Select Publications


Costanzo V; Evola G; Marletta L, 2021, Urban Heat Stress and Mitigation Solutions An Engineering Perspective, Routledge,

Book Chapters

Nazarian N; Lipson M; Norford LK, 2023, 'Multiscale modeling techniques to document urban climate change', in Urban Climate Change and Heat Islands, Elsevier, pp. 123 - 164,

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2021, 'Measuring and assessing thermal exposure', in Urban Heat Stress and Mitigation Solutions, Routledge, pp. 40 - 61,

Nazarian N; Lipson M, 2021, 'Multi-scale Modeling Techniques to Document Urban Climate Change', in Urban Climate Change and Intra-Urban Climate Variability: Characterizations, Impacts, and Mitigation

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2021, 'Measuring and Assessing Thermal Exposure', in Costanzo V (ed.), Urban heat stress and mitigation solutions. An engineering perspective, Routledge, London,

Journal articles

Naserikia M; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Sismanidis P; Kittner J; Bechtel B, 2024, 'Multi-city analysis of satellite surface temperature compared to crowdsourced air temperature', Environmental Research Letters, 19,

Nazarian N; Bechtel B; Mills G; Hart MA; Middel A; Krayenhoff ES; Langendijk GS; Zhao L; Pitman A; Chow W, 2024, 'Integration of urban climate research within the global climate change discourse', PLOS Climate, 3, pp. e0000473 - e0000473,

Martilli A; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff S; Lachapelle J; Lu J; Rivas E; Rodriguez-Sanchez A; Sanchez B; Santiago JL, 2024, 'Assessing heat stress with a mesoscale model. An application of WRF-comfort to Madrid', ,

Martilli A; Nazarian N; Scott Krayenhoff E; Lachapelle J; Lu J; Rivas E; Rodriguez-Sanchez A; Sanchez B; Santiago JL, 2024, 'WRF-Comfort: simulating microscale variability in outdoor heat stress at the city scale with a mesoscale model', Geoscientific Model Development, 17, pp. 5023 - 5039,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Krayenhoff ES; Martilli A, 2024, 'A one-dimensional urban flow model with an eddy-diffusivity mass-flux (EDMF) scheme and refined turbulent transport (MLUCM v3.0)', Geoscientific Model Development, 17, pp. 2525 - 2545,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Krayenhoff ES; Martilli A, 2024, 'Representing the effects of building height variability on urban canopy flow', Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150, pp. 46 - 67,

Hart M; Nazarian N, 2024, 'Season’s mis-greetings: why timing matters in global academia', Nature,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Krayenhoff ES; Martilli A, 2023, 'Novel Geometric Parameters for Assessing Flow Over Realistic Versus Idealized Urban Arrays', Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15,

Naserikia M; Hart MA; Nazarian N; Bechtel B; Lipson M; Nice KA, 2023, 'Land surface and air temperature dynamics: The role of urban form and seasonality', The Science of The Total Environment, 905, pp. 167306 - 167306,

, 2023, 'Urban climate informatics', ,

Naserikia M; Hart MA; Nazarian N; Bechtel B, 2022, 'Background climate modulates the impact of land cover on urban surface temperature', Scientific Reports, 12,

Pantelic J; Nazarian N; Miller C; Meggers F; Lee JKW; Licina D, 2022, 'Transformational IoT sensing for air pollution and thermal exposures', Frontiers in Built Environment, 8,

Nice KA; Nazarian N; Lipson MJ; Hart MA; Seneviratne S; Thompson J; Naserikia M; Godic B; Stevenson M, 2022, 'Isolating the impacts of urban form and fabric from geography on urban heat and human thermal comfort', Building and Environment, 224,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Bechtel B; Hondula DM; Paolini R; Vanos J; Cheung T; Chow WTL; de Dear R; Jay O; Lee JKW; Martilli A; Middel A; Norford LK; Sadeghi M; Schiavon S; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life', Earth's Future, 10,

Lipson MJ; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Nice KA; Conroy B, 2022, 'A Transformation in City-Descriptive Input Data for Urban Climate Models', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10,

Middel A; Nazarian N; Demuzere M; Bechtel B, 2022, 'Urban Climate Informatics: An Emerging Research Field', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10,

Blunn LP; Coceal O; Nazarian N; Barlow JF; Plant RS; Bohnenstengel SI; Lean HW, 2022, 'Turbulence Characteristics Across a Range of Idealized Urban Canopy Geometries', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 182, pp. 275 - 307,

Nazarian N, 2021, 'Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life', Earth's Future,

Ulpiani G; Nazarian N; Zhang F; Pettit CJ, 2021, 'Towards a Living Lab for Enhanced Thermal Comfort and Air Quality: Analyses of Standard Occupancy, Weather Extremes, and COVID-19 Pandemic', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, pp. 725974,

Potgieter J; Nazarian N; Lipson MJ; Hart MA; Ulpiani G; Morrison W; Benjamin K, 2021, 'Combining High-Resolution Land Use Data With Crowdsourced Air Temperature to Investigate Intra-Urban Microclimate', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, pp. 720323,

Liu S; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Niu J; Xie Y; de Dear R, 2021, 'Dynamic thermal pleasure in outdoor environments - temporal alliesthesia', Science of the Total Environment, 771,

Nazarian N; Lee JKW, 2021, 'Personal assessment of urban heat exposure: A systematic review', Environmental Research Letters, 16,

Nazarian N; Liu S; Kohler M; Lee JKW; Miller C; Chow WTL; Alhadad SB; Martilli A; Quintana M; Sunden L; Norford LK, 2021, 'Project Coolbit: Can your watch predict heat stress and thermal comfort sensation?', Environmental Research Letters, 16,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.3.2)', GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Rafsan Nahian M; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Scott Krayenhoff E; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The vertical city weather generator (vcwg v1.3.2)', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.3.2)', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.3.2)', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.0.0)', Geoscientific Model Development,

Liu S; Nazarian N; Niu J; Hart MA; de Dear R, 2020, 'From thermal sensation to thermal affect: A multi-dimensional semantic space to assess outdoor thermal comfort', Building and Environment, 182, pp. 107112,

Martilli A; Roth M; Chow WTL; Demuzere M; Lipson M; Krayenhoff ES; Sailor D; Nazarian N; Voogt J; Wouters H; Middel A; Stewart ID; Bechtel B; Christen A; Hart MA, 2020, 'Summer average urban-rural surface temperature differences do not indicate the need for urban heat reduction', Open Science Framework (OSF),

Krayenhoff ES; Jiang T; Christen A; Martilli A; Oke TR; Bailey BN; Nazarian N; Voogt JA; Giometto MG; Stastny A; Crawford BR, 2020, 'A multi-layer urban canopy meteorological model with trees (BEP-Tree): Street tree impacts on pedestrian-level climate', Urban Climate, 32,

Nazarian N; Scott Krayenhoff E; Martilli A, 2020, 'A one-dimensional model of turbulent flow through "urban" canopies (MLUCM v2.0): Updates based on large-eddy simulation', Geoscientific Model Development, 13, pp. 937 - 953,

Martilli A; Krayenhoff ES; Nazarian N, 2020, 'Is the Urban Heat Island intensity relevant for heat mitigation studies?', Urban Climate, 31,

Jayathissa P; Quintana M; Sood T; Nazarian N; Miller C, 2019, 'Is your clock-face cozie? A smartwatch methodology for the in-situ collection of occupant comfort data', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1343,

Nazarian N; Dumas N; Kleissl J; Norford L, 2019, 'Effectiveness of cool walls on cooling load and urban temperature in a tropical climate', Energy and Buildings, 187, pp. 144 - 162,

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2019, 'Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy: Performance Metrics for Climate-Conscious Design', Building and Environment, 155, pp. 145 - 160,

Nazarian N; Sin T; Norford L, 2018, 'Numerical modeling of outdoor thermal comfort in 3D', Urban Climate, 26, pp. 212 - 230,

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Norford L; Kleissl J, 2018, 'Impacts of Realistic Urban Heating. Part II: Air Quality and City Breathability', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 168, pp. 321 - 341,

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Kleissl J, 2018, 'Impacts of Realistic Urban Heating, Part I: Spatial Variability of Mean Flow, Turbulent Exchange and Pollutant Dispersion', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 166, pp. 367 - 393,

Chew LW; Nazarian N; Norford L, 2017, 'Pedestrian-level urban wind flow enhancement with wind catchers', Atmosphere, 8,

Aliabadi AA; Krayenhoff ES; Nazarian N; Chew LW; Armstrong PR; Afshari A; Norford LK, 2017, 'Effects of Roof-Edge Roughness on Air Temperature and Pollutant Concentration in Urban Canyons', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 164, pp. 249 - 279,

Nazarian N; Fan J; Sin T; Norford L; Kleissl J, 2017, 'Predicting outdoor thermal comfort in urban environments: A 3D numerical model for standard effective temperature', Urban Climate, 20, pp. 251 - 267,

Nazarian N; Kleissl J, 2016, 'Realistic solar heating in urban areas: Air exchange and street-canyon ventilation', Building and Environment, 95, pp. 75 - 93,

Nazarian N; Kleissl J, 2015, 'CFD simulation of an idealized urban environment: Thermal effects of geometrical characteristics and surface materials', Urban Climate, 12, pp. 141 - 159,

Gill SE; Huizar I; Bench EM; Nazarian N; Leco KJ; Khokha R; Parks BC, 2008, 'A protective role for TIMP3 in acute lung injury', Matrix Biology, 27, pp. 45 - 45,

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