Select Publications

Conference Papers

Nazarian N, 2021, 'Can your watch predict ambient air temperature, heat stress, and thermal comfort sensation?', Virtual Conference, presented at International congress biometeorology 2021, Virtual Conference, 21 September 2021,

Naserikia M; Nazarian N; Hart MA, 2021, 'Impact of Urban Land Cover Types on Surface Temperature', Online, pp. EGU21-10521 - EGU21-10521, presented at EGU General Assembly, Online, 19 April 2021,

Naserikia M; Nazarian N; Hart M, 2021, 'Surface urban heat in different climates', Online, presented at Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Online, 04 February 2021

Nazarian N; Martilli A; krayenhoff S, 2021, 'A One-Dimensional Model of Turbulent Flow Through ‘Urban’ Canopies Based on LES', Online, presented at Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Online, 04 February 2021

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Krayenhoff SE, 2021, 'Developing an Urban Canopy Model for Neighbourhood-Scale Thermal Exposure Assessment', Online, presented at Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Online, 04 February 2021

Liu S; Nazarian N; Hart M, 2021, 'From thermal neutrality to thermal pleasure: A better direction for urban climate engineering', Online, presented at Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Online, 04 February 2021

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Christen A; Martilli A, 2020, 'A Multi-Layer Urban Canopy Meteorological Model with Trees (BEP-Tree): Street Tree Impacts on Pedestrian-Level Climate', Boston, MA, USA, presented at 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 13 January 2020,

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Krayenhoff S, 2020, 'Developing an Urban Canopy Model for Neighborhood Scale Thermal Exposure Assessment', Boston, MA USA, presented at 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA, 13 January 2020,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff S; Martilli A, 2020, 'Developing an Urban Canopy Model for neighbourhood-scale Thermal Exposure Assessment', Boston, MA, USA, presented at 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 13 January 2020,

Liu S; De Dear R; Niu J; Hart M; Nazarian N, 2020, 'From Thermal Sensation to Thermal Affect: A Multi-Dimensional Semantic Space to Assess Outdoor Thermal Comfort', Boston, MA USA, presented at 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA, 13 January 2020

Nazarian N; Blunn L; Coceal O; Plant RS; Barlow JF; Lean HW; Bohnenstengel YI, 2020, 'Neighbourhood-scale Urban Dispersion Modelling Using a Canopy Approach', Boston, MA USA, presented at 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA, 13 January 2020,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2020, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG 1.0)', Boston, MA USA, presented at 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA, 13 January 2020,

Levinson R; Ban-Weiss G; Berdah P; Chen S; Destaillats H; Dumas N; Gilbert H; Goudey H; Houzé de l’Aulnoit S; Kleissl J; Kurtz B; Li Y; Long Y; Mohegh A; Nazarian N; Pizzicotti M; Rosado P; Russell M; Slack J; Tang X; Zhang J; Zhang W, 2019, 'Solar-Reflective “Cool” Walls: Benefits, Technologies, and Implementation', India, presented at 5th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands (IC2UHI), India, 02 December 2019,

Nazarian N, 2019, 'Project CoolBit: Personal Thermal Comfort Assessments using Wearable Devices', in 14th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology 2019, presented at Human Physiology and Urban Living

Nazarian N; Miller C; Norford L; Manon K; Chow W; Lee JKW; Alhadad SB; Quintana M; Sunden L; Martilli A, 2019, 'Project CoolBit Updates: Personal Thermal Comfort Assessments using Wearable Devices.', Vienna, Austria, presented at European Geophysical Research Union, Vienna, Austria, 08 April 2019,

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2018, 'Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy: Performance Metrics for Climate-Conscious Urban Design', Budapest, Hungary, presented at EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 03 September 2018 - 07 September 2018,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff S; Martilli A, 2018, '1-D Model of Turbulent Flow through Urban Environments Informed By Large-Eddy Simulations', New York, USA, presented at 10th International Conference on Urban Climate, New York, USA, 06 August 2018 - 10 August 2018,

Nazarian N; Miller C; Martilli A; Norford L, 2018, 'Crowdsourcing Microclimate, Personal Thermal Comfort and Heat Stress, and Physiological Responses using Wearable Devices', New York USA, presented at 10th International Conference on Urban Climate, New York USA, 06 August 2018 - 10 August 2018,

Nazarian N; krayenhoff S; Martilli A, 2017, 'A One-Dimensional Model of Turbulent Flow Through ‘Urban' Canopies: Updates Based on Large-Eddy Simulation', Seattle, USA, presented at 13th Symposium of the Urban Environment/97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 23 January 2017 - 27 January 2017,

Sin T; Nazarian N; Kleissl J; Norford L, 2017, 'Detailed Evaluation of Thermal Comfort in Urban Environments: A 3D numerical model for Standard Effective Temperature', Seattle, USA, presented at 13th Symposium of the Urban Environment/ 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 23 January 2017 - 27 January 2017,

Nazarian N; Dumas N; Norford L; Kleissl J, 2017, 'Effectiveness of Cool Walls on Urban Energy and Thermal Comfort: From Semi-Arid to Tropical Climate', Seattle, USA, presented at 13th Symposium of the Urban Environment / 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA, 23 January 2017 - 27 January 2017,

Nazarian N; Sin T; Kleissl J; Martilli A; Norford L, 2016, 'IMPACTS OF REALISTIC SURFACE HEATING ON OUTDOOR THERMAL COMFORT', Quito, Ecuador, presented at First International Conference on Urban Physics, Quito, Ecuador, 26 September 2016 - 28 September 2016,

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Kleissl J, 2015, 'Urban Canopy Air Quality and Breathability', Toulouse, France, presented at ICUC9 - 9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Toulouse, France, 20 July 2015 - 24 July 2015,

Nazarian N; Kleissl J, 2014, 'Effects of Non-Uniform Wall Heating on Thermal and Momentum Fields in a 3-Dimensional Urban Environment', in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, San Francisco, USA, pp. B13I-0316 - B13I-0316, presented at American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA,

Gunathilak G; Prasannakumar A; Nazarian N; Naeimi H, 2013, 'A generalized event driven framework for building occupancy', in Simulation Series, pp. 195 - 198

Conference Posters

Abousaeidi M; Pignatta G; Nazarian N, 2023, 'Developing a decision-making tool for utilizing low-cost retrofit techniques to reduce heat gain in social housing', Sydney, presented at ICUC-11, Sydney, 28 August 2023 - 01 September 2023

Conference Abstracts

Nazarian N; Kleissl J, 2011, 'CFD simulation of Urban Environment to study building energy and Urban Heat Island (UHI) implications', in APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System, pp. G5.008 - G5.008, presented at APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Fall) 2012,


Nazarian N, 2024, Burning Money: The rising costs of heatwaves to Western Sydney,

Nazarian N, 2024, Quantifying the Risk of Airborne Disease Transmission using Smart CO2 Sensing

Nazarian N, 2023, Synthetic Turf in Public Spaces,

Nazarian N, 2022, Synthetic Turf in Public Spaces: Thermal Comfort, Heat Strain, and Heatrelated Health Risks,

Osmond P; Yu Y; Nazarian N, 2022, Mulpha Urban Cooling Design Guide, UNSW Sydney and Mulpha Norwest, Sydney,

Nazarian N, 2021, Cool Suburbs Tool - User guide and science rational

Zlatanova S; Diakite A; Barton J; Nazarian N, 2021, Liveable City Digital Twin: Analytics for agile decision making - Work package 2

Nazarian N, 2021, Neighborhood Characteristic & Climatic Zones in Norwest City,

Nazarian N, 2021, URBAN HEAT ASSESSMENT IN NORWEST City - Establishing a robust and transformational IoT sensor network and analytics,

Nazarian N; Pettit C, 2021, Urban Microclimate and Heat Mitigation Strategy for Mulpha Australia,

Nazarian N; Pettit C, 2021, Western Parklands City Sensor Network Heat & Air Quality Work Plan

Nazarian N, 2021, The Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd (WSROC) Cool Suburbs Rating Tool Science Advisory Report

Levinson R; Ban-Weiss G; Berdahl P; Chen S; Destaillats H; Dumas N; Gilbert H; Goudey H; Houzé de l’Aulnoit S; Kleissl J; Kurtz B; Li Y; Long Y; Mohegh A; Nazarian N; Pizzicotti M; Rosado P; Russell M; Slack J; Tang X; Zhang J; Zhang W, 2019, Solar-Reflective “Cool” Walls: Benefits, Technologies, and Implementation, Contract Number: EPC-14-010,

Software / Code

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Krayenhoff ES, 2019, Multi-Layer Urban Canopy Model V2.0 (MLUCM V2.0), Published: 30 September 2019, Software / Code,

Theses / Dissertations

Nazarian N, 2015, Implications of Three-Dimensional Urban Heating on Fluid Flow and Dispersion, University of California San Diego,


Lu J; Li W; Hobeichi S; Azad S; Nazarian N, 2024, Machine Learning Predicts Pedestrian Wind Flow from Urban Morphology and Prevailing Wind Direction,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart M; Krayenhoff S; Martilli A, 2023, A one-dimensional urban flow model with an Eddy-diffusivity Mass-flux (EDMF) scheme and refined turbulent transport (MLUCM v3.0),

Martilli A; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Lachapelle J; Lu J; Rivas E; Rodriguez-Sanchez A; Sanchez B; Santiago JL, 2023, WRF-Comfort: Simulating micro-scale variability of outdoor heat stress at the city scale with a mesoscale model,

Nice K; Nazarian N; Lipson M; Hart M; Seneviratne S; Thompson J; Naserikia M; Godic B; Stevenson M, 2022, Isolating the impacts of urban form and fabric from geography on urban heat and human thermal comfort,

Nice K; Nazarian N; Lipson M; Hart M; Seneviratne S; Thompson J; Naserikia M; Godic B; Stevenson M, 2022, Isolating the impacts of urban form and fabric from geography in assessing heat mitigation strategies,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff S; Bechtel B; Hondula D; Paolini R; Vanos JK; Cheung T; Chow WTL; de Dear R; Jay O; Lee JKW; Martilli A; Middel A; Norford LK; Sadeghi M; Santamouris M; Schiavon S, 2021, Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff S; Bechtel B; Hondula D; Paolini R; Vanos JK; Cheung T; Chow WTL; de Dear R; Jay O; Lee JKW; Martilli A; Middel A; Norford LK; Sadeghi M; Santamouris M; Schiavon S, 2021, Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life,

Liu S; Nazarian N; Hart M; NIU J; Xie Y; de Dear R, Predicting Dynamic Thermal Sensation (Dts) in Outdoor Settings,

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