Select Publications

Journal articles

Nevile JW; Kriesler PR, 2011, 'Why Keynesian Policy Was More Successful in the Fifties and Sixties than in the Last Twenty Years', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22, pp. 1 - 16,;dn=013187439074692;res=IELBUS

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2010, 'The effects of the immigration of low-skilled workers on unemployment', International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 18, pp. 58 - 68

Junor A; Kriesler P; Quinlan M, 2009, 'Editorial', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 20,

Kriesler PR, 2009, 'The Current Financial Crisis: Causes and Policy', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 19, pp. 17 - 26,

Bateman H; Kriesler P, 2008, 'Symposium: Recent developments in regulation and implications for social inclusion', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 19, pp. 1 - 2,

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2008, 'Minimum Wages, Unions, the economy and Society', The Economics and Labour Relations Review, 19, pp. 25 - 37,

Kriesler PR; King J, 2008, 'News from Down Under', On the Horizon, 10, pp. 289 - 292

Kriesler P; Lavoie M, 2007, 'The new consensus on Monetary policy and its Post-Keynesian critique', Review of Political Economy, 19, pp. 387 - 404,

Kriesler PR; Lavoie M, 2007, 'Capacity Utilization, Inflation, and Monetary Policy: The Dumenil and Levy Macro Model and the New Keynesian Consensus', Review of Radical Political Economics, 39 No. 4, pp. 586 - 598

Lavoie P; Kriesler PR, 2006, 'The New View On Monetary Policy: The New Consensus And Its Post-Keynesian Critique',

Kriesler PR; Lavoie M, 2005, 'A critique of the new consensus view of monetary policy', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 16, pp. 7 - 15

Kriesler PR; Halevi J, 2005, 'Stagnation and Economic conflict in Europe', International Journal of Political Economy, 34, pp. 19 - 45,

Kriesler PR, 2004, 'J.E. King, A History of Post Keynesian Economics since 1936 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002), vii_316 pp., ISBN 1840644206', Australian Journal of Political Science, 39, pp. 237 - 238,

Kriesler P; Forster C; Freeland S; Pittaway E, 2003, 'Editors’ foreword', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 9, pp. i,

Kriesler P, 2002, 'Current Research on Unemployment: Introduction', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 13, pp. 175 - 177,

Kriesler P; Pittaway E; Freeland S, 2002, 'Introduction', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 8, pp. i - iii,

Kriesler PR, 2002, 'Was Kalecki an `Imperfectionist`? Davidson on Kalecki', Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 24, pp. 623 - 630,

Kriesler PR; Mcnaughton AM; Cossins AI, 2001, 'Introduction to Special Issues: Mandatory Sentencing, Rights and Wrongs', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 7, pp. 1 - 2,

Kriesler PR, 2001, 'Introduction to Symposium on Unemployment, Job Security and Health', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, pp. 1 - 3,

Kriesler PR; Halevi J, 2001, 'Political Aspects of Buffer Stock Employment', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, pp. 72 - 82,

Kriesler PR, 2001, 'What is this thing called unemployment?', Economics, 37, pp. 5 - 16

Nevile JW; Kriesler PR, 2000, 'Full employment, a neglected but indespensable and feasible human right', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 117 - 136,

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2000, 'Introduction to Symposium on the Costs of Unemployment', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 1 - 2,

Kriesler P; Nevile J, 2000, 'Symposium on the Costs of Unemployment: Introduction', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 178 - 179,

Kriesler PR; Gahan PG, 2000, 'Taxation and the labour market', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 1 - 7

Kriesler PR, 1998, 'Economic Dimensions of Human Rights: An Overview', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 4, pp. 1 - 9,

Kriesler PR; Halevi J, 1997, 'Australia deconstructed', Journal of Australian Political Economy, 39, pp. 106 - 121

Kriesler PR, 1997, 'Symposium on the Wallis report: introduction', Economic and Labour Relations Review, pp. 269 - 272

Kriesler PR; Halevi, J , 1996, 'Asia, Japan and the internationalization of effective demand', Economies et Societes, Monnaie et Production, pp. 303 - 322

Kriesler P, 1996, 'Keynes After 60 Years', History of Economics Review, 25, pp. 217 - 220,

Kriesler PR, 1996, 'Why privatize airports?', Economic and Labour Relations Review, pp. 120 - 131

Kriesler P; McGuinnes P; Sheehan P; Arndt H, 1995, 'Book Review', History of Economics Review, 23, pp. 121 - 128,

Kriesler PR, 1995, 'On writing the biography of economists', History of Economic Ideas, pp. 73 - 88


Kriesler P; McFarlane B, 1993, 'Michal Kalecki on capitalism', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 17, pp. 215 - 234,

Kriesler P, 1993, 'Reply to Steedman', Review of Political Economy, 5, pp. 117 - 118,

Kriesler P, 1992, 'Answers for Steedman', Review of Political Economy, 4, pp. 163 - 170,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 1991, 'Australian Economic Growth: A Structural Perspective (A Preliminary Report)', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 2, pp. 131 - 142,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 1991, 'Kalecki, classical economics and the surplus approach', Review of Political Economy, 3, pp. 79 - 92,

Kriesler P, 1989, 'Microeconomic Reform', Economic Papers, 8, pp. 99 - 100,

Kriesler P, 1988, 'Kalecki Pricing Theory Revisited', Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 11, pp. 108 - 130

Kriesler P, 1984, 'On Dobb's interpretation of Jevons on Ricardo', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 8, pp. 403 - 405,

Conference Papers

Kriesler PR; Harcourt GC; Nevile JW, 2013, 'Why Myths in Neoclassical Economics Threaten the World Economy: A Post-Keynesian Manifesto', in Wrightson G (ed.), Reconstructing A Full Employment Narrative: Proceedings: Refereed Papers, University of Newcastle, pp. 56 - 66, presented at CofFEE Conference 2013 : Reconstructing a Full Employment Narrative, University of Newcastle, 04 December 2013 - 05 December 2013

Levy JR; Ross P, 2013, 'No pain, no gain: taxes in Argentina and Australia, 1890-1960', in Kriesler ; Chester L; Johnson M (eds.), Heterodox economics and the crisis that won’t go away. Proceedings Refereed papers Presented at the 12th Conference of the Australian Society of Heterodox Economists, Society of Heterodox Economists, Sydney, Australia, pp. 161 - 173, presented at Conference of the Australian Society of Heterodox Economists, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, 02 December 2013 - 03 December 2013,

Harcourt G; Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2011, 'Exchange Rate Management in an Era of Global Financial Crisis with special reference to Australia', in The Way Forward - Austerity or Stimulus? Proceedings: Refereed Papers, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia, pp. 141 - 150, presented at The Way Forward - Austerity or Stimulus?, University of Newcastle, 07 December 2011 - 08 December 2011

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2010, 'Where to from here?: A 'decent' job is still a feasible human right', in "The Aftermath of the Crisis", Centre of Full Employment and Equity, Callaghan, NSW, pp. 156 - 168, presented at 12th Path to Full Employment and 17th National Unemployment Conference "The Aftermath of the Crisis", University of Newcastle, 02 December 2010 - 03 December 2010

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2009, 'A History of Aggregate Demand Policy in Australia and Lessons for Policy Today', in Labour Underutilisation - Unemployment & Underemployment: Proceedings: Refereed Papers, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia, presented at 11th Path of Full Employment Conference and 16th National Conference on Unemployment, University of Newcastle, 03 December 2009 - 04 December 2009

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2008, 'Decent work for all', in Labour Underutilisation, Skills Shortages and Social Inclusion: Proceedings: Refereed Papers, University of Newcastle, presented at 10th Path of Full Employment, University of Newcastle, 04 December 2008 - 05 December 2008

Nevile JW; Kriesler PR, 2008, 'Escaping from a Blind Alley: Disequilibrium in the Dynamic Analysis of Harrod and Kalecki', HETSA 2008 Conference Papers, University of Western Sydney, pp. 381 - 397, presented at 21st Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, University of Western Sydney, 09 November 2008 - 11 July 2008

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2007, 'WorkChoices, unions the economy and society', in 6th Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference, University of New South Wales, presented at 6th Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference, University of New South Wales, 10 December 2007 - 11 December 2007

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