Select Publications

Journal articles

Adam P; Horwitz P, 2005, 'Temperate coastal peatlands in Australia.', Stapfia, 85, pp. 413 - 415

Preston BJ; Adam P, 2004, 'Describing and listing threatened ecological communities under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW): Part 1- the assemblage of species and the particular area', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 21, pp. 250 - 263

Preston BJ; Adam P, 2004, 'Describing and listing threatened ecological communities under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW): Part 2 - the role of supplementary descriptors and the listing process', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 21, pp. 372 - 390

Griffith SJ; Bale C; Adam P, 2004, 'The influence of fire and rainfall upon seedling recruitment in sand-mass (wallum) heathland of north-eastern New South Wales', Australian Journal of Botany, 52, pp. 92 - 118

Adam P, 2003, 'Measuring success: Evaluating the restoration of a grassy Eucalypt woodland on the Cumberland Plain, Sydney, Australia.', Restoration Ecology, 11,, pp. 489

Kemp E; Adam P; Ashford AE, 2003, 'Seasonal changes in hair roots and mycorrhizal colonization in Wollsia pungens (Cav.) F.Muell. (Epacridaceae)', Plant and Soil, 250, pp. 241 - 248

Whinam J; Hope GA; Buxton RB; Alspach PA; Adam P, 2003, 'Sphagnum in peatlands of Australasia: Their distribution, utlisation and management', Wetlands Ecology and Management, 11, pp. 37 - 49

Adam P; Griffith SJ; Bale C; Wilson R, 2003, 'Wallum and related vegetation on the NSW Coast: description and phytosociological analysis.', Cunninghamia, 8, pp. 220 - 252

Adam P; Clarke PJ, 2002, 'Distichlis distichophylla (Labill.) Fassett, a new coastal record for a saltmarsh grass in New South Wales.', Wetlands (Australia), 12, pp. 13 - 15

Adam P, 2002, 'Rarity, rare plant species and the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act - conservation opportunities and challenges.', Cunninghamia, 7, pp. 651 - 669

Adam P, 2002, 'Saltmarshes in a time of change', Environmental Conservation, pp. 39 - 61

Adam P, 2001, 'A role for restoration ecologists in endangered community conservation ?', Ecological Management and Restoration, 2, pp. 165 - 166

Adam P; Williams G, 2001, 'Diocey, self-compatability and vegetative repoduction in Australian subtropical rainforest trees and shrubs', Cunninghamia, pp. 89 - 100

Adam P, 2001, 'Dioecy, self-incompatibility and vegetative reproduction in Australian subtropical rainforest trees and shrubs.', Cunninghamia, 7, pp. 89 - 100

Mokany K; Adam P, 2001, 'The biogeographical attributes of the threatened flora of New South Wales', Cunninghamia, pp. 873 - 892

Williams LG; Adam P, 2001, 'The insect assemblage visiting the flowers of the subtropical rainforest Pioneer tree Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Reiss. Ex Benth (Rhamnaceae)', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 123, pp. 235 - 259

Williams GA; Adam P; Mound LA, 2001, 'Thrips (Thysanoptera) pollination in Australian subtropical rainforests, with particular reference to pollination of Wilkiea huegeliana (Monimiaceae)', Journal of Natural History, pp. 1 - 21

Adam P; Mokany K, 2000, 'The biogeographical attributes of the threatened flora of New South Wales', Cunninghamia, 6, pp. 873 - 892

Williams G; Adam P, 1999, 'Pollen sculpture in subtropical rain forest plants: Is wind pollination more common than previously suspected?', Biotropica, 31, pp. 520 - 524,

Adam P, 1998, 'History and Ecology of rainforest diversity', Trends in Plant Science, 3, pp. 287 - 288,

Williams GA; Adam P, 1998, 'Pollen loads collected from large Insects in Australian subtropical rainforests', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 120, pp. 49 - 67

Adam P; Auld T; Benson D; Catling P; Dickman C; Fleming M; Gunning R; Hutchings PJ; Kemp D; Sheilds J, 1998, 'The 10 Lords of the Universe respond to Lim', Pacific Conservation Biology, 3, pp. 319 - 321

Adam P, 1997, 'Absence of creeks and pans in temperate Australian salt marshes', Mangroves and Salt Marshes, 1, pp. 239 - 241

Adam P, 1997, 'Introduction to the Botany Bay Symposium', Wetlands (Australia), 16, pp. 1 - 3

Adam P; Williams GA, 1997, 'The composition of the bee (Apoidea:Hymenoptera) fauna visiting flowering trees in New South Wales lowland subtropical rainforest remnants.', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S.W., 118, pp. 69 - 95

Adam P; Auld T; Benson D; Catling P; Dickman C; Fleming M; Gunning R; Hutchings P; Kemp D; Shields J, 1997, 'The New South Wales Threatened Speies Conservation Act. A response to Cardew.', Australian Planner, 14, pp. 204 - 207

Adam P, 1996, 'Introduction to the symposium: Living in a fire prone environment.', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S.W., 116, pp. 1 - 2

Pressey RL; Adam P, 1995, 'A review of wetland inventory and classification in Australia', Vegetatio ACTA Geobotanica, 118, pp. 81 - 101

Adam P; King RJ, 1995, 'Humans don't eat rocks.', Nature Australia, 25, pp. 80

Adam P; Clarke PJ; Hutchings PA, 1995, 'Mangroves and saltmarshes.', Kowari, 5, pp. 133 - 136

Adam P; Zedler JB; Nelson P, 1995, 'Plant organization in New South Wales saltmarshes: species mosaics and potential causes.', Wetlands (Australia), 14, pp. 1 - 18

Adam P; Williams G, 1995, 'Records of aculeate wasps from flowering subtropical rainforest trees.', Australian Entomologist, 22, pp. 51 - 58

Adam P, 1995, 'Reversing the trend.', Wetlands (Australia), 14, pp. 1 - 5

Williams G; Adam P, 1994, 'A review of rainforest pollination and plant-pollinator interactions with particular reference to Australian subtropical rainforests', Australian Zoologist, 29, pp. 177 - 212,

Williams G; Adam P, 1993, 'Ballistic pollen release in Australian members of the Moraceae', BIOTROPICA, 25, pp. 478 - 480,

Adam P, 1993, 'Botany Bay - the third runway and some issues in environmental assessment.', Australian Biologist, 6, pp. 161 - 169

Adam P, 1993, 'Lepturus repens, a grass new to the New South Wales coastal flora.', Wetlands (Australia), 12, pp. 29 - 31

Adam P, 1992, 'Australian rainforests', Australian rainforests

Adam P, 1992, 'Wetlands and wetland boundaries: problems, expectations, perceptions and reality.', Wetlands (Australia), 11, pp. 60 - 67

Adam P; Williams G, 1991, 'Rainforest remnants on headlands in the Manning Valley: their composition and conservation significance.', Wetlands (Australia), 11, pp. 21 - 30

Adam P; Smith-White AR, 1990, 'Chromosome number and morphotype of Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth. from coastal Norh West Western Australia.', Kingia, 1, pp. 321 - 325

Adam P, 1990, 'Response to papers by H.F. Recher and J.F. Whitehouse.', Australian Zoologist, 26, pp. 47 - 48

ADAM P; STRICKER P; ANDERSON DJ, 1989, 'Species‐richness and soil phosphorus in plant communities in coastal New South Wales', Australian Journal of Ecology, 14, pp. 189 - 198,

ADAM P; STRICKER P; WIECEK BM; ANDERSON DJ, 1989, 'The vegetation of seacliffs and headlands in New South Wales, Australia', Australian Journal of Ecology, 14, pp. 515 - 545,

Adam P; Mitchell ML, 1989, 'The decline of saltmarsh in Botany Bay.', Wetlands (Australia), 8, pp. 55 - 60

Adam P; Mitchell ML, 1989, 'The relationship between mangrove and saltmarsh communities in the Sydney region.', Wetlands (Australia), 8, pp. 37 - 46

Anderson DJ; Stricker P; Williams S; Adam P, 1988, 'A postulated water availability gradient in a coastal landscape: an ecophysiological analysis', Functional Ecology, 2, pp. 391 - 397,

Adam P; Smith-White AR, 1988, 'An unusual form of the saltmarsh grass Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth.', Western Australian Naturalist, 17, pp. 118 - 120

Adam P; Robinson KIM, 1988, 'State Environmental Planning Policy 14. Coastal Wetlands - an assessment.', Australian Planner, 3, pp. 38 - 43

Adam P; Wilson NC; Huntly B, 1988, 'Thy phytosociology of coastal saltmarsh vegetation in New South Wales.', Wetlands (Australia), 7, pp. 35 - 85

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