic information in flood response: A case study in Brisbane, Australia', Applied Geography, 68, pp. 37 - 47,

Alamdar F; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A, 2016, 'Towards multi-agency sensor information integration for disaster management', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 56, pp. 68 - 85,

Kalantari M; Dinsmore K; Urban-Karr J; Rajabifard A, 2015, 'A roadmap to adopt the Land Administration Domain Model in cadastral information systems', Land Use Policy, 49, pp. 552 - 564,

Alamdar F; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A, 2015, 'An evaluation of integrating multisourced sensors for disaster management', International Journal of Digital Earth, 8, pp. 727 - 749,

Ji S; Agunbiade M; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2015, 'Strategies for improving land delivery for residential development: a case of the north-west metropolitan Melbourne', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29, pp. 1649 - 1667,

Aien A; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M; Shojaei D, 2015, 'Integrating legal and physical dimensions of urban environments', ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, pp. 1442 - 1479,

Shojaei D; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M; Bishop ID; Aien A, 2015, 'Design and development of a web-based 3D cadastral visualisation prototype', International Journal of Digital Earth, 8, pp. 538 - 557,

Tashakkori H; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2015, 'A new 3D indoor/outdoor spatial model for indoor emergency response facilitation', Building and Environment, 89, pp. 170 - 182,

Lin Q; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Li J, 2015, 'A path dependence perspective on the Chinese cadastral system', Land Use Policy, 45, pp. 8 - 17,

Ho S; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2015, ''Invisible' constraints on 3D innovation in land administration: A case study on the city of Melbourne', Land Use Policy, 42, pp. 412 - 425,

Jazayeri I; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2014, '3D data sourcing for land and property information', GIM International, 28, pp. 25 - 27

Jazayeri I; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2014, 'A geometric and semantic evaluation of 3D data sourcing methods for land and property information', Land Use Policy, 36, pp. 219 - 230,

Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Olfat H; Williamson I, 2014, 'Geospatial Metadata 2.0 - An approach for Volunteered Geographic Information', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 48, pp. 35 - 48,

Aien A; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Williamson I; Wallace J, 2013, 'Towards integration of 3D legal and physical objects in cadastral data models', Land Use Policy, 35, pp. 140 - 154,

Aien A; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Williamson I; Bennett R, 2013, 'Utilising data modelling to understand the structure of 3D cadastres', Journal of Spatial Science, 58, pp. 215 - 234,

Shojaei D; Kalantari M; Bishop ID; Rajabifard A; Aien A, 2013, 'Visualization requirements for 3D cadastral systems', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 41, pp. 39 - 54,

Ho S; Rajabifard A; Stoter J; Kalantari M, 2013, 'Legal barriers to 3D cadastre implementation: What is the issue?', Land Use Policy, 35, pp. 379 - 387,

Olfat H; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Senot H; Williamson IP, 2013, 'A GML-based approach to automate spatial metadata updating', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27, pp. 231 - 250,

Olfat H; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Williamson I, 2012, 'Towards a foundation for spatial metadata automation', Journal of Spatial Science, 57, pp. 65 - 81,

Kalantari M; Rajabifard A, 2012, 'To crowdsource or not to crowdsource?: Crowdsourcing (3)', GIM International, 26, pp. 31 - 35

Aien A; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Williamson IP; Shojaei D, 2012, 'DEVELOPING and TESTING A 3D CADASTRAL DATA MODEL A CASE STUDY in Australia', ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 1, pp. 1 - 6,

Olfat H; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Senot H; Williamson IP, 2012, 'Spatial Metadata Automation: A Key to Spatially Enabling Platform', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURES RESEARCH, 7, pp. 173 - 193,

Aien A; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M; Williamson I; Shojaei D, 2011, '3D Cadastre in Victoria Australia : Converting building plans of subdivision', GIM International, 25

Bennett R; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A, 2010, 'Let the dialogue begin beyond cadastre 2014', GIM International, 24, pp. 25 - 27

Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Wallace J; Williamson I, 2008, 'Spatially referenced legal property objects', Land Use Policy, 25, pp. 173 - 181,

Conference Papers

Choe Y; Tomko M; Kalantari M, 2023, 'Assessing Mapper Conflict in OpenStreetMap Using the Delphi Survey Method', in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings,

Choe Y; Tomko M; Kalantari M, 2023, 'Producer Conflict Management Approaches in Online Peer Production Communities - Case Study of OpenStreetMap', in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings,

Tanfield K; Heywood C; Warren-Myers G; Kalantari M; Shojaei D, 2023, 'ISO 19650.3 and the digitisation of operations in strata-titled residential apartment developments', in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,

Saeidian B; Rajabifard A; Atazadeh B; Kalantari M, 2022, 'EXTENDING CITYGML 3.0 TO SUPPORT 3D UNDERGROUND LAND ADMINISTRATION', in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, pp. 125 - 132,

Sun Y; McCarney G; Sabri S; Amirebrahimi S; Agunbiade M; Chen Y; Keshtiarast A; Kalantari M; Bright C; Olaru D; Reynolds M; Rajabifard A; Biermann S, 2017, 'A flexible accessibility analysis tool for enhanced urban analytics', in ATRF 2017 - Australasian Transport Research Forum 2017, Proceedings

Rahmatizadeh S; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; Ho S; Daneshpour A, 2016, 'How VGI intersects with land administration', in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 53 - 58

Aleksandrov M; Tashakkori H; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M, 2015, 'Indoor incident situation awareness using a 3D indoor/outdoor spatial city model', Rennes, France, presented at 2015 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Rennes, France, 30 November 2015 - 02 December 2018,

Aleksandrov M; Rajabifard A; Kalantari M; Tashakkori H, 2015, 'Evacuation time in tall high-rise buildings', Rennes, France, presented at 2015 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Rennes, France, 30 November 2015 - 02 December 2015,

Sabri S; Pettit CJ; Kalantari M; Rajabifard A; White M; Lade O; Ngo T, 2015, 'What are Essential requirements in Planning for Future Cities using Open Data Infrastructures and 3D data models?', in Ferreira J; Goodspeed R (ed.), The 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management – Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities Conference Proccedings, MIT, MIT, Boston., presented at The 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management – Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities, MIT, Boston., 07 July 2015 - 10 July 2015,

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