Select Publications


Shen L; Xia J; Chen Z; Li X; Zhang X; Tretiakov OA; Shao Q; Zhao G; Liu X; Ezawa M; Zhou Y, 2022, Nonreciprocal dynamics of ferrimagnetic bimerons, ,

Busel O; Gorobets O; Tretiakov OA, 2021, Spin Wave Propagation through Antiferromagnet/Ferromagnet Interface, ,

Kurebayashi D; Tretiakov OA, 2021, Skyrmion nucleation on the surface of a topological insulator, ,

Zhang X; Xia J; Tretiakov OA; Diep HT; Zhao G; Yang J; Zhou Y; Ezawa M; Liu X, 2021, Dynamic transformation between a skyrmion string and a bimeron string in a layered frustrated system, ,

Zhang X; Xia J; Shirai K; Fujiwara H; Tretiakov OA; Ezawa M; Zhou Y; Liu X, 2021, Configurable pixelated skyrmions on nanoscale magnetic grids, ,

Novitskii A; Serhiienko I; Novikov S; Ashim Y; Zheleznyi M; Kuskov K; Pankratova D; Konstantinov P; Voronin A; Tretiakov O; Inerbaev T; Burkov A; Khovaylo V, 2021, Influence of Bi substitution with rare-earth elements on the transport properties of BiCuSeO oxyselenides, ,

Xia J; Zhang X; Mak K-Y; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Zhou Y; Zhao G; Liu X, 2021, Current-induced dynamics of skyrmion tubes in synthetic antiferromagnetic multilayers, ,

Chowdhury RR; DuttaGupta S; Patra C; Tretiakov OA; Sharma S; Fukami S; Ohno H; Singh RP, 2020, Unconventional Hall effect and its variation with Co-doping in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2, ,

Shen L; Xia J; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Zhao G; Zhou Y, 2020, Signal detection based on the chaotic motion of an antiferromagnetic domain wall, ,

Zhang X; Xia J; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Diep HT; Zhao G; Liu X; Zhou Y, 2020, A Frustrated Bimeronium: Static Structure and Dynamics, ,

Shen L; Li X; Xia J; Qiu L; Zhang X; Tretiakov OA; Ezawa M; Zhou Y, 2020, Dynamics of ferromagnetic bimerons driven by spin currents and magnetic fields, ,

Samardak AS; Davydenko AV; Kolesnikov AG; Samardak AY; Kozlov AG; Pal B; Ognev AV; Sadovnikov AV; Nikitov SA; Gerasimenko AV; Cha IH; Kim YJ; Kim GW; Tretiakov OA; Kim YK, 2020, Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in thin ferromagnetic films by atomic-scale modulation of interfaces, ,

Göbel B; Mertig I; Tretiakov OA, 2020, Beyond skyrmions: Review and perspectives of alternative magnetic quasiparticles, ,

Xia J; Zhang X; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Hou Z; Wang W; Zhao G; Liu X; Diep HT; Zhou Y, 2020, Current-driven skyrmionium in a frustrated magnetic system, ,

Li X; Shen L; Bai Y; Wang J; Zhang X; Xia J; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Xu X; Mruczkiewicz M; Krawczyk M; Xu Y; Richard RFL; Chantrell RW; Zhou Y, 2020, Bimeron Clusters in Chiral Antiferromagnets, ,

Zhang X; Xia J; Shen L; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Zhao G; Liu X; Zhou Y, 2020, Static and dynamic properties of bimerons in a frustrated ferromagnetic monolayer, ,

Zhou H-A; Dong Y; Xu T; Xu K; Sánchez-Tejerina L; Zhao L; Ba Y; Gargiani P; Valvidares M; Zhao Y; Carpentieri M; Tretiakov OA; Zhong X; Finocchio G; Kim SK; Jiang W, 2019, Compensated magnetic insulators for extremely fast spin-orbitronics, ,

Liang X; Xia J; Zhang X; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Liu X; Qiu L; Zhao G; Zhou Y, 2019, Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion-Based Logic Gates Controlled by Electric Currents and Fields, ,

Akosa CA; Li H; Tatara G; Tretiakov OA, 2019, Tuning skyrmion Hall effect via engineering of spin-orbit interaction, ,

Potkina MN; Lobanov IS; Tretiakov OA; Jónsson H; Uzdin VM, 2019, Stability of Long-lived Antiskyrmions in Mn-Pt-Sn Material, ,

Shen L; Xia J; Zhang X; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Liu X; Zhao G; Zhou Y, 2019, Current-Induced Dynamics and Chaos of Antiferromagnetic Bimerons, ,

Albarakati S; Tan C; Chen Z-J; Partridge JG; Zheng G; Farrar L; Mayes ELH; Field MR; Lee C; Wang Y; Xiong Y; Tian M; Xiang F; Hamilton AR; Tretiakov OA; Culcer D; Zhao Y-J; Wang L, 2019, Antisymmetric magnetoresistance in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2/graphite/Fe3GeTe2 tri-layer heterostructures, ,

Gritsenko C; Dzhun I; Volochaev M; Gorshenkov M; Babaytsev G; Chechenin N; Sokolov A; Tretiakov OA; Rodionova V, 2018, Temperature-Dependent Magnetization Reversal in Exchange Bias NiFe/IrMn/NiFe Structures, ,

Göbel B; Mook A; Henk J; Mertig I; Tretiakov OA, 2018, Magnetic bimerons as skyrmion analogues in in-plane magnets, ,

Gritsenko C; Omelyanchik A; Berg A; Dzhun I; Chechenin N; Dikaya O; Tretiakov OA; Rodionova V, 2018, Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field Influence on Magnetic Properties of NiFe/IrMn Thin Film Structures, ,

Shen L; Xia J; Zhao G; Zhang X; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Liu X; Zhou Y, 2018, Spin torque nano-oscillators based on antiferromagnetic skyrmions, ,

Shen L; Xia J; Zhao G; Zhang X; Ezawa M; Tretiakov OA; Liu X; Zhou Y, 2018, Dynamics of the antiferromagnetic skyrmion induced by a magnetic anisotropy gradient, ,

Slastikov VV; Muratov CB; Robbins JM; Tretiakov OA, 2018, Walker solution for Dzyaloshinskii domain wall in ultrathin ferromagnetic films, ,

Kolesnikov AG; Plotnikov VS; Pustovalov EV; Samardak AS; Chebotkevich LA; Ognev AV; Tretiakov OA, 2017, Composite topological structure of domain walls in synthetic antiferromagnets, ,

Bessarab PF; Yudin D; Gulevich DR; Wadley P; Titov M; Tretiakov OA, 2017, Stability and lifetime of antiferromagnetic skyrmions, ,

Akosa CA; Tretiakov OA; Tatara G; Manchon A, 2017, Theory of Topological Spin Hall Effect in Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion: Impact on Current-induced Motion, ,

Muratov CB; Slastikov VV; Kolesnikov AG; Tretiakov OA, 2017, Theory of Dzyaloshinskii domain wall tilt in ferromagnetic nanostrips, ,

Rodrigues DR; Everschor-Sitte K; Tretiakov OA; Sinova J; Abanov A, 2017, Spin texture motion in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic nanowires, ,

De Lucia A; Litzius K; Krüger B; Tretiakov OA; Kläui M, 2017, Multiscale simulations of topological transformations in magnetic Skyrmions, ,

Tretiakov OA; Morini M; Vasylkevych S; Slastikov V, 2016, Engineering Curvature Induced Anisotropy in Thin Ferromagnetic Films, ,

De Lucia A; Krüger B; Tretiakov OA; Kläui M, 2016, Multiscale Model Approach for Magnetization Dynamics Simulations, ,

Litzius K; Lemesh I; Krüger B; Bassirian P; Caretta L; Richter K; Büttner F; Sato K; Tretiakov OA; Förster J; Reeve RM; Weigand M; Bykova I; Stoll H; Schütz G; Beach GSD; Kläui M, 2016, Skyrmion Hall Effect Revealed by Direct Time-Resolved X-Ray Microscopy, ,

Ado IA; Tretiakov OA; Titov M, 2016, Microscopic theory of spin-orbit torques and skyrmion dynamics, ,

Belashchenko KD; Tchernyshyov O; Kovalev AA; Tretiakov OA, 2016, Magnetoelectric domain wall dynamics and its implications for magnetoelectric memory, ,

Güngördü U; Nepal R; Tretiakov OA; Belashchenko K; Kovalev AA, 2015, Stability of skyrmion lattices and symmetries of quasi-two-dimensional chiral magnets, ,

Sato K; Tretiakov OA, 2015, Electrically controlled pinning of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya domain walls, ,

Barker J; Tretiakov OA, 2015, Static and Dynamical Properties of Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions in the Presence of Applied Current and Temperature, ,

Cahaya AB; Tretiakov OA; Bauer GEW, 2015, Spin Seebeck Power Conversion, ,

Goussev A; Robbins JM; Slastikov V; Tretiakov OA, 2015, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya domain walls in magnetic nanotubes, ,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A, 2015, Topologically Protected Dynamics of Spin Textures, ,

Cahaya AB; Tretiakov OA; Bauer GEW, 2013, Spin Seebeck power generators, ,

Baasanjav D; Tretiakov OA; Nomura K, 2013, Magnetoelectric effect in topological insulator films beyond the linear response regime, ,

Tretiakov OA; Tikhonov KS; Pokrovsky VL, 2013, Spin resonance in Luttinger liquid with spin-orbit interaction, ,

Tveten EG; Qaiumzadeh A; Tretiakov OA; Brataas A, 2012, Staggered Dynamics in Antiferromagnets by Collective Coordinates, ,

Tretiakov OA; Abanov A; Sinova J, 2011, Thermoelectric efficiency of topological insulators in a magnetic field, ,

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