Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Nicholls R, 2009, 'Capital punishment: regulatory reforms in commercial television broadcasting', presented at Communications Policy and Research Forum 2009

Nicholls R, 2009, 'Competing for attention: The role of the state in broadband network deployment', presented at International Telecommunications Society Regional Conference

Nicholls R, 2009, 'Digital Dividend: International issues and implications for Australia', presented at The digital dividend: reaping the benefits of analogue switch off

Nicholls R, 2009, 'Merely Players: Using Evolutionary Concepts in Regulatory Analysis', presented at Law and Society 2009

Nicholls R; Rowland M, 2009, 'O Canada: telecommunications interception policy as embedded liberalism', presented at Communications Policy and Research Forum 2009

Nicholls R, 2006, 'Interconnection of next generation networks: A regulatory perspective', presented at International Telecommunications Society Conference 2006

Nicholls R, 2005, 'Bypass and Transit: Arbitrage Issues in International Interconnection and Revenue Reporting in Developing Countries', presented at Pacific Telecommunications Conference 2005

Nicholls R, 2005, 'Telecommunications Regulation and the Global Digital Divide', presented at Communications Policy and Research Forum 2005

Nicholls R, 2003, 'SMS: Today’s Interactive Television', presented at International Telecommunications Society Regional Conference

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Bandwidth Trading', presented at Communications Research Forum 2002

Nicholls R, 2001, '3G auctions in Hong Kong', presented at Network Insight Spectrum Seminar

Nicholls R; Henderson A, 2000, 'Options for Broadband Access and the Identification of Competitive Outcomes', presented at Communications Research Forum 2002

Jew B, 2000, 'Peering – Competition and Regulatory Issues', presented at Internet Carriage – Charging Peering and Chaos

Jew B; Nicholls R, 1999, 'Internet connectivity: Open competition in the face of commercial expansion', presented at Pacific Telecommunications Conference 1999

Conference Abstracts

Nicholls R, 2021, 'Application Programming Interfaces: A new regulatory tool?', in ComplianceNet Conference 2021, University College, London, presented at ComplianceNet 2021, University College, London, 29 June 2021 - 01 July 2021,

Nicholls R, 2021, 'Regulatory design for Regtech compliance and enforcement', in Regulatory Governance: Who carries the conversation?, University of Exeter, presented at 8th Biennial ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, University of Exeter, 23 June 2021 - 25 June 2021,

Nicholls R, 2021, 'Shaming a Sector: Regulatory responses to the Hayne Royal Commission', in Regulatory Governance: Who carries the conversation?, University of Exeter, presented at 8th Biennial ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, University of Exeter, 23 June 2021 - 25 June 2021,

Nicholls R, 2021, 'When the Price is Right: AI in Final Offer Arbitration', in Pricing Technologies and their Economic and Social Consequences, Florence, presented at Pricing Technologies and their Economic and Social Consequences 2021, Florence, 24 March 2021 - 25 March 2021,


Bennett Moses L; Kemp K; Lee A; Manwaring K; Nicholls R, 2023, UNSW Allens Hub Submission into Inquiry into Artificial Intelligence (AI) in New South Wales,

Bennett Moses L; Kemp K; Lee A; Manwaring K; Nicholls R, 2023, Submission to Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence (Parliament of South Australia),

Bennett Moses L; Lloyd-Jones S; Nicholls R, 2023, Submission for 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper,,

Lloyd-Jones S; Manwaring K; Berger T; Nicholls R; Bennett Moses L, 2022, Complex Regimes: Mapping Australia's Cyber Security Regulatory Landscape for Cloud Services,

Kemp K; Nicholls R, 2022, Balancing the Competition, Consumer Protection and Privacy Regulation of Digital Platforms: Submission in response to the ACCC Digital Platform Services Inquiry Discussion Paper on Updating Competition and Consumer Law for Digital Platform Services, Submission in response to the ACCC Digital Platform Services Inquiry Discussion Paper on Updating Competition and Consumer Law for Digital Platform Services,

Manwaring K; Kemp K; Nicholls R, 2021, (mis)Informed Consent in Australia (Report for iappANZ, 31 March 2021), UNSWorks, Sydney,,

Bennett Moses L; Zalnieriute M; Nicholls R; Yastreboff M; Di Marco B; Whitty M, 2021, Submission to Inquiry into Draft Critical Infrastructure Asset Definition Rules,

Asher A; Asher R; Nicholls R; Hsu G, 2021, Submission on Strategies for developing the Digital Economy,

Bennett Moses L; Zalnieriute M; Hartstein D; Nicholls R, 2020, Submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Ad Tech Inquiry,

Kemp K; Nicholls R, 2019, Submission in response to ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry Draft Report

Kemp K; Nicholls R, 2018, Submission to the Australian Treasury on the Treasury Laws Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Bill 2018 - Exposure Draft,

Evans C; Healey DJ; Nehme M; Nicholls R; Penel C, 2015, Competition in Financial Services, Centre for International Finance and Regulation,

Mitchell B; Paterson P; Dodd M; Reynolds P; Jung A; Waters P; Nicholls R; Ball E, 2007, Economic study on IP interworking, GSM Association, London

Waters P; Nicholls R; Ball E, 2007, Spectrum allocation processes: A review of global experience, Gilbert + Tobin, Sydney

Working Papers

Nicholls R; Evans C, 2015, The Nature of Competition in Australian Retail Banking, Centre for International Finance and Regulation, Sydney, http://dx.doi.org10.4225/50/583dffeead273,

Nicholls R; Donald S; Liu K, 2015, It's a Small World after All: Using Social Network Analysis to Investigate Systemic Risk in the Australian Superannuation Sector,

Vezzoso S; Nicholls R, Decentralised Digital Ecosystems and Competition Law: A Conceptual Framework, Elsevier BV, http://dx.doi.org10.2139/ssrn.3484479,


Nicholls R, 2023, Do you trust AI to write the news? It already is – and not without issues,

Nicholls R, 2023, The $500 million ATO fraud highlights flaws in the myGov ID system. Here’s how to keep your data safe,

Nicholls R; Swan P, 2023, The great construction company collapse: when your builder goes bust,

Nicholls R, 2023, Associate Professor Rob Nicholls Warns About Giving Away Work Secrets On ChatGPT,

Nicholls R, 2023, Have you given away secrets on ChatGPT?,

Nicholls R, 2022, The rise of regulatory co-design and the law,

Nicholls R, 2022, The power of tech giants has made them as influential as nations. Here’s how they’re sanctioning Russia,

Nicholls R, 2021, Has the News Media Bargaining Code struck the right balance?,

Nicholls R, 2021, Commentary: Facebook, Google and Australia win some and lose some over new media laws,

Nicholls R, 2021, This week’s changes are a win for Facebook, Google and the government — but what was lost along the way?,

Nicholls R, 2020, In a world first, Australia plans to force Facebook and Google to pay for news (but ABC and SBS miss out),

Nicholls R; Kemp K, 2020, No more negotiating: new rules could finally force Google and Facebook to pay for news,

Kemp K; Nicholls R, 2020, No more negotiating: new rules could finally force Google and Facebook to pay for news,

Kemp K; Nicholls R, 2019, The federal government’s response to the ACCC’s Digital Platforms Inquiry is a let down,

Nicholls R; Kemp K, 2019, The Conversation: Oz plan to rein in digital giants,

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