Select Publications

Journal articles

Tretiakov OA; Morini M; Vasylkevych S; Slastikov V, 2017, 'Engineering Curvature-Induced Anisotropy in Thin Ferromagnetic Films', Physical Review Letters, 119,

De Lucia A; Litzius K; Krüger B; Tretiakov OA; Kläui M, 2017, 'Multiscale simulations of topological transformations in magnetic-skyrmion spin structures', Physical Review B, 96,

Rodrigues DR; Everschor-Sitte K; Tretiakov OA; Sinova J; Abanov A, 2017, 'Spin texture motion in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic nanowires', Physical Review B, 95,

Ado IA; Tretiakov OA; Titov M, 2017, 'Microscopic theory of spin-orbit torques in two dimensions', Physical Review B, 95,

Litzius K; Lemesh I; Krüger B; Bassirian P; Caretta L; Richter K; Büttner F; Sato K; Tretiakov OA; Förster J; Reeve RM; Weigand M; Bykova I; Stoll H; Schütz G; Beach GSD; Klaüi M, 2017, 'Skyrmion Hall effect revealed by direct time-resolved X-ray microscopy', Nature Physics, 13, pp. 170 - 175,

De Lucia A; Krüger B; Tretiakov OA; Kläui M, 2016, 'Multiscale model approach for magnetization dynamics simulations', Physical Review B, 94,

Barker J; Tretiakov OA, 2016, 'Static and Dynamical Properties of Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions in the Presence of Applied Current and Temperature', Physical Review Letters, 116,

Belashchenko KD; Tchernyshyov O; Kovalev AA; Tretiakov OA, 2016, 'Magnetoelectric domain wall dynamics and its implications for magnetoelectric memory', Applied Physics Letters, 108,

Sato K; Tretiakov OA, 2016, 'Electrically controlled pinning of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya domain walls', Applied Physics Letters, 108,

Güngördü U; Nepal R; Tretiakov OA; Belashchenko K; Kovalev AA, 2016, 'Stability of skyrmion lattices and symmetries of quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets', Physical Review B, 93,

Goussev A; Robbins JM; Slastikov V; Tretiakov OA, 2016, 'Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya domain walls in magnetic nanotubes', Physical Review B, 93,

Cahaya AB; Tretiakov OA; Bauer GEW, 2015, 'Spin seebeck power conversion', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51,

Baasanjav D; Tretiakov OA; Nomura K, 2014, 'Magnetoelectric effect in topological insulator films beyond the linear response regime', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 90,

Cahaya AB; Tretiakov OA; Bauer GEW, 2014, 'Spin Seebeck power generators', Applied Physics Letters, 104,

Tretiakov OA; Tikhonov KS; Pokrovsky VL, 2013, 'Spin resonance in a Luttinger liquid with spin-orbit interaction', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88,

TRETIAKOV OA, 2013, '27aKF-2 Domain-Wall Dynamics in Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Nanowires', , pp. 415,

Tretiakov O; Tikhonov K; Pokrovsky V, 2013, '26pXQ-5 Spin flip resonance in spin-orbit split quantum wires', , pp. 755,

Tveten EG; Qaiumzadeh A; Tretiakov OA; Brataas A, 2013, 'Staggered dynamics in antiferromagnets by collective coordinates', Physical Review Letters, 110,

Cahaya A; Bauer G; Tretiakov O, 2013, 'Spin Seebeck Thermoelectric Generators', , pp. 1899 - 1899,

Tretiakov OA; Liu Y; Abanov A, 2012, 'Domain-wall dynamics in translationally nonivariant nanowires: Theory and applications', Physical Review Letters, 108,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A; Sinova J, 2011, 'Holey topological thermoelectrics', Applied Physics Letters, 99,

Liu Y; Tretiakov OA; Abanov A, 2011, 'Electrical signature of magnetic domain-wall dynamics', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84,

Tretiakov OA; Liu Y; Abanov A, 2011, 'Power optimization for domain wall motion in ferromagnetic nanowires', Journal of Applied Physics, 109,

Tretiakov OA; Liu Y; Abanov A, 2010, 'Minimization of Ohmic losses for domain wall motion in a ferromagnetic nanowire', Physical Review Letters, 105,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A, 2010, 'Current driven mnagnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic nanowires with a dzyaloshinskii-moriya interaction', Physical Review Letters, 105,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A; Murakami S; Sinova J, 2010, 'Large thermoelectric figure of merit for three-dimensional topological Anderson insulators via line dislocation engineering', Applied Physics Letters, 97,

Tretiakov OA; Mitra A, 2010, 'Ac- and dc-driven noise and I-V characteristics of magnetic nanostructures', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81,

Clarke DJ; Tretiakov OA; Chern GW; Bazaliy YB; Tchernyshyov O, 2008, 'Dynamics of a vortex domain wall in a magnetic nanostrip: Application of the collective-coordinate approach', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 78,

Tretiakov OA; Clarke D; Chern GW; Bazaliy YB; Tchernyshyov O, 2008, 'Dynamics of domain walls in magnetic nanostrips', Physical Review Letters, 100,

Clarke D; Chern G-W; Tretiakov OA; Tchernyshyov O, 2007, 'Dynamics of a domain wall in a magnetic nanostrip: a toy model', ,

Clarke D; Tretiakov OA; Tchernyshyov O, 2007, 'Stripes in thin ferromagnetic films with out-of-plane anisotropy', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 75,

Iunin YL; Kabanov YP; Nikitenko VI; Cheng XM; Clarke D; Tretiakov OA; Tchernyshyov O; Shapiro AJ; Shull RD; Chien CL, 2007, 'Asymmetric domain nucleation and unusual magnetization reversal in ultrathin Co films with perpendicular anisotropy', Physical Review Letters, 98,

Tretiakov OA; Tchernyshyov O, 2007, 'Vortices in thin ferromagnetic films and the skyrmion number', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 75,

Tretiakov OA; Matveev KA, 2006, 'Decay of metastable current states in one-dimensional resonant tunneling devices', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 73,

Tretiakov OA; Matveev KA, 2005, 'Stochastic current switching in bistable resonant tunneling systems', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 71,

Tretiakov OA; Matveev KA, 2005, 'Reply to "Comment on 'Lifetime of metastable states in resonant tunneling structures'"', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 71,

Tretiakov OA; Gramespacher T; Matveev KA, 2003, 'Lifetime of metastable states in resonant tunneling structures', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 67, pp. 073303,

Conference Papers

Tretiakov OA, 2020, 'Topological spintronics with antiskyrmions and bimerons', in Drouhin H-JM; Wegrowe J-E; Razeghi M (eds.), Spintronics XIII, SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, pp. 120, presented at Spintronics XIII, 24 August 2020 - 28 August 2020,

Tretiakov OA, 2018, 'Skyrmionics in antiferromagnets (Conference Presentation)', in Jaffrès H; Drouhin H-J; Wegrowe J-E; Razeghi M (eds.), Spintronics XI, SPIE, pp. 110 - 110, presented at Spintronics XI, 19 August 2018 - 23 August 2018,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A, 2015, 'Topologically protected dynamics of spin textures', in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, pp. 65 - 68,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A; Sinova J, 2012, 'Thermoelectric efficiency of topological insulators in a magnetic field', in Journal of Applied Physics,

Murakami S; Takahashi R; Tretiakov OA; Abanov A; Sinova J, 2011, 'Thermoelectric transport of perfectly conducting channels in two- and three-dimensional topological insulators', in Journal of Physics: Conference Series,

Conference Abstracts

Ognev A; Samardak AS; Samardak A; Chebotkevich L; Sadovnikov AV; Nikitov S; Gerasimenko A; Cha I; Kim YJ; Tretiakov O; Kim YK, 2018, 'Interface roughness driven magnetic anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in thin films with broken structural inversion symmetry', in 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL MAGNETIC CONFERENCE (INTERMAG), IEEE, SINGAPORE, Singapore, presented at IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), SINGAPORE, Singapore, 23 April 2018 - 27 April 2018,


Chowdhury RR; Kurebayashi D; Lustikova J; Tretiakov OA; Fukami S; Singh RP; DuttaGupta S, 2025, Unraveling effects of competing interactions and frustration in vdW ferromagnetic Fe3GeTe2 nanoflake devices

Bhattacharya A; Ahmed A; PC S; Kurebayashi D; Tretiakov OA; Satpati B; DuttaGupta S; Alam A; Das I, 2024, Giant Topological Hall Effect in Magnetic Weyl Metal Mn$_{2}$Pd$_{0.5}$Ir$_{0.5}$Sn,

Vorobyev PA; Kurebayashi D; Tretiakov OA, 2024, Asymmetric Antibimerons: Statics and Dynamics,

Zhang X; Xia J; Tretiakov OA; Ezawa M; Zhao G; Zhou Y; Liu X; Mochizuki M, 2023, Chiral Skyrmions Interacting with Chiral Flowers,

Zhang X; Xia J; Tretiakov OA; Zhao G; Zhou Y; Mochizuki M; Liu X; Ezawa M, 2023, Reversible magnetic domain reorientation induced by magnetic field pulses with fixed direction,

Zhang X; Xia J; Tretiakov OA; Ezawa M; Zhao G; Zhou Y; Liu X; Mochizuki M, 2023, Laminar and transiently disordered dynamics of a magnetic skyrmion pipe flow,

Flores JS; Rov R; O'Brien J; Yick S; Pervez MF; Spasovski M; Vella J; Booth N; Gilbert EP; Tretiakov OA; Söhnel T; Ulrich C, 2023, Scaling behaviour of the helical and skyrmion phases of Cu2OSeO3 determined by single crystal small angle neutron scattering,

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