Select Publications

Journal articles

Nicholls R, 2014, 'Something to remember him by: Commissioner Joaquín Almunia's farewell gift', Law and Financial Markets Review, 8, pp. 315 - 317,

Nicholls RJ; O'Brien J, 2014, 'Hanging together or hanging separately: Is competition law in the process of eclipsing financial regulation?', Law and Financial Markets Review, 8, pp. 178 - 184,

Nicholls RJ, 2014, 'Structural Separation, Interconnection and Access', Trade Practices Law Journal, 22, pp. 54 - 56,

Nicholls R, 2014, 'Telecommunications: Structural separation, interconnection and access', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF COMPETITION AND CONSUMER LAW, 22,

Nicholls R, 2013, 'Review of The Political Economies of Media: The Transformation of the Global Media Industries by Dwayne Winseck and Dal Yong Jin', Telecommunications Policy, Forthcoming

Abbas R; Michael K; Michael M; Nicholls R, 2013, 'Sketching and validating the location-based services (LBS) regulatory framework in Australia', Computer Law and Security Review, 29, pp. 576 - 589,

Nicholls R, 2012, 'Cultural discontents: cultural protection in an internet world', Ericsson Business Review, 1,

Nicholls RJ; Iglesias R; Travis A, 2012, 'Private Clouds with No Silver Lining: Legal Risk in Private Cloud Services', Communications & Strategies, 85, pp. 125 - 140,

Nicholls RJ, 2012, 'Right to Privacy: Interception and Access in Australia', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 31, pp. 42 - 49,

Nicholls R, 2008, 'Axes of integration in the delivery of audiovisual services', Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 58, pp. 13.1 - 13.21

Nicholls R; Rowland M, 2008, 'Regulating the use of telecommunications location data by Australian law enforcement agencies', Criminal Law Journal, 32, pp. 343 - 350,

Nicholls R; Waters P, 2007, 'Fair Play or Foul: Digital Rights Management Challenges under Competition Law', King and Wood IP Bulletin, December,

Nicholls RJ, 2007, 'Technological protection measures: mobile digital rights management', Copyright Reporter, 25, pp. 40 - 54

Nicholls R, 2005, 'Digital Rights Management in Television', Communications Law Bulletin, 24, pp. 11 - 13,

Jew B; Nicholls R; Alston N, 2002, 'Bandwidth after Enron and Global Crossing: new game – new rules?', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Bandwidth trading', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Waters P; Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Getting a WiFi of 3G', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Rationalisation or technical evolution? The emergence of the ‘gatekeeper portal’', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2001, 'Who Owns The Customer? Does "ARPU" have any value in the seamless grid of broadband networks?', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Nicholls R; Lidgerwood C, 2000, 'Ministerial Determination gives pause for thought to high speed internet providers', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law, 4, pp. 96 - 97

Jew B; Nicholls R; Floro A, 2000, 'New Issues for Internet Interconnection', Telecommunications International, 34, pp. 67 - 72,

Jew B; Reede M; Nicholls R, 1999, 'Connectivity on the Internet: open network provision or open competition?', Intermedia, 27, pp. 24 - 28,

Nicholls R; Garlick M, 1999, 'Proxy caching – a new fair dealing?', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Conference Papers

Nicholls R, 2018, 'Algorithm-Driven Business Conduct: Competition and Collusion', Toronto, presented at Law and Society, Toronto, 07 June 2018 - 10 June 2018

Warren NA; Nicholls R, 2018, 'Future proofing personal income tax design in a platform economy with multifarious identifiers', Monash University, Melbourne VIC, pp. 1 - 23, presented at Australasian Tax Teachers Association (ATTA) 18th Conference, Monash University, Melbourne VIC, 17 January 2018 - 19 January 2018

Nicholls RJ, 2008, '`According to the Degree of Influence`: Why Regional Commercial Radio is More Heavily Regulated than Metropolitan Commercial Television', in Record of the Communications Policy & Research Forum 2008, Sydney, presented at Communications Policy & Research Forum 2008, Sydney, 29 September 2008 - 30 September 2008

Nicholls RJ; Rowland M, 2008, 'Lost In Translation: The Australian Regime for Interception of, and Access to, Communications Content and Metadata', in Record of the Communications Policy & Research Forum 2008, Sydney, presented at Communications Policy & Research Forum 2008, Sydney, 29 September 2008 - 30 September 2008

Nicholls R; Rowland M, 2008, 'hic et nunc: Provision of location based services to law enforcement agencies', UNSW, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, presented at You are where you’ve been: Technological threats to your location

Nicholls R, 2008, 'If you step on this rung you may lose your balance: Is bitstream the highest spot on the ladder of investment?', in Dippon C (ed.), International Telecommunications Society, Montreal, presented at International Telecommunications Society Conference 2008

Nicholls R, 2008, 'Pedestrian Crossings and Superhighway Robbery: Sources of Market Power in Broadband', ACCC, Gold Coast, Australia, presented at ACCC Regulatory Conference 2008

Nicholls R, 2008, 'Regulatory reform in broadcasting: cultural exception or race to the bottom', in Levi-Faur D (ed.), European Consortium of Political Research Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, Utrecht, presented at (Re)Regulation in the Wake of Neoliberalism

Nicholls R, 2007, 'Never mind the width, feel the quality: interconnection of IP networks', Singapore, presented at CommunicAsia 2007

Nicholls R, 2007, 'The End of Cultural Protection? The IPE of the Australian Broadcasting Sector', Adelaide, Australia, presented at PhD IPE Workshop 2007

Nicholls R, 2007, 'Understanding Interconnection and Regulatory Frameworks with NGN', Singapore, presented at Next Generation Networks 2007 Summit

Nicholls R, 2006, 'Digital is different: how Australian audiovisual services were transformed from culture into commerce', in Armstrong M (ed.), Network Insight Institute, UTS, Sydney, Australia, presented at Communications Policy and Research Forum 2006

Conference Presentations

Nicholls R, 2021, 'Application Programming Interfaces: a new regulatory tool?', presented at ComplianceNet 2021, University College London, 29 June 2021 - 01 July 2021,

Nicholls R, 2021, 'Socio-Technical and Regulatory Issues Raised by COVID-19', presented at American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS2021), USA, 08 February 2021 - 11 February 2021,

Buchan J; Nicholls R, 2018, '“Outsourcing the Outsourced: Franchisor structuring and franchisee risk”', presented at Australasian Business Ethics Network, Massey University, Albany campus, 09 December 2018 - 11 December 2018

Nicholls R, 2018, 'Competition Law Issues', presented at 2018 UNSW-Tsinghua Collaboration Workshop Financial Innovation and Regulatory Change in the Context of (De)globalisation, UNSW Law School, 16 November 2018 - 16 November 2018

Nicholls R, 2018, 'Blockchains and anticompetitive conduct', presented at Tsinghua University Workshop, Tsinghua University Law School, 31 October 2018 - 31 October 2018

Nicholls R, 2018, 'Algorithm-Driven Business Conduct: Competition and Collusion', presented at East Asia Academic Network on Competition Policy and Law, Sydney, 29 August 2018 - 29 August 2018,

Nicholls R, 2018, 'Algorithm-Driven Business Conduct: Competition and Collusion', presented at Corporate Law and Finance Meets Antitrust Policy: Old and New Questions, University of Lund, 26 June 2018 - 27 June 2018,

Nicholls RJ; Fisse B, 2017, 'Concerted Practices and Algorithmic Coordination: Does the Proposed Concerted Practices Prohibition Compute?', presented at Law Council of Australia Competition and Consumer Law Workshop, 04 August 2017 - 05 August 2017,

Morris C; Nicholls RJ, 2017, 'Do it once, get it right: Wholesale regulatory intervention in price and cost disclosure', presented at 25th Colloquium of Superannuation Researchers, UNSW, 06 July 2017 - 07 July 2017,

Nicholls RJ, 2017, 'Mind the gap: Platform ethics and competition issues', presented at ITS Kyoto 2017, Kyoto, 24 June 2017 - 11 July 2017,

Nicholls R, 2012, 'Competitive neutrality and net neutrality: the modern Australian dual model and PSB policy', presented at RIPE@2012

Nicholls R, 2012, 'Regulatory Issues Facing the Global Deployment of M2M Communications', presented at CommunicAsia 2012

Nicholls R, 2011, 'Please hold for your connection: Determining points of interconnection for open access broadband', presented at Regional ITS Conference, Taipei 2011

Nicholls R, 2009, 'Anytime, Any Place Anywhere: Interception and Access Based on Location', presented at Australia New Zealand Society of Criminology

Nicholls R, 2009, 'Blame it on the Bikies: Restriction on Freedoms as a Response to Gang Violence', presented at Australia New Zealand Society of Criminology

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